Which PG would you like to acquire?

As much as we like Beno, it is obvious that the Kings have a problem at PG which reflects into the team's ability to finish plays and/or to finish games, in addition to overall decision-making and ball handling.

The team has a promising nucleus of Hawes/Thompson/Martin but for them to succeed, they'd need a stronger play maker.

In this sense, what PG would the Kings fans like to see on the roster and who is realistically available in the near future either through draft, free agency or trade?

no Marbury please, anybody else except Marbury. I don't want someone to screw our chemstry, same goes for Francis
Ramon Sessions would be great btw but I highly doubt Bucs would just give him away
Anyways I'm actually fine with beno as our pg in future!
i am fine with beno too right now...he also has chance ti improve his play...I don't know how will that sound...but....we must be patient right now...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
i am fine with beno too right now...he also has chance ti improve his play...I don't know how will that sound...but....we must be patient right now...

So says the guy/gal from Slovenia. ;)

But its actually true. All those PGs you would want to come in and take over the helm who might be (or are) better than Beno = are nto available midseason. Chris Paul is not getting traded. Either is Deron Williams or even Jose Calderon. You might be able to get an old vet, but the last thing we need in here is an old vet. There might be a few middling guys available -- Raymond Felton etc., but the problem is that the teams wanting to move middling guys all want to move them for somebody better at the position too. And so you are really left with marginal guys. One of Portland's guys might be available, but that's probably just upgrading your backup. Cleveland has spare guys, and there is some potential there if they are willing to pay the luxury tax next year and take some of our spare frontcourt contracts, but again, you're not getting back Mo Williams so you are talking about backup type guys.

The answer to the PG issue lies in this upcoming offseason and the next. We either draft our guy, or clear up cap space and sign him as a free agent. But this year its Beno, and this thread is a bit oddly timed actually because he's finally come around and is starting to play some pretty good ball. See how he does given a full season, and then readdress it after the year. This season is all about answering those questions, playing the kids and question marks and seeing what we have. Then you have the next two offseasons with significant assets (lottery picks and free agent money) to patch whatever still needs to be patched.
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The Kings have other immediate needs instead of trashing Beno Udrih. He's really the least of their personnel problems in the big picture of things. Must be something about being a Kings PG - meaning you need a VERY THICK SKIN. First Jason Williams got dumped on and later Mike Bibby received similar treatment. Not that both of them did not deserve plenty of criticism after we'd seen them tail off at the end of their long stays in Sac. It would seem fair to at least give Beno one full season with the team before making a snap judgment that he too should be tossed aside.

Thankfully, he's no Orien Green or Cisco Garcia pretending to be a PG as was the desperate move at beginning of last season. Now the Kings backup PG's are the two Bobby's - Brown and Jackson who reveal weak inexperience and end of career age factors as combo guards respectively. Garcia could still be the in pinch back-up PG.

Beno is a TRUE PG who is valuable to the Kings whether he starts or not - and his starting right now is critical for any team success in 2008-09. The offensive flow often stagnates when he's not in the game as a proven NBA floor general. When Brad Miller is not in at center at least the high post offense remains somewhat in tact with Hawes, Mikki or whoever else is passing, setting picks out of it. Beno looks to get his teammates involved first much like Miller, works well in tandem with back court mate K-Mart, and at 26 is still young - just 6 months older than Kevin.

As Beno goes, the cold hard reality is - so goes the Kings this season. GO KINGS!!


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
I think it's a tough time for fans, as the youth is developing and needs time to mature, which generally means things stand pat unless something amazing falls in our lap. Beno, as stated before, is playing better, AND isn't going anywhere. If/when he's replaced, it'll most likely be for a better player, which means Beno now becomes the backup, OR, a rookie is drafted, in which case Beno plays again next year, unless the rookie is NBA-ready, which really depends on where we draft.

I hate to say it, but it seems we're circling the airport in a holding pattern until we receive further notice. Enjoy the peanuts; they're complementary.


Hall of Famer
The Kings have other immediate needs instead of trashing Beno Udrih. He's really the least of their personnel problems in the big picture of things. Must be something about being a Kings PG - meaning you need a VERY THICK SKIN. First Jason Williams got dumped on and later Mike Bibby received similar treatment. Not that both of them did not deserve plenty of criticism after we'd seen them tail off at the end of their long stays in Sac. It would seem fair to at least give Beno one full season with the team before making a snap judgment that he too should be tossed aside.

Thankfully, he's no Orien Green or Cisco Garcia pretending to be a PG as was the desperate move at beginning of last season. Now the Kings backup PG's are the two Bobby's - Brown and Jackson who reveal weak inexperience and end of career age factors as combo guards respectively. Garcia could still be the in pinch back-up PG.

Beno is a TRUE PG who is valuable to the Kings whether he starts or not - and his starting right now is critical for any team success in 2008-09. The offensive flow often stagnates when he's not in the game as a proven NBA floor general. When Brad Miller is not in at center at least the high post offense remains somewhat in tact with Hawes, Mikki or whoever else is passing, setting picks out of it. Beno looks to get his teammates involved first much like Miller, works well in tandem with back court mate K-Mart, and at 26 is still young - just 6 months older than Kevin.

As Beno goes, the cold hard reality is - so goes the Kings this season. GO KINGS!!
Well, you beat me to it, and probably said it better, or nicer that I would have. To me the problem is not with Beno, especially of late. The problem is with whoever comes in as the backup. Brown has been erratic. He's plays well enough in one game for me to think there's hope, and then comes in the next game and forgets that he's a point guard. BJax, because of his age is mostly erratic with his shooting, and despite great effort, has trouble staying in front of his man.

