Ron Artest tells that he regrets not opting out

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Who are these other guys opting out and getting lucrative extensions from their teams? Brand is taking a pay cut, Baron bolted for LA, Arenas could bolt for Golden State....

Sour grapes are sour grapes.
Who are these other guys opting out and getting lucrative extensions from their teams? Brand is taking a pay cut, Baron bolted for LA, Arenas could bolt for Golden State....

Sour grapes are sour grapes.
I think what it comes down to is him wanting a long term commitment, and to get the money he thinks he's worth.


Super Moderator Emeritus
What? He was basically told he would be here long term and get an extension by the Maloofs themselves. He is saying he LIKES Sacramento and he WANTS to be here. He just wanted a long term commitment and he sees other guys getting a ton of money.
I still don't think simply because Artest thinks he heard something from the Maloofs that you can immediately assume it's 100% accurate.

This is just getting more pathetic. Going on a local radio show and whining about how he was basically lied to by the owners of the team is NOT going to win friends and influence people.

He's making accusations that he cannot prove and alienating the entire front office in the process. You would think he might have learned with these types of actions in Indiana, but not RonRon.
He's upset he's not getting treated like Kobe, Chris Paul, Baron, etc. Does he not realize that he made this bed. How can someone (in their right mind) not understand how his behavior in his career has led to this point? To me, that's someone out of touch with reality. I think he thinks someone would give him a contract like those other stars. Crazy.

I like Ron. I just think he's crazy. And he once again has hurt any leverage the Kings had in trading him. Welcome to the world of Ron.

These Ron crazy jokes are really getting old. THE MAN MADE A MISTAKE!!!! Get over it. He's a real person, people make mistakes.
I know someone has stated this before but c'mon. I don't mean to be a a**hole, but really.
I still don't think simply because Artest thinks he heard something from the Maloofs that you can immediately assume it's 100% accurate.

This is just getting more pathetic. Going on a local radio show and whining about how he was basically lied to by the owners of the team is NOT going to win friends and influence people.

He's making accusations that he cannot prove and alienating the entire front office in the process. You would think he might have learned with these types of actions in Indiana, but not RonRon.
I remember I comment being made by the Maloofs towards the end of the season that they would love to have Artest here another season, and if basically everything worked out re-sign him.

That comment WAS made by the maloofs. I don't think it was a guarantee of any sort, but it did show interest in re-signing him. Nothing was ever said about doing that right now though.

That's the only comment that I can think of that he could have taken that way.
I highly doubt that, because no team with cap space was going to give him any bargaining power. He wouldn't have gotten anywhere near what those other guys are getting.

Hey Ron, where the hell have you taken the kings? One first round exit, an arrest, and two lotto appearances. You haven't done squat for this org. but hold our rebuilding effort back. Now, it's not your fault that you got traded here, but don't act like we owe you anything.

Don't act like we owe him anything? If the Maloofs said they would extend him earlier, they should keep their word. He was just hoping for a long term commitment, and he's saying right now he's not closing the door on leaving after the season. He'd play out the season also with everything the way it is because he says it's just business, but at the same time he takes things personal a little bit.

All he can do is go out there and play as hard as he can and that's what he does. He is trying to hold our rebuilding effort back? What? That's not HIS decision. THat was GEOFF's decision.

He still wants a long term commitment. He'd still play here long term. I hope he does. I like him as a player. He says he still loves the franchise and it's not his decision. As long as he does he can play on my team and I hope he still does whether you want him to stay or not.

The problem here is everyone thinks he's saying HE doesn't want to be here, but that's not what he's saying. He's saying it might've been a mistake because now he doesn't have any control of where he'll be long term. He basically said now he has no control of his long term future.
It sounds like he is upset because he felt he was mislead about his future with the Kings until todays of meeting with Petrie in which it was made clear he wasn't part of the future. I wonder how he was mislead, i would like to hear that part of the story.
These Ron crazy jokes are really getting old. THE MAN MADE A MISTAKE!!!! Get over it. He's a real person, people make mistakes.
I know someone has stated this before but c'mon. I don't mean to be a a**hole, but really.
Really? Did that come off as a Ron's crazy because of one mistake comment? Give me a break.

