Tropical Island Video Game Draft -- Pending playoffs

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I don't see any point in delaying things, really. He's been online since Spike made his last pick as well. What's the usual routine here in these cases? Anyone?
Anyways, I really don't see the point in delaying things, so I'm gonna PM venom. To be fair to Gary, I'm not gonna count this as a time-out until 24 hours after Spike's last pick.

Out of the Park Baseball 9 (2008) - PC

Figured that this one was probably under no threat whatsoever, but its still time to nab it. I think quite possibly the best sports management sim in the gaming world for at least the last 5 years, and every year they tweak it a little more. .
Maybe for baseball (BTW I like Baseball Mogul then OOTP) but Football manager/Championship Manager has been the best management sim since the genre started, heck Championship Manager popularize the genre.
Changing my mind here quite a few times. Anyway, time for another PC pick, and in my top 5 PC games ever.

Carmageddon (1997) - PC


A "racing" game that I have played many, many hours....without ever completing a race. Sure, you CAN race in this game, but even your opponents don't go around the track. The real point of this game is to pretty much run down anything that moves for time bonuses and cash. You play as either Die Anna or Max Damage. To win, you must finish the race or "waste" every opponent (5 opponents, some of which are VERY hard to waste). That is, to completely destroy their vehicle. You acquire new vehicles throughout the game, and you can buy upgrades to your armor, engine and offensive weapons. You can also gain abilities within each level to help (or hurt) you, such as super speed, invulnerability, low gravity, and things of that nature. Think of them as "perks" like in CoD. A GREAT game, unfortunately probably overshadowed by its less than impressive sequels.

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Sorry folks.. i think my adblock is screwing my PMs up. It used to pop up when I had a PM, and now it's not..

Sorry.. I see I missed a couple..

First pick is Icewind Dale 2 - PC 2003

Second is Operation Flashpoint
- PC 2001



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Sorry folks.. i think my adblock is screwing my PMs up. It used to pop up when I had a PM, and now it's not..

Sorry.. I see I missed a couple..

First pick is Icewind Dale 2 - PC 2003

Second is Operation Flashpoint - PC 2001

I'm trying to remember if I ever played IW2, btu the second game I know well -- my youngest brother absolutely loved it to death and got pretty serious into its modding/campaign design community.
An ultimate sleeper, and for me the easy pick for best third-person shooter ever conceived.

Jet Force Gemini (1999) - Nintendo 64

Another Rare gem. They really could do no wrong in the Nintendo 64 era. Just goes to show you how important a developing team's producer is. How many games of this quality has Rare produced since it cut ties with Nintendo?

This game is loaded, and it fills the all-to-little-used genre of third person shooter/adventure. There is another similar title I could have picked, very underrated and undersold as well, that just had a sequel announced, but I'll leave that pick to someone else (someone better tack it).

This game was played by very little, much like previous pick Eternal Darkness, but it still remains one of my all time favorites. During the game you switch between twins Juno and Vela and their guard dog Lupus. There are dozens of different worlds and levels, an extensive story, dozens of weapons, hundreds of enemies, dozens of side-quests and hilarious and cool things to find on the way (like an alien bug nightclub that you infiltrate as Vela dressed in a psuedo-bug suit, watch the bug bands and "strippers," etc.). Hundreds of hours of replay value here and a cool multiplayer mode to top it off. Its too bad the last part will go to waste! :D
I am going with an all-time favorite here:
Escape Velocity: Nova for PC (2002)

[yt=A Little Demo]Zx5gKyc8t_o[/yt]
I really do not expect anyone to know this title, but please check it out. The original in the series was my favorite Mac game and I have always had some version of this game on every computer I have owned. Escape Velocity Nova bring the Escape Velocity experience to the PC. It is an open ended game where you fly through space from system to system doing, basically, whatever you want. Want to be a space miner? Do it! Want to disable ships and pirate their cargo or steal the ship? Go for it! What to get mixed up in a war? No problem! What to become an interplanetary delivery man? Easy as cake! The other cool features about this game are the ability to ad plug-ins that can change the appearance of ships, add ships or weapons, etc... there is, also, the famous plunger ship that started this wacky fascination I have with this game. Also, whatever ship you have, you can upgrade or change features on it depending on what you want to do and how much cash and security clearance you have.

Play this game!
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Seems like the one day I don't have time to check the site is always when I'm up, anyway sorry for the delay

Metal Gear Solid 3 snake eater - Ps2 2004



Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Myst [PC]

This game drove me nuts. One of those games you could convince your Mom was actually helping you in life. :p

that's right -- you reminded me that I have been meaning to pick up an old copy of that game here at some point just to finish it off. Abandoned it a decade ago after a computer died on me, along with my progress. that always annoys me when I'm well into a game, and I have a tendency to go back and finish them off years later just to say I did.


Hall of Famer
Time to show love to one of my dirty little secrets.

