Ron Artest tells that he regrets not opting out

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So who can we trade him for now? Is it possible we could do a Miller/Artest for Marion deal? How about to Philly for some contracts and Speights?
I guess he thought he was going to get an extension.


The backstory here involves a meeting the small forward had this morning with Kings basketball president Geoff Petrie and Artest's agent, Mark Stevens. It appears that Artest was under the impression that there was a high likelihood the Kings would discuss his eventual signing to a long-term extension. But after numerous sources have said for months that such a move was highly unlikely, Artest and Stevens had continued to talk as if it was a strong possibility.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
If that's true, that's a punk move by Petrie and the Maloofs. "Sure Ron, we want you here. We're committed to having you on our team" and then he opts in and they say "We're not ready to talk about an extension right now, try us again next year". That seems incredibly likely and it's totally class-less.
If that's true, that's a punk move by Petrie and the Maloofs. "Sure Ron, we want you here. We're committed to having you on our team" and then he opts in and they say "We're not ready to talk about an extension right now, try us again next year". That seems incredibly likely and it's totally class-less.
You have proof the kings FO promised to talk extension with him?
If that's true, that's a punk move by Petrie and the Maloofs. "Sure Ron, we want you here. We're committed to having you on our team" and then he opts in and they say "We're not ready to talk about an extension right now, try us again next year". That seems incredibly likely and it's totally class-less.
Doesn't sound like Petrie's style.

The Maloofs on the other hand have been very pro-Ron and publicly so. He might have gotten his signals crossed. His agent should have sorted through the noise, but I doubt anyone can really get through to Ron anyway. He believes what he wants to believe.


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
If that's true, that's a punk move by Petrie and the Maloofs. "Sure Ron, we want you here. We're committed to having you on our team" and then he opts in and they say "We're not ready to talk about an extension right now, try us again next year". That seems incredibly likely and it's totally class-less.
Yeah, I'm sure that's it. :rolleyes:

I like all the Artest supporters jumping ship. Really, like this is unexpected? Ron opens his mouth and inserts foot all the time. I was pretty surprised this didn't happen at 9:07 last night. ;) Like I said, I don't think he's here when camp starts.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
You have proof the kings FO promised to talk extension with him?
All I have is what gets reported. A few weeks ago it was reported (with quotes from Ron's agent) that the two sides had discussed an extension. During that time Artest continued to talk about how he thought his future was with the Kings. He also made regular radio appearances and served as a guest commentator for the Monarchs. Today he says he wishes he'd opted out and he has doubts about his future with the Kings past this season. I don't have any proof, but the circumstantial evidence is all there.
All I have is what gets reported. A few weeks ago it was reported (with quotes from Ron's agent) that the two sides had discussed an extension. During that time Artest continued to talk about how he thought his future was with the Kings. He also made regular radio appearances and served as a guest commentator for the Monarchs. Today he says he wishes he'd opted out and he has doubts about his future with the Kings past this season. I don't have any proof, but the circumstantial evidence is all there.
So we're supposed to not only trust an agent, but Ron's agent? Then we're supposed to trust a bipolar nutjob? He's delusional. He guaranteed we'd make the playoffs. Hell, he could get called into Geoff's office right now and get told that he'll never play with the kings past next season and he'd still jabber on about how he thinks he'll be a king for the rest of his career.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
So we're supposed to not only trust an agent, but Ron's agent? Then we're supposed to trust a bipolar nutjob? He's delusional. He guaranteed we'd make the playoffs. Hell, he could get called into Geoff's office right now and get told that he'll never play with the kings past next season and he'd still jabber on about how he thinks he'll be a king for the rest of his career.
Hey, you pick your horse and I'll pick mine. Webber gets traded out of nowhere, Peja gets traded out of nowhere, Doug gets traded out of nowhere, Bibby misses half the season due to injury then loses his starting job and gets traded for pennies on the dollar. And those are the players that (almost) led us to a championship. You think these guys have any loyalty at all? The Maloofs say the right things all the time then shrug and look the other way when the deals go down. They might as well be politicians. But that's fine, you stick by them. I happen to believe the "bipolar nutjob" on this one.
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Hey, you pick your horse and I'll pick mine. Webber gets traded out of nowhere, Peja gets traded out of nowhere, Doug gets traded out of nowhere, Bibby misses half the season due to injury then loses his starting job and gets traded for pennies on the dollar. And those are the players that led us to a championship. You think these guys have any loyalty at all? The Maloofs say the right things all the time then shrug and look the other way when the deals go down. They might as well be politicians. But that's fine, you stick by them. I happen to believe the "bipolar nutjob" on this one.

