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Give blood and save a life!
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Ran across this today and thought it was great. :D

[yt=Large Hadron Collider (supercollider) Rap]j50ZssEojtM[/yt]

And the end credits have a funny thrown in as well.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Boy Who Survives 60-Foot Cliff Plunge Calls Himself ‘Buzz Lightyear Without Wings’,2933,421467,00.html

Lucky British nine-year-old Jak Theyer plunged 60 feet off a cliff — and landed on his feet.
He somehow missed crashing on to two rocks and landed on sand in between them.
And amazingly his only injury was a minor fracture to his pelvis.
“It was like being Buzz Lightyear — except my wings didn’t come out,” Theyer joked Thursday.
He had gone to the beach at Gwithian, Cornwall, with his two grandmothers, sister Daisy, six, and three-year-old brother Callum.
Excited Jak ran to the cliff-top path from the parking lot and shot straight over the edge — landing next to a stunned woman sunbather.
“I suddenly realized there was a cliff and I couldn’t stop,” Theyer, of Newbury, Berks, said. “I had to jump and there were rocks at the bottom — but I managed to land between a big one and a smaller one.”
He was airlifted to an area hospital, but after a battery of tests doctors could only find two fine cracks in his pelvis.
Theyer, who is using a walker to get around while he recovers — added: “I know I’m very lucky.”


Give blood and save a life!
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Animal Lover Dies From Rat Scratch Days After Rescuing Rodent

Discovering a rat trapped in a wire bird feeder in her back garden animal lover Carol Colburn was swift to act.
The mother-of-three ignored the pleas of her husband to wear gloves and set about freeing the terrified animal.
But she paid for her act of kindness with her life.
The 56-year-old suffered scratches and cuts to her hands in the process of releasing the creature. Unknown to her she had contracted the rare - but deadly - Weil's disease.
Although it can be treated, the disease - most commonly transmitted to humans by bacteria in the urine of rats - is potentially fatal.
Housewife Mrs Colburn died in hospital just six days after being scratched by the rat.



Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
I don't know how to embed the youtube bit, so here's a link to something the Mythbusters did which has made me rethink the use of dry non-dairy creamer in my coffee...
Pretty easy, actually:


Just replace the initial " and last " with [ and ], respectively, and there you go:


Try it!


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Explosive Real Estate: Florida Homes Built Atop WWII Bombing Range,2933,424243,00.html

ORLANDO, Fla. — When residents of several neighborhoods near Orlando International Airport go to bed, they wonder what most homeowners don't: Is there a bomb under my house?
They recently learned their 8-year-old developments were built on a World War II bombing range that wasn't thoroughly cleared. Now they're scared for their lives and investments and angry with developers and local government officials who residents claim shouldn't have allowed the homes in the first place.
There are hundreds of former bombing and artillery training ranges across the U.S., but few have 2,000 homes sitting on top of them.
Since the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers began sweeping the Orlando neighborhoods a year ago, they've found more than 200 munitions and other potentially volatile remnants. Some weighed up to 23 pounds. Most were recovered on the grounds of a middle school, including one lodged beneath the landing pit for the long jump.



Give blood and save a life!
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Officials to Pave Over Music-Making Asphalt,2933,425695,00.html

LANCASTER, Calif. — Residents of northern Los Angeles County are not grooving to this music.
Lancaster city officials said this week that they're paving over a quarter-mile strip of asphalt grooved to play the William Tell Overture when auto tires speed over it.
The road was completed this month as part of an ad campaign for Honda. It's engineered to play the overture — also known as the theme to "The Lone Ranger" — at perfect pitch for motorists driving Honda Civics at 55 mph.
But neighbors aren't amused. One says the road music sounds like a high-pitched drone. Another says it keeps him and his wife up at night.
Lancaster officials plan to pave over the grooves Tuesday.


Homer Fan Since 1985,2933,425695,00.html

LANCASTER, Calif. — Residents of northern Los Angeles County are not grooving to this music.
Lancaster city officials said this week that they're paving over a quarter-mile strip of asphalt grooved to play the William Tell Overture when auto tires speed over it.
The road was completed this month as part of an ad campaign for Honda. It's engineered to play the overture — also known as the theme to "The Lone Ranger" — at perfect pitch for motorists driving Honda Civics at 55 mph.
But neighbors aren't amused. One says the road music sounds like a high-pitched drone. Another says it keeps him and his wife up at night.
Lancaster officials plan to pave over the grooves Tuesday.