Pokemon Diamond - DS - (2007)

Probably my favorite in the series since the original. Decent use of the touchscreen, a huge lot of creatures to collect. But the best part? The game makes use of the DS Nintendo Wi-Fi to let you trade with people all over the world. Put a Pokemon up for sale, ask for what you want in return. Come back later to find you have a brand new creature ready to be trained/leveled/Etc.
I got myself a shiney lvl. 100 Deoxys for essentially nothing!
This game is just a fantastic way to waste hours upon hours upon hours.
I think my list is lacking in dancing pandas and general insanity, so...

Katamari Damacy -- PS2 (2004) -- I will admit to a bit of a love/hate relationship with this game. On the one hand, I think that every little bit of its Japanese weirdness is brilliant and entertaining. On the other hand, however... I have yet to beat this game, which causes endless shame and embarassment. Both of my little sisters, several of my friends, and even my non-gamer step-mother have beaten the game, and all of its sequels, several times over. Yet, I still can't seem to master the cursed 6 meter katamari. :eek: Alone on an isalnd, though, perhaps I can finally conquer it. And, once I do, there would be tons of replayability in trying to collect every single item available in the game. To top it off, I seriously love this game's soundtrack. No foolin'. So this would also be like taking along an album.

[yt=This was enough to get me hooked]jpFFzWPzA2c[/yt]


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
There must be a disturbance in the Force, my turn again and it isn't the 10th yet! :p

For my first game I would like:

Chessmaster XI: Grandmaster Edition (PC)

I too was looking for a chess game to take, and this is a very highly rated series. From wiki:

Critical reaction to the Chessmaster series has been mostly positive. GameSpot commented that "Chessmaster has remained the consummate standard in console chess games since the '80s."[10] IGN said that "the series itself remains the best way to play and learn about chess on the PC."[11]
Chessmaster: Grandmaster Edition, the most recent PC edition of the series, scored positive reviews, with PC Gamer saying: "this one-stop shop for an entire chess-playing and learning family should last until you're all grandmasters."[12] Chessmaster 10th Edition holds an 84% rating on review aggregator site Game Rankings.[13] IGN gave Chessmaster 10th Edition a score of 8.4/10, calling it "the best chess game in town."[11] GameSpot's review of Chessmaster 10th Edition said, "If you're looking for a good chess program that's packed with a plethora of features and all the bells and whistles, you'll be very happy with Chessmaster 10th Edition.
For the second pick, I think I want to take a truly 6 degree of freedom game:

Descent II: The Infinite Abyss (1997) for the PC.

I loved the original Descent and this one when they came out, zipping along underground corridors blasting enemy ships to bits. The 6 DOF means you can hover in place and move in any direction, including up and down, independently (like a space ship or helicopter). You can also get very disoriented easily, so it takes a strong stomach and sense of direction to play this. Ooodles of fun. The newer version has fancier graphics, but isn't as much fun to play based on what I have read (haven't tried that one myself).

This version of the game includes the expansion pack, so more corridor-flying goodness for me!


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This next game is, admittedly, very flawed, but its sense of humor was enough to get me through.

Whiplash -- PS2 (2003)
-- There are huge issues with this game. It can get a little repetitive, the map system is completely incomprehensible, there are numerous moments in which the objective becomes a mystery, and much of the gameplay involves lots of running back and forth through the same levels to trigger different events. Thanks to all of this, there were two separate occasions the first time I played this game where I was totally lost and spent literally hours running through rooms and corridors in an attempt to figure out what the **** I needed to do to progress the game. Which sucked. And, yet, despite the many problems, and the game's lack of replay insentive, I've played it through three times already. It's an oddly charming tale of an over-tested and slightly phsychotic labratory weasel, handcuffed to a rabbit (it is the poor rabbit that serves as melee weapon, grappling hook, lock pick, and a propeller for gliding), trying to escape the lab and set the other animals free.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
There must be a disturbance in the Force, my turn again and it isn't the 10th yet! :p

For my first game I would like:

Chessmaster XI: Grandmaster Edition (PC)

I too was looking for a chess game to take, and this is a very highly rated series. From wiki:

For the second pick, I think I want to take a truly 6 degree of freedom game:

Descent II: The Infinite Abyss (1997) for the PC.

I loved the original Descent and this one when they came out, zipping along underground corridors blasting enemy ships to bits. The 6 DOF means you can hover in place and move in any direction, including up and down, independently (like a space ship or helicopter). You can also get very disoriented easily, so it takes a strong stomach and sense of direction to play this. Ooodles of fun. The newer version has fancier graphics, but isn't as much fun to play based on what I have read (haven't tried that one myself).

This version of the game includes the expansion pack, so more corridor-flying goodness for me!

Ahem -- I just took Chessmaster Grandmaster Edition to start this round. Go get your own. :p
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