The guy has legitimate psychological issues and I'm serious when I say I feel sad for him. This isn't about charging into a crowd, having issues with his wife, dogs, coaches, etc. This is about a nice individual who has issues. It's not bashing him to state the obvious and to realize that his presence is not a positive factor for this team.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I think what it comes down to is him wanting a long term commitment, and to get the money he thinks he's worth.

Which as always is the type of money that legitmate, non-insane, sueprstars earn.

Which as always marks Ron out as delusional, and unfortunately other teams are again going to see that too. If Ron tommorow had a larynxectomy it would be a good thing for him. There are teams, damn good teams, who would take a chance on a 2nd fiddle of Ron's caliber who acted and thoguht and realized he was a second fiddle. But even with all his talent, that list rapidly dwindles as soon as they ponder the potentially disastrous effects on their locker room of a completely deluded child desperately seeking approval/respect/money. Someone who does not understand his place in the basketball world, will not accept his role or responsibility for his past, will make demands on his organization they are not willing to meet, and has shown a penchant for becoming cancerous if the demands are not met.

If Ron were only normal he would have real value.

As is, these sorts of erratic regrets are exactly why I said yesterday that if Ron was smart (harhar) he should in fact have opted out. That was his path to control, and at relatively small cost as these things go. I also mentioned at the time that not doing so only made snese if he was still deluded enough to think he was going to get some mega-contract from anybody. And well, what do you know. I should really go be an agent.
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It's incredible, ridiculous, selfish irony for Ron to be worried about a team committing to him. When has Ron Artest ever committed to a single idea for more than 24 hours? How many times has he wavered on his "commitment" to the Kings in the last three days alone?

One word for you Artest defenders: HYPOCRISY.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I remember I comment being made by the Maloofs towards the end of the season that they would love to have Artest here another season, and if basically everything worked out re-sign him.

That comment WAS made by the maloofs. I don't think it was a guarantee of any sort, but it did show interest in re-signing him. Nothing was ever said about doing that right now though.

That's the only comment that I can think of that he could have taken that way.
Again, public comments made by team owners are often politically correct but without any real substance. I doubt seriously if any of those types of comments were made recently.
I really feel sorry for him but once again it's becoming all about the drama. I am so beyond tired. And if that makes him angry, tough crap. This is OUR Kings we're talking about. We don't get a gazillion dollars to root for them through thick and thin. We do it because we love them. And if we are upset about him running his mouth to the media AGAIN then whose fault is it?

Just about every Kings fan gave Artest a clean slate when he came here. We were willing to let him prove himself to us. And what's happened? Besides the animal control and spousal abuse problems, there were a number of times when it seemed pretty clear he doesn't know the meaning of the word "teammate."

Artest brought this on himself. He's been one of the most divisive figures to ever wear the uniform of OUR beloved Kings. He's got long-time loyal Kings fans and friends fighting with each other over his babblings.

I want him gone. And if that hurts his feelings, too bad.


Super Moderator Emeritus
The problem here is everyone thinks he's saying HE doesn't want to be here, but that's not what he's saying. He's saying it might've been a mistake because now he doesn't have any control of where he'll be long term. He basically said now he has no control of his long term future.
Oh good grief. Sorry, but individual NBA players GAVE UP the right to control over their long-term future when they all demanded and received collective bargaining.

He's being paid a tremendous amount of money to perform a service. If the owners of one franchise within the NBA decide to trade assets (as in players) with other franchises within the NBA, that's just the way it goes.

Webber didn't want to be traded. Doug didn't want to be traded. Peja didn't want to be traded. Jason Williams didn't want to be traded. Mike Bibby didn't want to be traded.