Are you kidding me? That is just to weird.


Give blood and save a life!
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Experts 'solve' mystery of Stonehenge

LONDON, England (AP) -- Two British archeologists declared Monday that they have uncovered the core reason behind the construction of one of the world's best known and least understood landmarks.

The stone circle at Stonehenge has stood for thousands of years -- and bred endless debate over whether it was a temple for ancient sun-worshippers, a sacred burial site, or even a kind of massive prehistoric astronomical calculator.
Professors Geoffrey Wainwright and Timothy Darvill argued their own explanation for the mysterious monument: Stonehenge, they said, was a kind of primeval Lourdes, drawing prehistoric pilgrims from around Europe.
"We found several reasons to believe that the stones were built as part of a belief in a healing process," Wainwright told journalists assembled at London's Society of Antiquaries.
Wainwright and Darvill, the first to excavate the site in more than 40 years, said the key to their theory was Stonehenge's double circle of bluestones -- a rare rock known to geologists as spotted dolomite -- which lie at the center of the monument.

Say what?

How about a double scoop of mama's milk?

PETA proposes that Ben & Jerry's use breast milk in its ice cream
The Associated Press
updated 3:10 p.m. PT, Thurs., Sept. 25, 2008

WATERBURY, Vt. - Mooove over, Holsteins. PETA wants world-famous Ben & Jerry's Homemade Ice Cream to tap nursing moms, rather than cows, for the milk used in its ice cream.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is asking the ice cream maker to begin using breast milk in its products instead of cow's milk, saying it would reduce the suffering of cows and calves and give ice cream lovers a healthier product.
The idea got a cool reception Thursday from Ben & Jerry's officials, the company's customers and even La Leche League International, the world's oldest breast-feeding support organization, which promotes the practice — for babies, anyway.


Give blood and save a life!
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Bomb squad blows up hot dogs;!category=sports;&randomOrd=092508022840

Just hot dogs.
The Philadelphia police bomb squad detonated three suspicious packages outside Citizens Bank Park last evening that actually were hot dogs accidentally left behind after a Hatfield commercial shoot that involved the Phillie Phanatic and his hot-dog launcher.
Police received a call at 4:13 p.m. about the three packages found on a light post near the first-base gate on Pattison Avenue near Darien Street. Once the bomb squad arrived, Pattison Avenue was closed to traffic and pedestrians, and game-day employees evacuated the building. Phillies employees whose offices were near the activity moved to the other side of the ballpark but were not evacuated.
The bomb squad detonated the packages. The Phillies said the hot dogs were heavily wrapped in white packaging and duct tape so they could be fired from the Phanatic's hot-dog launcher.
"We just did what we thought was appropriate," said Mike Stiles, senior vice president of administration and operations. "We looked at it. And in this day and age, if you have a question, you call the police. The police came and they said, 'Yeah, this merits the bomb squad to take a look and take action.' They detonated it.
"It's important to let people know that although it was suspicious, it did not contain any explosive device and we didn't get any bomb-scare notes or threats."
Players and staff for the Phillies and Atlanta Braves remained in the ballpark and continued their activities as scheduled while the bomb squad detonated the hot dogs.
The Phillies expressed their appreciation to the police department, "particularly during this difficult time for all law enforcement."


Give blood and save a life!
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Oregon Hospital Tells 71-Year-Old Grandfather: 'We Know You Are Pregnant',2933,429081,00.html

PORTLAND, Ore. — John Grady Pippen of Gold Beach doesn't look pregnant. And he's not.
But after a hospital visit earlier this month, the staff gave the 71-year-old grandfather pain pills and paperwork explaining his delicate condition.
"Based on your visit today," the paperwork told him, "we know you are pregnant."
The retired mechanic and logger had sought help for agonizing abdominal pain at Curry General Hospital in Gold Beach.
Hospital administrator William McMillan says an errant keystroke caused the hospital's computer to spit out the wrong discharge instructions.