Kings Select in the 2008 NBA DRAFT??

okay, but it was obvious that Williams had the vision/passing/pg IQ/ball handling to be a nba pg, it's not so clear with Westbrook whether he played point for a college team that normally works in the half court or not.
And Westbrook doesn't? His PG skills aren't as obvious as Williams', but if they were, he'd be a top 3 pick. But, he did run UCLA's offensive sets for a long while during Collison's injury, which is no joke considering the UCLA offense is about as complicated as any in the NBA. Despite showing the athleticism and aptitude to flourish in the open court game, Westbrook showed that he could run a slow, methodical offense too. I think he can make the transition. BTW, did you see his defense on Rose? About the only guy I've seen that could stay in front of him.
He did a better job bringing the ball up than Collison did today vs Rose. Collison wilted every time and threw the ball away a lot, Westbrook actually was able to bring it up vs Rose without turning it over and he did that. I think there's this stereotype that cuz he's 6'3'' and athletic and can score, he is a combo guard. But really he's a great defender, athlete, and a great passer. He reminds me a lot of Baron Davis. The guy's potential is off the charts, sure he needs to improve his shooting and maybe ball handling but that much potential is way too good to pass up.
Well I'd love for him to have Baron Davis potential, I have no reason to not want him to do that. However if you want to argue with consensus that his ball handling and PG skills are lacking fine. If we didn't already have the 2 position locked up it would be different and I still wouldn't be too upset if we picked him and Augustin wasn't on the board, but I would still be skeptical. He needs to improve a lot of things before he can become a PG, it's more than just being able to pass, he has to be able to create off the dribble for himself and for others. Baron Davis knew how to do that. He plays in a half court set offense, that doesn't inspire me much to believe he be an on ball PG who can run pnr's, drive and kick, and handle the ball in transition and under pressure. We need a real PG who can do these things, not someone who can pass for the bare minimum.
BTW.. THAT is the way I like Arthur to play.. Hell of a game defensively for Arthur. We all know he can shoot the ball inside 12-15ft so if he can board like that regularly then he has a future.
I'd just like to say, thank you Darrell Arthur for playing the game that you're more than capable of. You actually impressed Gary, which is hard to do if you're not named Kevin Love :p:D!
See what I was talking about, though? You can see the ability with Arthur, for me it's just a matter of him getting good coaching and putting it all together. He has the athleticism and the skill set. I'm also very, very impressed by his defense. He made a few nice hustle plays to get Kansas back on track in the second, too. Nice to see he's not afraid of the dirty work.
I'm not saying "I told you so", because it's way too early for that. But, Gary, I hope now you see what I was talking about. He also did it against no less than Tyler Hansbrough. Not easy competition. The one negative for him was that he forced it a little offensively. Alot of the time when he got the ball, it wasn't leaving the post again. I guess it's understandable since they don't give him the ball enough, though.

Love didn't impress me much but still put up nice numbers. He's the one guy that you can say definitely won't be a bust. He's too solid and has great fundamentals. He just flat out knows how to play the game. His outlet passes are absolutely unbelievable. The only thing is I'm not sure of how he'd be next to Spencer. That's my only worry. But if he's still around, I think GP takes him. He's his type of guy.