IT HAPPENS! None of them went on the radio and sniveled about being lied to or not having control of their future.

Suck it up, Artest. Shut up and play.
Maybe Ron shouldn't have come out in the papers and said he was worth 14-15 million a year, huh? That kind of thing has a tendency to scare more than a few GM's away.
Oh good grief. Sorry, but individual NBA players GAVE UP the right to control over their long-term future when they all demanded and received collective bargaining.

He's being paid a tremendous amount of money to perform a service. If the owners of one franchise within the NBA decide to trade assets (as in players) with other franchises within the NBA, that's just the way it goes.

Webber didn't want to be traded. Doug didn't want to be traded. Peja didn't want to be traded. Jason Williams didn't want to be traded. Mike Bibby didn't want to be traded.

IT HAPPENS! None of them went on the radio and sniveled about being lied to or not having control of their future.

Suck it up, Artest. Shut up and play.

Well yeah, I actually agree that a lot of the stuff you said is true. But he just has problems expressing himself and I think what he's saying by he made a mistake, is that he gave up all his leverage.

Also he said he would definitely play out the whole season if he's not traded, and he'd be happy to return because he likes it in Sacramento and wants to be here long term. So I think the first part(he would play out the whole season) is like him actually shutting up and playing, except his mouth is a continuous sound bite and he for some reason thinks he can trust people like Mark Stein lol. But now he basically said he would play and it wouldn't cause problems between him and the coaching staff, teammates, etc. because he likes them and wants to stick around with them.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I'm sorry if I come across too strong because, bottom line, my only real complaint is that he's on the radio making things worse for himself...and by extension, for our Kings.

If I could have one wish involving Ron Artest, it would be that he NEVER speak publicly about the Kings or his future with them again.

Just go out every night, play his hardest and do his best. Let his actions on the court speak for him. They can be much more eloquent than what his mouth is saying.

Sorry if I snapped at anyone. This just really angers me because this is OUR KINGS and he's making it all about himself again.
I'm sorry if I come across too strong because, bottom line, my only real complaint is that he's on the radio making things worse for himself...and by extension, for our Kings.

If I could have one wish involving Ron Artest, it would be that he NEVER speak publicly about the Kings or his future with them again.

Just go out every night, play his hardest and do his best. Let his actions on the court speak for him. They can be much more eloquent than what his mouth is saying.

Sorry if I snapped at anyone. This just really angers me because this is OUR KINGS and he's making it all about himself again.

Yeah I understand what you're saying. He needs to stop going public when there is a problem because that doesn't work out well for anyone.
The problem here is everyone thinks he's saying HE doesn't want to be here, but that's not what he's saying.
He is, he's saying that he doesn't want to be here without a long extension, and he doesn't have a long extension, or any immediate prospect of negotiating one. He wants to be here on his terms, but if he can't have it his way, he thinks that staying for another year was a big mistake, and wishes he were fielding offers as a FA.

I wish we could help him get what he wants, but I don't think any NBA franchise is willing to sign him to the sort of contract he's thinking of.
for a while i actually felt bad if ron ron would've been traded after deciding not to opt out, but now after this, i would be extremely happy if we got something for him


Hall of Famer
All I have is what gets reported. A few weeks ago it was reported (with quotes from Ron's agent) that the two sides had discussed an extension. During that time Artest continued to talk about how he thought his future was with the Kings. He also made regular radio appearances and served as a guest commentator for the Monarchs. Today he says he wishes he'd opted out and he has doubts about his future with the Kings past this season. I don't have any proof, but the circumstantial evidence is all there.
Coming in late on this one, but in all honesty, I have never heard one peep from anyone in the Kings organization that they were going to sign Ron to a long term contract. The only people I heard it from were Artest and his Agent, who were staring at a bad freeagency off season. If there were 5 or 6 teams out there with a lot of money under the cap, you can bet Ron Ron would have opted out

On a personal level. If Petrie was able to dupe him because he had a trade deal worked out, good for him. I seriously doubt that though. Petrie has always tried to take the player into consideration when ever possible.
Full disclosure: I am obviously biased.