You do you have a point:(
I'm really sick of trading for pieces, lets trade some pieces and get someone big for once. Everyother team in the league does it with the exception of the Grizzlies. Lets ship Artest off along with Miller and Salmons, and lets pick up a Superstar and a
Everyone should calm down. This is just Ron being Ron. He always says stupid things and then either puts his foot in his mouth or changes his mind. It's not going to make any difference once the season starts. Besides there is a very very high likelihood he gets dealt before mid season anyway. Worst case he is an expiring at the end of the season. Everyone needs to just relax.
If Ron Artest had opted out, he'd be saying that he should have opted in and help the Kings win a championship in 09.

It's just Ron being Ron.


Subsidiary Intermediary
Staff member
Holy cow people, like we didn't see this one coming (I'm guessing Ron had another 100 degree turnaround.) If anything this is encouraging as the trade offers are more likely to come in. Sure, they'll probably be low-ball offers, but you never know. I still think Denver could use his "skills," and adding another first round draft pick in next year's draft isn't a bad thing.

Or maybe this is all pretext for a sign-and-trade.

As for his agent:

No comment.
When I first started to read this thread I was furious at Ron, but as I read on and I find out that he wants his future to be here with the kings...........I mean c'mon guys the guy is trying to get this team on track instead of just blowing us of and opting out. I really put the blame on Petrie and the Maloofs. The guy wants to be on this team for the long run. LET HIM DO IT!!!!!! Sure we wont be in the finals anytime soon, but I think with Ron on our squad. We get the tenasity, the leadership, the expeirience, and wether we like it or not we get the craziness. So this is Ron Artest for you get used to it because I hope (and beleive) he stays with us for the long run.

Flame Away
Everyone should calm down. This is just Ron being Ron. He always says stupid things and then either puts his foot in his mouth or changes his mind. It's not going to make any difference once the season starts. Besides there is a very very high likelihood he gets dealt before mid season anyway. Worst case he is an expiring at the end of the season. Everyone needs to just relax.
Exactly, everyone just chillax.

Ron is obviously not the most mentally stable dude, but people on this board are personally offended by the guy just need to get a life. Anyone can attest who has spent time with RonRon and got to know him personally will say he is a good guy with a good heart, means well, does charity work, yada yada yada, so that should be first and foremost....

So he doesn't always use as much tact or self-constraint with his media comments, 'so what?' he is a free spirit, that's not a crime. Personally, I find that to be an endearing quality, as opposed to Mr. Canned Sound Bite Athlete who checks with his agent and team of personal representative before opening his mouth.

And besides, by saying he should have opted out does not mean he does not want to play for the Kings, or appreciate the Maloofs, the fans, the team, etc. I believe he was referring to the dollars and cents aspect, and the understanding he had in terms of long term contract.

He thought the Kings were open to discussing a long term deal and turns out there we are going to crucify a guy for that?? If I was led to believe a 5 year 60 million contract extension would be on the table, and then was told "oops actually no dice" I would have said the same thing as RonRon!!!!

