How did you become a Kings fan?

Since there is not much to talk about I thought it would be cool to find out how everyone became a kings fan.

For me when I was a kid I only watched baseball and football for whatever reason. I use to collect baseball cards big time. My mom would always buy me cards when we went out and she helped me organize them and stuff. Then she went all psycho parent on me and started acting like they were her cards :eek:.

So when I was about 10 years old I got frustrated about that and just gave up baseball all together. Stopped collecting cards and watching the games. Thats when I started watching Kings Basketball. I instantly loved it and wished I would have been watching it my whole life. I loved watching Spud, L Train, Mitch, etc.

So thats my story, whats yours?
First I'd like to say im only 18, so im a young kings fan i suppose ... hopefully you guys still take me seriously knowing that ..

I love sports, always have and always will.. sports make up a huge chunk of my life, anyways, i was 10, my family decided it was time to get a new car. A puke green dodge caravan, we no longer have it :) .. so i went with them to the dealership .. a local place in weymouth, massachusetts. They have a pretty nice lobby and there was a basketball game going on so i decided to go in there while i wait .. i loved basketball so it didnt matter who was playing, i just liked to watch.. the kings where playing the Mavs on NBC and vlade hit a half court shot at the end of one of the quarters, i thought that was unbelievable back then and ever since ive followed the kings religiously .. Vlade being my favorite player .. my kingsfanhood continued to grow once xbox came out .. in all the nba games i played as the kings and eventually new all there players and what they where good at .. about 4-5 years ago i got league pass just to watch the kings and ever since getting league pass ive seen almost every game .. now im hooked

another note, im 50% greek, so i was attracted to the kings because of all there foreign players back in there hayday .. i may not no much about kings history but i know the past 6 or so years just as good as anybody ..
Ive lived in sacramento my entire life. Got season tickets at about 8 years old and kept them till i was 15. So loving kings basketball is all i know. I watch games when i can.
Grew up going to spurs basketball games...then my parents and I moved out to Northern California in 1995 and i wanted to root for a different team other than my dads. So i picked the Kings and its been an unhealthy obsession for about 13 years now :)
I guess you could say I was born a Kings fan, they have been apart of my life for as long as I can remember. I'm almost 20 now and my loyalty just keeps getting stronger, a little obssesive at times lol but I guess that's what being a fan is all about. Is it October yet lol, it seems like forever till then!
vlade hit a half court shot at the end of one of the quarters, i thought that was unbelievable back then
Heh, I think we all did, Vlade included.

My story: had been a basketball fan before (NBA & ABA) and automatically became at least a lukewarm fan when they moved to Sac, since I was born in the area & had lived there for 26+ of the previous 28 years. Several years later, everybody was going nuts about Michael Jordan, and my son, then maybe 8 years old, developed a lot of interest in NBA basketball. Before I knew it, I was lining up with him to meet Causwell, Simmons, OP, Walt Williams, etc. And the rest is history.

My son stopped paying attention to the NBA a while back, but he's 24 now, so I can't send him to his room for losing faith. :eek:


Homer Fan Since 1985
I love every level. The 1st pro game that I ever attended was a New Year's eve game in San Antonio a long time ago when I was in AF basic training. The Spurs were still in the ABA.

After my military service, I spent a year in San Antonio before moving to CA. When the Kings moved to Sacramento in 1985, I was ecstatic. Been a fan ever since day 1.


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For the record, I am almost 37.

Grew up watching some NBA when I could on the broadcast channels (no cable or dish growing up - until college, actually) so I liked seeing the Magic/Showtime Lakers, MJ's Bulls, the Celtics, etc. When the Kings came to town, I was instantly a fan of the home team and liked watching games when I could. I have never gone to more than a handful of games a year, but remember going to few in ARCO I and falling in love with the game and the Kings at that point. The atmosphere reminded me of the crowd at the football games at my HS, as we were a loud bunch in the stands. :D


Super Moderator Emeritus
In the 1960s, the high school I attended had one good team - basketball. I fell in love with the game then and soon settled on a favorite pro team - the Boston Celtics - for a variety of reasons, one of them being that Bill Cartwright played for them for a while. I was a Celtics fan until 1985.

The day the Kings came to Sacramento I became a Kings fan. It's an obsession that has continued to this day. My brother has been a season ticket holder since the first year. My daughter has grown up being a Kings fan, she married a Kings fan and her two daughters are already Kings fans. My mother, who originally knew very little about the game of basketball, has now become just as avid a fan as the rest of the family. In fact, she recently moved and the place she chose is only 5 minutes from Arco... And it wasn't just a coincidence.

The atmosphere at both Arcos has had a lot to do with why I'm still a fan today. Kings fans are a special bunch and the electricity that goes through Arco when the team is doing well is something that has to be experienced to be believed or understood...