A lot of things said in this thread are true, good and bad. I can tell you there is more backstory, and I can also tell you that although it didnt seem that way.....a LOT was held back in that interview Tuesday night.

The one thing I disagree with is the perception that Ron comes on my show to air his grievances.

Ron has been on the show quite a bit, and this is the first time he has said anything remotely negative or controversial. Yes, there are other media outlets where that may not apply, but not with my dealings with him.

I asked Ron to come on. He agreed, but very reluctantly. I felt that with everything being said and written, he needed the opportunity to explain his frustration, and I wanted people to hear it direct from him, not a 20 second clip or quick paragraph.

The fact is, despite being very frustrated and disappointed, he called in at 12:30 am NY time and spoke. Say what you want, but in today's world of cookie cutter sound bytes and athletes that live in a cocoon of PR and yes men, Ron has made an effort to put himself out there, good or bad. The only agenda he is pushing is to try and let people get to know another side of him. Players get paid lots of money to go on the radio for 10 minutes a week on the phone for a "player show", and this guy comes on 2-3 times a week (usually in studio) in the offseason.

Look, its a business, and that shouldnt be forgotten. Are the Kings better without him, perhaps. Does he say the wrong thing sometimes...of course.

We hold these people up to a higher standard because they make millions of dollars to play a game. I, nor should any of you, won't lose sleep about this. Ron will be fine.

But is there really anything wrong with thinking (hoping?) that you have finally found a home, with a rebuilding team that you are willing to spend your prime years with, and wanting to stay? Once upon a time we couldnt get anyone to sniff this town, and now this guy wants to stay a King, and is frustrated that he can't.

We've all been rejected. Turned down for prom, fired, etc. Imagine that in a fishbowl public forum. Then you read how crazy you are, same old guy, people saying they HATE you......really?

Please don't read this as some "poor ron" post, but I do think we are quick to judge, and when you really look at it....the guy just wants to stay here. Perhaps for waaaaaaay too much money, but he couldve opted out Monday, gone pretty much anywhere he wanted, and played on a contender. He wanted to be here. He was basically told no thank you.

I'm just sayin, that's all.
Full disclosure: I am obviously biased.

A lot of things said in this thread are true, good and bad. I can tell you there is more backstory, and I can also tell you that although it didnt seem that way.....a LOT was held back in that interview Tuesday night.

The one thing I disagree with is the perception that Ron comes on my show to air his grievances.

Ron has been on the show quite a bit, and this is the first time he has said anything remotely negative or controversial. Yes, there are other media outlets where that may not apply, but not with my dealings with him.

I asked Ron to come on. He agreed, but very reluctantly. I felt that with everything being said and written, he needed the opportunity to explain his frustration, and I wanted people to hear it direct from him, not a 20 second clip or quick paragraph.

The fact is, despite being very frustrated and disappointed, he called in at 12:30 am NY time and spoke. Say what you want, but in today's world of cookie cutter sound bytes and athletes that live in a cocoon of PR and yes men, Ron has made an effort to put himself out there, good or bad. The only agenda he is pushing is to try and let people get to know another side of him. Players get paid lots of money to go on the radio for 10 minutes a week on the phone for a "player show", and this guy comes on 2-3 times a week (usually in studio) in the offseason.

Look, its a business, and that shouldnt be forgotten. Are the Kings better without him, perhaps. Does he say the wrong thing sometimes...of course.

We hold these people up to a higher standard because they make millions of dollars to play a game. I, nor should any of you, won't lose sleep about this. Ron will be fine.