Another guy I'd like (for partially biased reasons) is Jason Thompson. If his stock drop to late 1st, early 2nd, I'd love for us to trade our two 2nd rounders to move up and nab him. He's really skilled and has good size and athleticism. Plus, I'll be meeting him this summer! I'll be sure to post some pics when the time comes.
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And Westbrook doesn't? His PG skills aren't as obvious as Williams', but if they were, he'd be a top 3 pick. But, he did run UCLA's offensive sets for a long while during Collison's injury, which is no joke considering the UCLA offense is about as complicated as any in the NBA. Despite showing the athleticism and aptitude to flourish in the open court game, Westbrook showed that he could run a slow, methodical offense too. I think he can make the transition. BTW, did you see his defense on Rose? About the only guy I've seen that could stay in front of him.
I'm not trying to criticize his defense. I admit he has very good defensive potential and he's great finisher at the basket. However running a slow halfcourt set doesn't prove jack whether he can be a PG or not, it only really proves if anything that he good bb IQ. Unless you want the kings to run the triangle I don't see how these things really prove he can handle the point in the NBA. They don't rely on a primary ball handler to create for them. That's why guys like Fisher and Harper have been able to play the point in the triangle.
Well I'd love for him to have Baron Davis potential, I have no reason to not want him to do that. However if you want to argue with consensus that his ball handling and PG skills are lacking fine. If we didn't already have the 2 position locked up it would be different and I still wouldn't be too upset if we picked him and Augustin wasn't on the board, but I would still be skeptical. He needs to improve a lot of things before he can become a PG, it's more than just being able to pass, he has to be able to create off the dribble for himself and for others. Baron Davis knew how to do that. He plays in a half court set offense, that doesn't inspire me much to believe he be an on ball PG who can run pnr's, drive and kick, and handle the ball in transition and under pressure. We need a real PG who can do these things, not someone who can pass for the bare minimum.
Can you give any of these sources that list his ballhandling and pg skills as lacking?
I'm not trying to criticize his defense. I admit he has very good defensive potential and he's great finisher at the basket. However running a slow halfcourt set doesn't prove jack whether he can be a PG or not, it only really proves if anything that he good bb IQ. Unless you want the kings to run the triangle I don't see how these things really prove he can handle the point in the NBA. They don't rely on a primary ball handler to create for them. That's why guys like Fisher and Harper have been able to play the point in the triangle.
Isn't that kind of the future of this team as well? Most of our players are more suited to a playing style where Hawes will be the focal point of our offense in Princeton-esque sets. The Denver game was kind of a look into the future, when our offense really fell apart whenever Hawes left the floor.
I'd just like to say, thank you Darrell Arthur for playing the game that you're more than capable of. You actually impressed Gary, which is hard to do if you're not named Kevin Love :p:D!
See what I was talking about, though? You can see the ability with Arthur, for me it's just a matter of him getting good coaching and putting it all together. He has the athleticism and the skill set. I'm also very, very impressed by his defense. He made a few nice hustle plays to get Kansas back on track in the second, too. Nice to see he's not afraid of the dirty work.
I'm not saying "I told you so", because it's way too early for that. But, Gary, I hope now you see what I was talking about. He also did it against no less than Tyler Hansbrough. Not easy competition. The one negative for him was that he forced it a little offensively. Alot of the time when he got the ball, it wasn't leaving the post again. I guess it's understandable since they don't give him the ball enough, though.

Love didn't impress me much but still put up nice numbers. He's the one guy that you can say definitely won't be a bust. He's too solid and has great fundamentals. He just flat out knows how to play the game. His outlet passes are absolutely unbelievable. The only thing is I'm not sure of how he'd be next to Spencer. That's my only worry. But if he's still around, I think GP takes him. He's his type of guy.

Another guy I'd like (for partially biased reasons) is Jason Thompson. If his stock drop to late 1st, early 2nd, I'd love for us to trade our two 2nd rounders to move up and nab him. He's really skilled and has good size and athleticism. Plus, I'll be meeting him this summer! I'll be sure to post some pics when the time comes.

