Kings Select in the 2008 NBA DRAFT??

A lot of that has to do with Salary dynmaics. Bibby is not basically off the books minus Shelden's 3 million.

I think he's going to have the ABILITY to get creative again with Kenny, SAR, Brad, Moore all coming off the books in 2 years. We're not right at the tax threshold anymore and so Petrie can probably get the go-ahead from the Maloofs to start spending again.

Isn't Moore's 3rd year a team option? From what I read it was.

"Sources have told that Moore's deal is for three years at $18 million, but the third year is only partially guaranteed."
Ya he totally let Bonzi go. :rolleyes:
Be nice. I used that wording simply to show Bonzi left via free agency without any compensation. Because of the ridiculous demands of Bonzi's agent, I thought inaction was a prudent move. But not exactly awe inspiring.

That was a second-round pick for Hart, not a first.
Opps, you're right. The site I used to check up on that was incorrect. Way to earn your name, Captain.
would you rather have had Bonzi here for four more years for 7 mil a pop and stunt martins growth or had martin get signed by another team and have the gerald wallace syndrome again :p (by that i mean him exploding for another team)

i think it was a good thing Bonzi's agent was greedy that he didnt get signed

Speights sounds to be solid... also the fact that he played well against his old teammates is also a plus. Florida had a good run of talent.
Amen, the more I study Speights the more I wish him to be our pick. I'm all about the BPA first and need 2nd type of player, but this guy actually accomplishes BOTH IMO.

Speights' knock is his atrocious defense, but he's uber-atheltic and young so the defense may come in time as he learns it(and/or Ron goes after him if he doesn't! ;) ).

He's got a good post game and the ability to hit the outside shot consistently. So offensively he has what Geoff is looking for and he has the potential to be an all-star if he's able to improve his defense.

I really like this pick for the Kings because he gives us some young/athletic talent in our frontcourt. I don't view Augustin as any sort of answer long term at PG. In fact I think he tops out at Jameer Nelson level.

Westbrook would give me some reason to hesitate on Speights and I'd honestly be torn between the two. Either would be a good pick, but getting a 6'11 PF that's atheltic and a serious offensive threat while being a VERY good rebounder in college(I think he was like 3rd in the Nation amongst those who've declared for the draft).

I really like this pick for the Kings.

And with the 12th pick in the 2008 NBA draft the Sacramento Kings select:



Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I'm hung up over the same two players. I think Westbrook would be a great pick for us if Petrie and Theus think he can handle the PG spot. He's not your prototypical setup guy, but he seems to be a hard worker and he did a decent job filling in at PG for UCLA last year. He'd be ridiculously athletic for a PG and a potential lockdown defender at a very important defensive position. With Westbrook in the lineup we should have a much improved perimeter defense.

And then there's Speights, who looks like the perfect option for us at PF. He's got ideal size, he's shown some monster rebounding numbers in college, he's got respectable post moves already and, according to recent reports, a developing midrange jumpshot as well. He's got the size and strength to be an excellent post defender and he blocked a lot of shots in limited minutes last year as well.

I don't know that we really have the trade chips to do it, but if Portland is actually interested in trading their #13 pick, how awesome would it be to get both of these guys? Maybe a Beno sign and trade since they need a PG, but then they could just sign him outright. Maybe we could take an unfavorable contract off their hands in exchange for Salmons or Garcia? I don't really know, but I'd try and make it work.


Hall of Famer
Or howbout Douby and our second rounders? It would kinda suck to lose Salmons or Garcia just for a 13th pick (although I do think one of the two needs to go this summer, we could probably just get more).

I'm with you though...If something like that happened and we got Speights AND Westbrook...That would leave me one happy Kings fan on draft day.
I don't know why people are so high on Speights without mentioning McGee. Speights hit the midrange in college, but he never once hit a college three. You telling me that he's all of a sudden going to start popping NBA threes? Workouts are one thing, game situation is another. Meanwhile, McGee really has knocked down threes and is better at putting the ball on the floor. His offense is already better.