But is there really anything wrong with thinking (hoping?) that you have finally found a home, with a rebuilding team that you are willing to spend your prime years with, and wanting to stay? Once upon a time we couldnt get anyone to sniff this town, and now this guy wants to stay a King, and is frustrated that he can't.

We've all been rejected. Turned down for prom, fired, etc. Imagine that in a fishbowl public forum. Then you read how crazy you are, same old guy, people saying they HATE you......really?

Please don't read this as some "poor ron" post, but I do think we are quick to judge, and when you really look at it....the guy just wants to stay here. Perhaps for waaaaaaay too much money, but he couldve opted out Monday, gone pretty much anywhere he wanted, and played on a contender. He wanted to be here. He was basically told no thank you.

I'm just sayin, that's all.

Agreed 100%
Full disclosure: I am obviously biased.

A lot of things said in this thread are true, good and bad. I can tell you there is more backstory, and I can also tell you that although it didnt seem that way.....a LOT was held back in that interview Tuesday night.

The one thing I disagree with is the perception that Ron comes on my show to air his grievances.

Ron has been on the show quite a bit, and this is the first time he has said anything remotely negative or controversial. Yes, there are other media outlets where that may not apply, but not with my dealings with him.

I asked Ron to come on. He agreed, but very reluctantly. I felt that with everything being said and written, he needed the opportunity to explain his frustration, and I wanted people to hear it direct from him, not a 20 second clip or quick paragraph.

The fact is, despite being very frustrated and disappointed, he called in at 12:30 am NY time and spoke. Say what you want, but in today's world of cookie cutter sound bytes and athletes that live in a cocoon of PR and yes men, Ron has made an effort to put himself out there, good or bad. The only agenda he is pushing is to try and let people get to know another side of him. Players get paid lots of money to go on the radio for 10 minutes a week on the phone for a "player show", and this guy comes on 2-3 times a week (usually in studio) in the offseason.

Look, its a business, and that shouldnt be forgotten. Are the Kings better without him, perhaps. Does he say the wrong thing sometimes...of course.

We hold these people up to a higher standard because they make millions of dollars to play a game. I, nor should any of you, won't lose sleep about this. Ron will be fine.

But is there really anything wrong with thinking (hoping?) that you have finally found a home, with a rebuilding team that you are willing to spend your prime years with, and wanting to stay? Once upon a time we couldnt get anyone to sniff this town, and now this guy wants to stay a King, and is frustrated that he can't.

We've all been rejected. Turned down for prom, fired, etc. Imagine that in a fishbowl public forum. Then you read how crazy you are, same old guy, people saying they HATE you......really?

Please don't read this as some "poor ron" post, but I do think we are quick to judge, and when you really look at it....the guy just wants to stay here. Perhaps for waaaaaaay too much money, but he couldve opted out Monday, gone pretty much anywhere he wanted, and played on a contender. He wanted to be here. He was basically told no thank you.

I'm just sayin, that's all.
Thank you for that Dave. I respect your opinion and feel you know way more about the situation than any of us do. I have stayed by Ron's side since he was a King and was happy he did not opt out. But when I read he thought it was a mistake I got pissed. Ron does speak out a lil too much but thats Ron. It seems he decided Sacramento was a home only to have his heart broken by them telling you are not welcome after he decided to stay. If that's the case I still side with Ron because that sucks. But unfortunetly that happens to be the business of the NBA.

So now hopefully things can work out best for the both of us, maybe Ron can go to a contender that wants him anbd we can get something valuable like picks or young talent.


Hall of Famer
It's incredible, ridiculous, selfish irony for Ron to be worried about a team committing to him. When has Ron Artest ever committed to a single idea for more than 24 hours? How many times has he wavered on his "commitment" to the Kings in the last three days alone?

One word for you Artest defenders: HYPOCRISY.
Ahhh. Someone finally struck on it. When was it that anyone could count on anything Ron said. Let me ask you this. How many times, since one of the Maloff's made the statement about hoping to resign Ron, has Ron talked about wanting to play with Kobe in La. Or Ron talking about loving to play in New York. Or Ron talking about wanting to play God knows where.