Have to agree no way GP passes on Love everything about him screams GP pick

- high bball iq
- limited athlete
-polished offensive game
- questionable defense/rebounding ( projected at the next level has been solid in college)

I think Love will be a solid pro. I also think a Hawes/Love Pairing would make lots of people happy.
Sadly those people would probly be named Paul/Andrew/Amare/Shaq/Gregg/Lamarcus/Tim/DavidW/Tyson/Elton/Chris K/Al J/Carlos/Kenyon/Marcus

yikes I didn't even realize how stupidly deep western froncourts were till I did that list. Love really is suited for an EC team or a WC team with a monster athlete already playing next to him.
Have to agree no way GP passes on Love everything about him screams GP pick

- high bball iq
- limited athlete
-polished offensive game
- questionable defense/rebounding ( projected at the next level has been solid in college)

I think Love will be a solid pro. I also think a Hawes/Love Pairing would make lots of people happy.
Sadly those people would probly be named Paul/Andrew/Amare/Shaq/Gregg/Lamarcus/Tim/DavidW/Tyson/Elton/Chris K/Al J/Carlos/Kenyon/Marcus

yikes I didn't even realize how stupidly deep western froncourts were till I did that list. Love really is suited for an EC team or a WC team with a monster athlete already playing next to him.
He will be a good rebounder at the next level.. The reason being that he is amazing at getting position. It literally took a guy of Joey Dorsey's size to keep him from getting position.. Dorsey and Love are probably two of the strongest guys you will see playing the game. 23 out of 39 games Love had a double double. 8 more games Love was ONE rebound away from a double double. So the Kid can board, and he will be fine in the NBA. But you are right about the defense. If I had to rate him at a college level it would be about 6.5 out of 10. In the NBA it will be about 4.5-5 during his rookie season. He's 19 years old though so I am not worried.
The final four pretty much confirmed what I thought about guys like Arthur, Lawson, Collison, and Hanbrough. They suck.

I know, I know, Authur had a nice game. But if that was the best he can play, then I'm sorry, he's not lottery material. First of all, he didn't guard Hanbrough, Darnell Jackson did. Arthur had his chance at guarding Tyler early in the game but without much success, so they switched to Jackson with Arthur basically a help defender. His speed and athleticism is perfect for being a help defender, but that's not going to fly in the nba. If he couldn't guard Tyler Hansbrough, he can't guard a starting nba PF, any starting nba PF. On offense, his post footwork is still below average. He turns to his right every time and if the defender cut him off then that's it, he has no other moves. He is not really a defensive force nor an offensive player. He'll have a long career to be sure, but Arthur is nothing more than rotation player/spot starter at the next level. NBA's next Terry Mills.

I see Lawson as very overrated. Can't shoot, undersized, goes right every time. He's not ready for big mins and probably nothing more than a Speedy Claxton type at the next level.

Collison is one of those PG who plays hard, takes care of the ball and knock down some open shots. Nothing more. A borderline starter at the nba. Someone like a Derek Fisher (at best) or Earl Watson type. He's not better than Beno. I rather we sign Beno and draft a guy with higher ceiling than Collison.

And every time I warm up to Tyler Hansbrough, he shows why he'll be just a role player. It's a shame, few fight harder, and few get more result out of such limited physical ability. Imagine if Kwame Brown has half the desire and heart of Hansbrough.

Douglas-Roberts is going to be a very good player in the nba. Why do some mock site thinks he's a 2nd rounder? Are you kidding me?

Love is going to struggle defensively in the NBA. But when it's all said and done, he's going to be the best nba player from the final four with the exception of Rose.

If I have the #1 pick, it's Derrick Rose. It's not even close. Jason Kidd and Gary Payton were awesome in college but even they weren't as good at that age as Rose is. I don't know if Beasley is the next great PF, but I'm sure Rose will the next great PG barring injury.

If there's anything I have taken from watching college hoops, it's that Rose and Love are keepers. Everyone else from the final four we should pass. Except maybe Douglas-Roberts, but I doubt we draft another SG.
The final four pretty much confirmed what I thought about guys like Arthur, Lawson, Collison, and Hanbrough. They suck.