Go RonRon! You still have at least one fan left :p


Hall of Famer
I am not sure what to think here. I don't doubt there was some confusion on an extension. i don't doubt that the Maloofs and Petrie mislead him. I also don't doubt Ron just changed his mind. I also don't doubt Ron just wants to stay in the media for a bit.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Hey, you pick your horse and I'll pick mine. Webber gets traded out of nowhere, Peja gets traded out of nowhere, Doug gets traded out of nowhere, Bibby misses half the season due to injury then loses his starting job and gets traded for pennies on the dollar. And those are the players that (almost) led us to a championship. You think these guys have any loyalty at all? The Maloofs say the right things all the time then shrug and look the other way when the deals go down. They might as well be politicians. But that's fine, you stick by them. I happen to believe the "bipolar nutjob" on this one.
Oh please. Those guys who "almost" led us to a championship were traded at the right time, even though it pains me to say it. Webber was never the same after he left; Peja missed an entire year (and remember, he's the reason Artest is here); Doug had major foot problems during his last partial season here and never really recovered; and Bibby was traded for expiring contracts. All good moves, despite any protestations my heart may have made at the time.

The Maloofs aren't behind any of this. RonRon listened to his agent instead of seeing the handwriting on the wall. Hell, in this case, it's actually more like writing on the moon visible from all over Earth. ANYONE with a brain would know that we would try to get something for Artest if he didn't opt out.

Sorry, but acting like Artest is the innocent in all this is naive at best. He pulled one too many little stunts. You think the Draft Day Dramatics were accidental. Nope. He was trying to gauge reaction to see whether or not he was actually going to walk away from the guaranteed money.

You can stick by the "bilpolar nutjob" all you like. I'm already stocking up beer for the party I plan to have the day he leaves town for good.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I am not sure what to think here. I don't doubt there was some confusion on an extension. i don't doubt that the Maloofs and Petrie mislead him. I also don't doubt Ron just changed his mind. I also don't doubt Ron just wants to stay in the media for a bit.

I'm not buying the confusion on the extension angle because of this: he announced his regret within 24 hours of reupping. What, as soon as he reups we instantly give him a call and say, "Sorry Ron, even we're not idiotic enough to give you a 5 year megadeal?" If we did cool on extension talks -- apart from it showing a rare bit of brainpower from our sadly lacking trust -- it would have almost had to have been before the deadline and something that Ron would, or should, have factored in. No, I think it far more likely that Ron saw everybody else suddenly opting out, and childlike creature that he is, felt left out from the cool kids club.


Super Moderator Emeritus
The guy wants to be on this team for the long run. LET HIM DO IT!!!!!!
There won't be any flaming around here, but you do realize he made almost the exact same comments about Indiana, right?

The NBA is a business. Petrie and the Maloofs are making a solid business decision in trying to trade Artest, IMHO. He needs to be on a team that is one defensive player away from contending. That would be best for him. Not a team that's trying to go younger and rebuild.

We saw last year what happens when RonRon thinks his teammates aren't trying hard enough to win. He puts himself back into games, he takes minutes away from guys like Cisco AND he has, at least from the last games we saw, decided he should be a primary offensive option. That's not what we got him for; it's not what we needed him for; it's not what he's best at.

He can say he wanted to be here but it's not because of the game. He might be the nicest guy in the world, and pretty much everyone likes him, BUT he's a liability to the future growth of the Kings.

Say buh-bye, RonRon.
I'm not buying the confusion on the extension angle because of this: he announced his regret within 24 hours of reupping. What, as soon as he reups we instantly give him a call and say, "Sorry Ron, even we're not idiotic enough to give you a 5 year megadeal?" If we did cool on extension talks -- apart from it showing a rare bit of brainpower from our sadly lacking trust -- it would have almost had to have been before the deadline and something that Ron would, or should, have factored in. No, I think it far more likely that Ron saw everybody else suddenly opting out, and childlike creature that he is, felt left out from the cool kids club.
QFT (and that goes for VF's post too)
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