So assuming that Beno wins his place in our hearts, and Petrie's, we still need a serious upgrade at the backup pt position. Unless Brown has a revelation from God.
The perfect PG for this team would be Chris Paul. Now that would impossible for to get. So we should stay the course and hopefully we are able to get one in the draft.
I said this last year. Beno is a good choice for a couple or so years (kinda like a Jason Williams situation) – until we can find a better one (either in a trade or through the draft). He seems like he’s getting back to speed. I’m not really worried about him. There’s other guys I’m more concerned with. But if I had to pick another point guy…

Fantasy – Chris Paul. The guy can penetrate, go quick, kick out, whatever. He controls the team. But this is a fantasy thought….Another guy that would be good but probably not possible: Jose Calderon.

Unless someone just falls into our laps, I think the only way we’re getting the point guard that some people (if not all) want to see is going to be going through the draft (I want a guy that can run the team, is quick as light, can see the floor and will pass, and get the team organized and insync)…From what people are saying – I haven’t seen him play – but Ricky Rubio should be a stellar pick. They say he’s a team guy, is fast, and can and will kick out to his teammates. Has anybody watched this kid play? Is he as good as projected or is just another hype player. But if he’s as good as people say, I don’t think (unless we’ve got the #1 pick) we’re going to get him.


devin harris or sergio would be nice... tj ford is not available anymore... but i would love to have him as our starting pg... trade bobby jackson and douby w/pick for tj ford... but the pacers wont do that trade. they would probably trade tinsley but who wants him? unless we trade beno for him.... that would knock 2 years off of beno contract.

now that i think about it, tinsley wouldnt be that bad if it were for beno and douby.... as long as he agrees to stop shooting so many threes... 11ppg/8ast not bad...
Brandon Jennings. An athlete that has all the tools to become a all-star. His numbers have not been legendary in europe but he is only 19 and going up against solid compition. I think he is learning the game well.
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Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
I want the speediest pass-first PG available at around #13 in the 2009 draft.
That will probably be Darren Collison or Tywon Lawson. Rubio and Jennings will go higher, as will Holiday if he enters. Patrick Mills is another possibility, but I haven't seen him play so I don't know if he's speedy or pass-first. (Actually, Holiday probably isn't pass-first, either, but if he turns out to be Dwyane Wade with actual point guard skills I don't think you can turn that down even if he does look for his own shot.)

Hmm...right now it looks like there could be 6 PGs taken in the lottery (7 if you consider Tyreke Evans to be a PG). That's a lot. And I'm not super high as of now on the big men available. If you'd asked me before last draft if I'd rather go [Bayless (2008), Big (2009)] or [Thompson (2008), PG (2009)] I'd have taken the former. But as of now the latter is looking like the better option.
Ricky Rubio just turned 18 less than a month ago. He's playing in the top European league for past 2 years against "men" and is as dominant at his position as any PG - if not the top Euro prospect on the board. But being top prospect on the board does not mean he'll be in the NBA next season. Rubio is under contract by his team in Spain and paid very well - besides huge commercial endorsements (said to dwarf his basketball salary). He may be the next Pete Maravich or something close, but The Pistol played 4 years of NCAA basketball and did not enter the NBA until he was 23. We may not see the dazzling Ricky Rubio in the Association a couple years at least.
A bust? A rookie is already a bust? Wow.
I think it's a product of several things, one of course being the environment, and another being his solid but unspectacular play. The environment plays a key role--Memphis is littered with so many players who can play the point--besides Conley, there's Mayo who can switch over, and Kyle Lowry is an underrated and more than adequate backup so Conley will have to look over his shoulder every now and then. And then their third stringer is another first round pick, 6'5" Javaris Crittenton. I think Conley has done a solid job under those circumstances--he has a sick assist per turnover ratio already as a rookie, unlike most rookie PGs who tend to press the issue and rack up turnovers to make an impact. He can't shoot and that was shown in his rookie year (his inability to shoot threes), and while that could be a problem later on if he doesn't improve, it doesn't really matter in the first year. As for the second issue--in this league of flashy PGs and guard hybrids (CP3, DWill, Stuckey, Roy etc) it's tough to get noticed if you're only an averagely athletic PG lacking in the height category, especially playing for a losing team. I think Conley's basketball IQ and tenacity will overcome that stigma, but based on his rookie season it's hard to call him a bust--he did good things like rack up assists w/out turning the ball over, and played solid defense. The difference is Adam Morrison--his rookie year he played quite a bit and scored over 10+ ppg, but it was easy to discern that he was a bust in the making due to his extremely poor efficiency--played no D, shot bricks from both 2-ptrs and 3-ptrs, couldn't rebound, pass, etc--and that showed.
Not to mention Memphis's state of limbo right now--seems like they are vested in the financial end rather than in winning games, so it's no wonder why Conley may potentially be in the block--although I think Crittenton and Lowry are the ones who are truly up for trade.
A bust? A rookie is already a bust? Wow.
I'm not judging I'm just reporting based on what I've read (I do not fervently follow the Grizzlies), and I am not even on the kids jock really. I'm just saying they seem maybe a little disappointed in him, and maybe he becomes available. That's all.

When does a guy become eligible to call a bust? As a #4 overall, you'd have to consider him a disappointment thus far at least?

Sorry if I seemingly insulted a player you like or something... was not my intention.


Nov 15 Point guard Mike Conley is getting more and more heat for his lackluster performances. Conley had seven points, seven rebounds, four assists and four steals against the Bucks, but he hit just 3-of-9 shots and he still plays with an alarming lack of urgency in late-game situations. It's getting where coach Marc Iavaroni has stuck O.J. Mayo at the point with the shot clock running out, because of his ability to break down defenders and finish with stop-and-pop jumpers or floaters.