I know, I know, Authur had a nice game. But if that was the best he can play, then I'm sorry, he's not lottery material. First of all, he didn't guard Hanbrough, Darnell Jackson did. Arthur had his chance at guarding Tyler early in the game but without much success, so they switched to Jackson with Arthur basically a help defender. His speed and athleticism is perfect for being a help defender, but that's not going to fly in the nba. If he couldn't guard Tyler Hansbrough, he can't guard a starting nba PF, any starting nba PF. On offense, his post footwork is still below average. He turns to his right every time and if the defender cut him off then that's it, he has no other moves. He is not really a defensive force nor an offensive player. He'll have a long career to be sure, but Arthur is nothing more than rotation player/spot starter at the next level. NBA's next Terry Mills.

I see Lawson as very overrated. Can't shoot, undersized, goes right every time. He's not ready for big mins and probably nothing more than a Speedy Claxton type at the next level.

Collison is one of those PG who plays hard, takes care of the ball and knock down some open shots. Nothing more. A borderline starter at the nba. Someone like a Derek Fisher (at best) or Earl Watson type. He's not better than Beno. I rather we sign Beno and draft a guy with higher ceiling than Collison.

And every time I warm up to Tyler Hansbrough, he shows why he'll be just a role player. It's a shame, few fight harder, and few get more result out of such limited physical ability. Imagine if Kwame Brown has half the desire and heart of Hansbrough.

Douglas-Roberts is going to be a very good player in the nba. Why do some mock site thinks he's a 2nd rounder? Are you kidding me?

Love is going to struggle defensively in the NBA. But when it's all said and done, he's going to be the best nba player from the final four with the exception of Rose.

If I have the #1 pick, it's Derrick Rose. It's not even close. Jason Kidd and Gary Payton were awesome in college but even they weren't as good at that age as Rose is. I don't know if Beasley is the next great PF, but I'm sure Rose will the next great PG barring injury.

If there's anything I have taken from watching college hoops, it's that Rose and Love are keepers. Everyone else from the final four we should pass. Except maybe Douglas-Roberts, but I doubt we draft another SG.

WTF dude Westbrook doesn't suck, so not everyone in the final 4 sucks.

I disagree about Arthur also and maybe Lawson but I dunno.
WTF dude Westbrook doesn't suck, so not everyone in the final 4 sucks.

I disagree about Arthur also and maybe Lawson but I dunno.
I didn't say Westbrook sucks. I didn't say everyone in the final 4 sucks. I was quite impressed by Rose, Love, and Douglas-Robert. But the rest are at best bench player/spot starters with Westbrook having a higher ceiling because he has PG skill but he needs another yr in college to prove his can play the point.

Arthur, especially, is someone who I wanted to like. For the simple reason that we have a shot at drafting a young athletic PF. I kept waiting since last season for something to hang on to, something to show that he can be an elite PF at the next stage. All I needed is a glimpse that he can guard NBA-calibre PF, rebound consistently, and at least has two basic post moves that he can do with either hand. But nill, nill, and nill. All signs point to him being a good role player. He probably needs to be on an up-tempo team to be most effective. Will be a good fit for Don Nelson's style of basketball, imo.
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Hall of Famer
The final four pretty much confirmed what I thought about guys like Arthur, Lawson, Collison, and Hanbrough. They suck.

I know, I know, Authur had a nice game. But if that was the best he can play, then I'm sorry, he's not lottery material. First of all, he didn't guard Hanbrough, Darnell Jackson did. Arthur had his chance at guarding Tyler early in the game but without much success, so they switched to Jackson with Arthur basically a help defender. His speed and athleticism is perfect for being a help defender, but that's not going to fly in the nba. If he couldn't guard Tyler Hansbrough, he can't guard a starting nba PF, any starting nba PF. On offense, his post footwork is still below average. He turns to his right every time and if the defender cut him off then that's it, he has no other moves. He is not really a defensive force nor an offensive player. He'll have a long career to be sure, but Arthur is nothing more than rotation player/spot starter at the next level. NBA's next Terry Mills.

I see Lawson as very overrated. Can't shoot, undersized, goes right every time. He's not ready for big mins and probably nothing more than a Speedy Claxton type at the next level.

