Accidentally 4th Street (Gloria) - Figures on a Beach - (remix) - Just Say Mao
[yt=Accidentally 4th Street (Gloria)]bb9Jx8hqDrE[/yt]
This is the original version of the song on youtube - as close as I can come to finding the remix online. The remix isn't THAT much different than the original, just adds some additional bass and tightens up the music a bit, but it is fairly similar and I can use the original just as well here. One lyrical change in the remix I find interesting is it drops the last stanza of the song for some reason....
[yt=Accidentally 4th Street (Gloria)]bb9Jx8hqDrE[/yt]
This is the original version of the song on youtube - as close as I can come to finding the remix online. The remix isn't THAT much different than the original, just adds some additional bass and tightens up the music a bit, but it is fairly similar and I can use the original just as well here. One lyrical change in the remix I find interesting is it drops the last stanza of the song for some reason....
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