Good question, BTW. I'm always interested in seeing how others came to be Kings fans...
hmm when did i become a kings fani haven't been a kings fan as long as some of you on this (because i am only 19) but i am a huge kings fan. i will watch every game wether they win or losei believe that i started to follow the kings because when i was younger i used go over to my grandma's house she would watch kings games (she still does)


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
They came to town, I became a fan. Mostly end of story. I was primarily a hockey guy through high school but I'd still go to quite a few games a year as I had access to some amazing tickets.

When I went off to school I probably became a bigger fan since it was a nice way to represent my home town and I became less and less of a hockey guy as Bettman started destroying the NHL.
I was a laker fan when I was a kid and my favorite player was Vlade, so after he was traded I was kind of pissed off even though I knew Kobe was incredible (watched him in the 96 summer league quite a bit and knew he was a superstar in the making), and I stopped following the lakers for the most part. It figures that the trade that made me stop being a lakers fan turned out to be the greatest trade in lakers history. I was never really a full non-lakers fan until Vlade went to Sacramento and I discovered what an awesome team they had and how fun they were to watch. J-Will played a huge part in it as well, saw him at a clipper game in warmups making all these crazy passes and long 3's, I was so intrigued. They were the consumate "team" with no egos and the lakers were the star studded ego laden squad, so it was like a rich vs. poor contrast for me. So I just kind of adopted the kings and turned into a bitter laker hater as well since they matched up so often and all my family and friends were laker fans. Now, I'm still a kings fan out of habit and that I really have no other team to root for (although I'm trying to adopt the clippers now.) I guess I still hold out hope that the kings can re-create what they once had, but it's hard since all those guys are gone and my favorite coach ever in Adelman is gone as well. So I guess I'm not really as loyal as someone who likes them because they're the hometown squad. If Orange County/Anaheim got a team, I'd probably shift focus pretty fast, but I never really lose interest in the teams I've followed.

Also, I thought I'd add that after game 3 when Horry hit that shot, I was in my room breaking stuff while my family was in the living room going crazy.
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Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
I played JUCO ball then in big time industrial league in LA. I was a Laker fan living in LA until 83 when CruzDame and I moved up to Nevada County near Auburn. I got interested in Kings in 1988-89 and went to a few games by myself. Got fascinated with those rather bad teams but how well they could play for 2-3 quarters then lose. The Kings grew on me and I got partial season tickets in 90 and full season in 91, section 104 row G on the aisle. Went to every game when I as in town as I was traveling internationally quite a bit. My wife finally got involved and in 1992 she went to most games with me.

The 92-93 season, only 25-57, however did have two memorable games that to this day are all time NBA records: defeating Dallas 139-81 then 4 days later beating Philly 154-98, the largest margins of victory in back-to-back games in NBA history and it still stands.

Got disappointed when Mitch threw in the towel in 1997-98 then in Oct 98 we moved to Santa Cruz (business) and in Nov 98 I signed up for the NBA package on Direct TV. Then of course, the whole Kings world changed forever. The Maloof's bought part ownership, they convinced Corliss to stay, Mitch was traded for CWebb, Vlade came, new Coach Rick Adelman came and in the strike shortened year the Kings came of age. 3rd in pacific division and the awesome, for the Kings anyway, first round playoff series with Utah: Kings-Jazz tied 2-2 in games (it was best of 5 in those days), last few seconds of game 5, Kings down by 1 and Vlade barely misses a hook shot at the buzzer that would have put them into second round. That shot second only to the Horry dagger 3 in game 4 of 2002.

Ever since have watched every game when I was home and many on the road and at other arenas (LA, MIL, UTAH, SEA, PORT, GSW, etc). Even now bought a SlingBox to attach to my HD set and my computer so I can watch Kings games over broadband Internet from anywhere in the world.

In the early 90's was fortunate to get selected to the original Kings Fan Forum where we had regular interface with Kings management on behalf of fans to try to help the overall experience. Very gratifying. :D
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I wasn't a fan 21 years ago when I was bored on a Saturday night and bought a single ticket. The Kings of course sold me someone else's season ticket, so I ended up getting put in one of the boxes at the start of the second level.

That was the night the late Ricky Berry set a team 3 point record. I loved the atmostphere in the new Arco, and I had so much fun at the game, that I decided to get a single season ticket the next year at $23 a game, and have been a season ticket holder and major fan since.
Like Warhawk, I used to watch the Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls and Los Angeles Lakers but I also followed the Golden State Warriors.

Once I heard about the Kings relocating from Kansas City to Sacramento I instantly became a die-hard fan and continue to do so today.