Speights and McGee are somewhat similar players -- Speights is stronger and the better rebounder, McGee is quicker and taller and the better shotblocker. Call me crazy, I'd take the seven footer.

Ultimately I'd be fine with either (or Westbrook) because we need athletic bigs. But I also think McGee should be part of the conversation.


Hall of Famer
I wouldnt be disappointed if we got McGee... He seems like he may have a higher ceiling then Speights, but definately appears to be more of a project. Especially on the defensive end. Speights plays bad D, McGee plays no D (aside from the odd blocked shot).
I'd be fine with either one of McGee, Speights or Westbrook. Nbrans, while McGees upside is very big, his defense is unbelievably horrible. And that was against a lower level of competition. I like him, but it's very much an issue.
It's funny, both Speights and McGee have similar strengths and weaknesses. They're both great athletes, they both suck on D. I'd caution reading too much into man defense in college thoguh, because I think part of the problem with judging bigs based on their D in college (and this goes for both Speights and McGee) is that they are often going against guys much smaller than they are, so they're often burned one on one and look kind of ridiculous on defense. It's like if you tried to make a center guard a small forward in the NBA. But put them in the pros and suddenly they're matched up against guys with similar athletic abilities.

With these guys they definitely have weaknesses on defense -- McGee isn't strong enough, Speights has terrible basketball IQ -- but they at least have the tools to become good defenders in the NBA when they're going up against guys their size.
I don't know why people are so high on Speights without mentioning McGee. Speights hit the midrange in college, but he never once hit a college three. You telling me that he's all of a sudden going to start popping NBA threes? Workouts are one thing, game situation is another. Meanwhile, McGee really has knocked down threes and is better at putting the ball on the floor. His offense is already better.

Speights and McGee are somewhat similar players -- Speights is stronger and the better rebounder, McGee is quicker and taller and the better shotblocker. Call me crazy, I'd take the seven footer.

Ultimately I'd be fine with either (or Westbrook) because we need athletic bigs. But I also think McGee should be part of the conversation.
I tend to agree. Not necessarily that I would pick McGee over Speights but that they do seem pretty similar and if anything, for some reason, I see McGee more of a Petrie type player than Speights

McGee has great handle for a player of his size. Great athlete, great length. He will take longer to develop but Petrie is not afraid to think outside the square and go for a long shot. We are talking about a GM that was seriously considering drafting Brooks with our first round pick last year so don't be surprised if he picks someone who many thought wouldn't be a top 12 picks (eg McGee)
Ive been going westbrook this whole time, and will continue to go that route until something somehow changes my mind, however i would take arthur over speights and mcgee ... ill admit i didnt watch much of mcgee but i did watch a little speights, based on my own opinion and almost everyone elses neither of these guys play any defense and neither really have an offensive game, basically the pick is based on 100% potential..
Arthur on the other hand is a winner, he is the best player on the national champs and that gives him a huge edgge for me already, hes better offensively then any of those other two guys and the same if not better defensively and just as good an athlete .. runs the floot extremely well.. i compare him to al horford. ..
Ditto on Darrell Arthur. Although "only 6'9", he has a nice athletic built and fairly long wing span. There's probably only 4-5 players in this draft who likely start right away for whatever team drafts them and he's one of that small elite group. Reggie's up tempo style fits him perfect up front in eventual tandem with Hawes.

On the Kings I could see him beating out Mikki at PF or getting about the same amount of minutes right away. Something needs to give with Kings long jam at that position - SAR, K-9, S. Williams. I'm still not that high on Westbrook, McGee or Speights at #12 - more downside risk on each compared to more skilled Arthur.


Hall of Famer
I'd be down with Arthur if it wasnt for his atrocious rebounding, which will probably be even worse in the NBA.

Hawes/Arthur frontcourt would be killed on the glass night in and night out.
I'd be down with Arthur if it wasnt for his atrocious rebounding, which will probably be even worse in the NBA.

