Ron Artest tells that he regrets not opting out

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Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
This whole RonRon discussion has gone down the Yellow Brick Road waaayy to far. When he didn't opt out AND the Kings made no comment he was understandably upset. Maybe in his thinking he was going to be a part of the future Kings and not opting out would open that door. By not taking in account a possible Plan-B he thinks he sees the handwriting on the wall and spoke up.

All this medication, and help stuff I think is interesting but not terribly relevant to him as a player. I'm not sure if it is relevant to his personality, could be, but maybe not. He is passionate about winning and puts his passion on his sleeve and his game on the floor. Unfortunately he is not a top tier player like Kobe, Wade or KG who can adapt to different situations.

When he tried to take over games he did so to the detriment of the team and the Kings lost most of those. But no one else tried to take over games that were slipping by in the last 4-6 minutes. To that I credit him. But the whole issue of RonRon is far to complex and muddled for any of us to really understand. But we can surely have our 2¢ worth on this thread.

burtrem redneck

You know, everyone can be diagnosed with some kinda mental disorder. How many kids in the USA are diagnosed with ADD while their parents give them Go-Gurt, fruit snacks and Mountain Dew for breakfast.

I think Ron mostly is the way he is because he is a reactionary, emotional and immature guy. Sorry, but that shouldn't be considered a mental illness.
if artest DOES have mental illness and he has been neglecting his meds and any complications the league should have handled him before or have brought it up

because having a mentally unstable player on the court is a hazard to other players and spectators... if he snaps again... and so forth

clearly it is his attitude: that THIS IS ME UNDERSTAND ME ME ME ME behaviour of his. sadly the A in the NBA doesnt stand for Artest, if this is what he thinks of how to get media attention and suitors then he fails.

saying you will stay then regretting to opt out days after is a sign that you cannot be trusted to fulfill your end of the contract and the uncertainty of it all

if your trying to be the next rodman or more then dont do it on a kings uniform alright ron ron
we happen to love this team
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