I attended the last home game at the original Arco Arena when the Kings hosted the Portland Trailblazers. I still have the certificates they handed out for attending that night's game.

I always dreamed of being the next Reggie Theus but obviously that didn't happen. But I took my love of the game and for the Kings to work as an intern for KHTK covering Kings games for their web site several years ago, which was the next best thing. Now I discuss what my career goals were with my students and it always involves the Sacramento Kings.

For the record, I will be 32 this Tuesday. :D
Having grown up in New Orleans, I never touched a basketball until Pete Maravich came to LSU, and then I played as a youth through sophomore year in high school. I was first exposed to pro basketball via the New Orleans Buccaneers, a charter ABA team. Had a great time watching that exciting team (I think it was 1967) with a few names you might recognize: Larry Brown, Doug Moe, Jimmy Jones, Steve "Snapper" Jones, Red Robbins, and Jackie Moreland. They went to the Finals in the inaugural ABA season and led the Pittsburgh Pipers 3-2 coming back to New Orleans. I was there with my dad at Game 6 in Loyola Field House, and the Bucs had a 13-point halftime lead. The Pipers' Connie Hawkins went nuts in the 2nd half, Pittsburgh tied the series, then took Game 7 back in PA to win the title. The Bucs left town after Year 2.

I became a Boston Celtics fan from afar for a while, since I so much enjoyed their unselfish, highly skilled team game. BTW, I always hated the Lakers...

Then the New Orleans Jazz came to town in 1974, traded every draft pick they had to Atlanta for Maravich, and I was an instant NBA fan. I saw him play something like 60 games over the mid-to-late 70's and enjoyed every one of them. I even went into the locker room to meet Pete one time after a game when the security guards had split. There was no more an exciting NBA player to watch than Pete...ever.

Oh, yea, this is about the Kings...

I moved to Sacramento in 1994, attended a few Kings games here and there over the first few years, and then, after some coercion/marketing by a team sales rep, became a season ticket holder for the 1997-98 season. I have continued to be a STH to this day in Section 112M. So I started at the end of the Richmond era and have lived the rise and fall of the Greatest Show on Court.
I remember it was about 1990 - around age 6 - my older brother put up a seemingly large poster of Wayman Tisdale in his room.

The first thought that crossed my young mind were: does he play Michael Jordan? Followed closely by: who are the Sacramento Kings? Only to be precluded by: do they play Michael Jordan?

It was at that point that I realized, yes, Sacramento has an actual basketball team, and yes, they play in the same league as the Bulls. Kinda funny looking back on it...

I truly became a Kings fan when we were on our way to making the playoffs for the first time in my memory (after all, I was in diapers in '85) and faced the Sonics in the first round. I remember posting as many "Rattle Seattle" signs (via SacBee) as I could find in my room. After the fight we put up, I finally learned to love the underdog, and have been a Kings fan ever since.
Back in 1989-1990 or so I became a Kings fan. I was getting a lot of crap always wearing my purple Lakers starter jacket everywhere, so my pop took me to a Kings - Magic game, and although the Kings lost 115-113 I started liking the Kings.

Now I have to go to basketball reference to check the date of the game.. That's my Kings Fan born date lol...

HAHA I FOUND IT!!! And I remember the score!!

My Kingsfan Born date is Tuesday Nov 21, 1989 when the Kings lost to the Magic at home 115-113. McCray had 27pts 12rbds, K. Smith had 15pts 11asts, and Ainge had 24pts 6asts.. Damn, this team looked pretty good on paper.. Wonder why we sucked so bad lol. Ahh that's right.. We didn't have a bench :)
I was 9 years old when NBA live 97 came out.My cousins got it and I started playing the game on their computer.At that time,I only knew about Michael Jordan and Chicago Bulls,so when I started to play,for some reason I liked Kings sign and jersey colour,so I picked them for playing.I remember Olden Polynice was playing back then,maybe even Mitch Richmond?Anyways,soon Vlade came to Sactown and then Peja and all the magic started.Serbian TV station done bunch of Sacramento broadcasts,some of them even live from Arco Arena,it was madness.I was crying when Peja was traded.It was pretty hard for me watching every of those guys going away,but oh well...I hope I'll be able to watch some game in the Arco live someday,to feel that incredible energy.I couldn't cheer for any other team in the NBA,I can just like their roster,style,etc. but never LOVE them.I hope we are going to reach the top again some time soon!
I was raised in/near D.C., where I went to all the redskins games, and a fair number of Georgetown games, and a bunch of Diplomats games... but the city really doesn't seem to inspire nba fans-- lots of UMd and georgetown b-ball fans, but not many bullets fans

I went to a couple of games as a little kid in the Wes Unseld, Elvin Hayes, Mitch Kupchec days... had fun, but it never really stuck. If you listened to sports radio, it was pretty much all redskins all the time.