How many times does Joe Maloff or whoever, have to read in a newspaper somewhere, that Ron has opened his big mouth again, before he decides that maybe resigning Ron wasn't such a good idea afterall.

For Ron to accuse the Kings of lack of commitment is like the Kettle calling the Pot black.
So do any of you think maybe the Kings led him to believe he may get an extension if he does not opt out so that he would stay and then they could trade him and get something for him instead of him just leaving and we get nothing in return.


Hall of Famer
Whereas my last post came after Carmichael Dave's post I feel I need to add something. On a personal level. I like Ron Artest. I think he's funny and witty when he's on the air with Dave. On a professional level, I don't think that Ron's the best fit for the Kings. We could dicuss this all night long and probably not come to an agreement.

Part of what make's Ron fun is the fact that he's a loose cannon. You don't know what he's going to say or do. On a personal level, thats great. On a professional level its sometimes disastarious. Sometimes on the court, I'm sure that the coaching staff is not sure what Ron is going to do. Or, even if he's going to play.

Ron wants to be regarded in the same light as Kobe or a Jordan. Thats admirable. But, its not reality. And its his inability to see reality, that becomes the problem. He's reached an age where maturity should be overtaking the emotion of youth. Sadly it hasn't.

I was for a while, an Artest supporter. I thought that his plusses outweighed his minuses. But more than anything else, after watching him play, I came to believe that he simply didn't fit the type of team the Kings were trying to build. I do hope that he's able to find a home and a team somewhere, where he's finally at peace and the other field doesn't always look greener. Because Ron, while you were proposing marriage, you were still looking for love somewhere else, and in your heart of hearts, you lacked commitment.
He wanted to be here. He was basically told no thank you.

Didn't he realize this before he decided not to opt out? If he knew he wasn't wanted, he should have said goodbye on his own terms and gone where he was. What does his agent have to say about all of this? His story changes so often, his agent probably can't even keep it straight.

I must be missing something here, but to give him a large deal only to have him "regret" that 5 minutes later would be much worse that only having to deal with him at the most until he hits the FA market next season.
I've always backed Ron since he's been a King, but you just have to draw the line at some point, shake your head and hope that it doesn't fall off. In the long run, I think it will benefit the team if Ron Ron is gone gone.
People say Ron is loyal, but he's like any other pro athlete, he's as loyal as his options. The reason he wants to stay here is that he probably figures he stands to make the most money here because we own his bird rights; also he gets free reign on our little rebuilding team to play superstar and jack up as many shots as he likes. If the lakers, spurs, knicks, and kings all had the same deals on the table for him, does anyone believe he sticks with the kings?

This is a business, and unless Petrie or the Maloofs sat him down and promised him they'd work out an extension and not trade him, he really has no business to complain or expect more. He says he wants to stay, but he obviously only wants to stay on his terms, for an amount that's obviously too much and he should know why he won't make that much and why nobody would want to give him that much.

I'm curious as to why we should be so appreciative of Ron. He didn't decide to come here by choice, he was traded here. He hasn't opted out because he knows he'd get the MLE at the most anywhere else. Should we be grateful he hasn't demanded a trade or something? Should we feel honored that the guy who has basically been a menace to the NBA wants to stay here for his prime years? He's already said he doesn't think the MLE is enough, so we can assume the reason he didn't opt out and play for the lakers or spurs is because of the money, not for some great loyalty to us. Now he changes his mind once he realizes he's not getting the great extension he thought he was going to get. Has he proven he can be a professional on and off the court since he's been here? No, he's pretty much proven he's the same guy he has always been.

Maybe I'm totally off base here on Ron's motives, but when has Artest really proven his loyalty? When has it ever really been more than talk with him?
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