Hawes/Arthur frontcourt would be killed on the glass night in and night out.
I agree Arthur's rebounding (or lack of it) is an issue. I think the fact that he's a sophomore coming out and Hawes was a freshman entering the NBA last year means they can both get better in that area with time. That's the hope.
I have been hoping that Arthur plays like he did his senior year of high school for the last two years. If I remember correctly he was averaging like 15rpg in high school and he played for an academy school which would take on top rank opponents. I have no idea what happened to him in college. He's never in the correct position, and he's never even trying to get the boards. He did play next to Darnell "the bully" Jackson though so that might be part of the problem right there. Jackson was the one always banging down low to get position. Arthur was always out to run the floor.

I am going to give the kid the benefit of the doubt going into the NBA, but I still don't want him on the Kings.
I don't know why people are so high on Speights without mentioning McGee. Speights hit the midrange in college, but he never once hit a college three. You telling me that he's all of a sudden going to start popping NBA threes? Workouts are one thing, game situation is another. Meanwhile, McGee really has knocked down threes and is better at putting the ball on the floor. His offense is already better.

Speights and McGee are somewhat similar players -- Speights is stronger and the better rebounder, McGee is quicker and taller and the better shotblocker. Call me crazy, I'd take the seven footer.

Ultimately I'd be fine with either (or Westbrook) because we need athletic bigs. But I also think McGee should be part of the conversation.

Because McGee has BUST written all over him. TOP FLITE BIGS don't get passed over by the NUMEROUS BIG TIME college programs. They'd AT LEAST take a flyer on him if he was worth a damn. McGee is your prototypical LOTTO bust due to INTRIGUE that teams have over his overhyped speculation of playing against FAR inferior talent.

Speights >>>> McGee in the NBA.
Because McGee has BUST written all over him. TOP FLITE BIGS don't get passed over by the NUMEROUS BIG TIME college programs. They'd AT LEAST take a flyer on him if he was worth a damn. McGee is your prototypical LOTTO bust due to INTRIGUE that teams have over his overhyped speculation of playing against FAR inferior talent.

Speights >>>> McGee in the NBA.
If you knew anything about McGee and his history then you would know that he bloomed extremely late in High School. By the time he started coming around, scouts had already made their rounds. This severely dampened his chances of going to an elite program. Once he went to an inferior program, his growth was further stunted by sitting on the bench behind Fazekas. You can still think he will be a bust, but your logic is flawed.

And where you see BUST written all over him, I see POTENTIAL written all over him. McGee has the height, he has the athleticism, he has a frame that can put on more weight, he has good BB IQ, he comes from a professional BB pedigree. He just needs to be properly developed. And considering he is only 20 years old, he still has plenty of time to develop.
From what I have been hearing the four most likely lottery picks to be traded are Memphis's #5, Portland's #13, Charlotte's #9, and Milwaukee's #7.

Maybe we can finagle one of these picks from one of those teams? How about Garcia, or Salmons and #12 for Milwaukee's #7?

What happens if Memphis is left with Bayless at #5? Think they would take our #12, and Miller for a bad contract and Bayless?

Charlotte needs a big, and from what I read the fans aren't really in love with Jordan. He looks like the only top ten talented big to be available at #9. What about Miller, and #12 for #9, and .............. Nevermind.. They don't have contracts to match unless they traded a core piece... ugh!!

What if we traded Salmons, Douby, and #12 for Frye, Pryzbilla, and #13?
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lol, sac would have drafted Pat McGee and JaVale McGee.

Monarchs drafted her i think in like 97'.

I am on the Jason Thompson bandwagon!!!!!!!! i could see dj augustin going 4th to seattle....reunite him with durant...he kinda made durant look better.
On Jason Thompson, I agree with you. I've liked him from the beginning of the season, but, if Augustin goes fourth, I'll buy you dinner at the resturant of your choice.