Then I went to grad school at UC-Davis in the mid 90s. Sac had one team, the Kings. They sucked. they always sucked. they always REALLY sucked. They were serious contenders (at the time prohibitive frontrunners) for the title for the suckiest franchise in all pro sports modern history. They hadn't had a winning season, ever (in the sac era). THey hadn't been to the playoffs in the wussified nba (cripes the atlanta hawks made it this year!). They truly and completely sucked.....

and yet....

the fans were rabid, die hard, passionate... man they loved the team, and talked incessantly about the fact that the Kings had managed to "make a game of it for 3 quarters" against the seahawks or rockets... or whatever other meaningless consolation prize for a sucky team... but the fans STILL loved them. that was endearing, and won me over. I was a fan, one of "the happy losers".

then lo and behold, something weird happened... the team suddenly got good. the long suuffereing made the first couple of "good years" extra good!! (I went to china for a half year, for the 99- 00 season, and the kings were the talk of the town, it was crazy!)

but the flip side seems to have been, that the couple of good years have ruined the fanbase for the optimism during the suffering lean years (that have now returned).

I am back in DC now, and kinda stay a fan... but it is hard. Games starting at 10:30 pm, and NOBODY interested in them here --- try to find someone here to talk about the promise of Francisco Garcia.. I dare you! --- people here don't care about the bullets, much less the sucky kings!!

I hope the sacramento fanbase re-emerges from its collective enui --- because it was a really fun fan base. But the threads HERE (on a passionate fan-site) showing about 50% of season ticket holders dropping out is indicative of a, shall we say "challenging", problem for kings management.

so here I am, still a fan... but I never see games, or talk to real live flesh and blood people about the kings, and my last couple of kings tee-shirs have now degraded to the point that I canb't even mow the lawn in them! so call it a holding pattern. I think I'll be back... when my children start letting me sleep past 6am occasionally ;)


Hall of Famer
I was born and raised in St Louis Mo. Baseball was my game and the Cards were my team. I think I played baseball from the time I was 4 yr's old. As much as baseball became my game to play, basketball became my game to watch. Now I date myself. I grew up with Bob Petitt, Duggie Martin, Jack McMann, Cliff Hagen, Charlie Share, and Easy Ed McCaulley. I watched my Hawks go to the finals every year and get beat by the Celtics. A team loaded with a bunch of no name players. Russell and company.

I moved to Sacramento in 1966 and became a Warriors fan. I stayed a Warriors fan until the day the Kings moved to town. I had a friend who had season tickets from the get go, and everytime his wife didn't want to go, I went with him. Bought my own season tickets some years later. Started in the lower level and slowly worked my way higher and higher up the arena. When I couldn't go any higher, I gave them up and moved to baja. Thanks to the Maloff's, NBA TV, and my three satelite dishs, I watch just about every game.

I have a story I can tell about Bob Petitt, but I'll save it for the DDOS.
I was born in L.A. so everyone in my family are Laker fans except me but we moved to Northern California before I liked basketball.

I watched Jordan in the playoffs his final year and was in awe so the next year 98' I turned on my staticy TV and saw basketball on UPN 31 when it was still called that and I saw the Kings playing and fell in love with the team right there.
I was never a fan of spectator sports. To me, they always seemed like just paying someone else to play a game for you. I was not involved in any organized, competetive sports after the 8th grade.

I moved to Sierraville around 2000 and somehow, much to the surprise of all that knew me, got swept up in the infamous title run. That is right, I came on as a true bandwagon fan! I was a Kings fan before I was a basketball fan. Although, I do enjoy other teams in the NBA, I still pay no attention to any other sport aside from snowboarding.
I started paying attention to all sports about the same time the Kings moved to my hometown. So I rooted for them in basketball.
My old man was a kings fan and always sat me next to him when the games where on and took me to games. I remember my old man screaming and cursing at the TV LOL now its me LOL.
Before I ever followed basketball, my entire elementary school was drooling of Kobe, Shaq, and the Lakers. So, I watched the series between the Lakers and Pacers in the NBA finals for the 1999-2000 season and was amazed at the individual talent by the two superstars. I was amazed, but after I finished watching the series, I went back to my daily routines and forgot about them.

01-02 Playoffs roll around and the Lakers are playing the Kings. Instantaneously I fall in love with them. The ball movement, the big men passing, the passion, ARCO, charisma. It was amazing to watch and they lured me into watching the game, let alone the Kings.

Starting from that series I started to avidly learn about the history and in a matter of 6 years I have gained an incredible amount of knowledge about the game and its history thanks to the Kings.