Collison is one of those PG who plays hard, takes care of the ball and knock down some open shots. Nothing more. A borderline starter at the nba. Someone like a Derek Fisher (at best) or Earl Watson type. He's not better than Beno. I rather we sign Beno and draft a guy with higher ceiling than Collison.

And every time I warm up to Tyler Hansbrough, he shows why he'll be just a role player. It's a shame, few fight harder, and few get more result out of such limited physical ability. Imagine if Kwame Brown has half the desire and heart of Hansbrough.

Douglas-Roberts is going to be a very good player in the nba. Why do some mock site thinks he's a 2nd rounder? Are you kidding me?

Love is going to struggle defensively in the NBA. But when it's all said and done, he's going to be the best nba player from the final four with the exception of Rose.

If I have the #1 pick, it's Derrick Rose. It's not even close. Jason Kidd and Gary Payton were awesome in college but even they weren't as good at that age as Rose is. I don't know if Beasley is the next great PF, but I'm sure Rose will the next great PG barring injury.

If there's anything I have taken from watching college hoops, it's that Rose and Love are keepers. Everyone else from the final four we should pass. Except maybe Douglas-Roberts, but I doubt we draft another SG.
On Hansbrough, Lawson, and Collison, I pretty much agree. I can't beleive that I'm going to defend Arthur here, but, I think the difference is,that with Arthur, it would seem that he hasn't come close to reaching his potentail. I don't think you can say the same for the rest of them. I'm not saying that they can't improve. I'm just saying that the room for improvement is smaller.

You left out Westbrook and Rush. I think Rush is going to be a good player at the next level. Westbrook I'm not sure about. Another Tweener. I could see him being a Bobby Jackson type of player, but I don't think he has the instincts to be a starting pt guard. At this point he trys to rely to much on his athleticism. Great finisher around the basket. He's a better player when he's not handling the ball and able to roam free.


Hall of Famer
He did a better job bringing the ball up than Collison did today vs Rose. Collison wilted every time and threw the ball away a lot, Westbrook actually was able to bring it up vs Rose without turning it over and he did that. I think there's this stereotype that cuz he's 6'3'' and athletic and can score, he is a combo guard. But really he's a great defender, athlete, and a great passer. He reminds me a lot of Baron Davis. The guy's potential is off the charts, sure he needs to improve his shooting and maybe ball handling but that much potential is way too good to pass up.
With all due respect, Westbrook does not have B. Davis potential. Davis could take a couple of dribbles and have his elbows above the basket with the basketball in his hands in college.:eek: He was obvious superstar material. Westbrook is not in his class. Maybe you could call him a poor man's B. Davis... I do think though that he has more potential as a point guard than Collison.


Hall of Famer
Yea, but he has to prove he can run the point or he's really not for us. I haven't seen Westbrook enough to know if he can run an offense, something tells me he's not that type. I say we draft Augustin or put off on getting a PG for now.
I think a lot of Bruin fans think Westbrook played better at the point than Collison after Collison went out with injury. He doesn't dribble the ball to death getting it into the offense. He definitely has more explosion, ability to finish, and quickness than Collison, though he hasn't made as many bigtime outside shots than Collison, in part because he hasn't been put in that situation as much.
I think a lot of Bruin fans think Westbrook played better at the point than Collison after Collison went out with injury. He doesn't dribble the ball to death getting it into the offense. He definitely has more explosion, ability to finish, and quickness than Collison, though he hasn't made as many bigtime outside shots than Collison, in part because he hasn't been put in that situation as much.
Saying he's better than Collison really doesn't do much for me since I"m not that big on Collison either.
Someone will probably take Westbrook and Collison in the lottery but it won't be the Kings. I don't believe they have the talent level that Beno has, and I believe that Petrie will focus on re-signing Beno to 3yrs to give him an extended tryout to see if he can fit in with the way this team is going. If Beno does than I can see Petrie extending him again for another 3-5yrs.

This draft has PF written all over it, and unless we get a top 3 pick I can't see us taking a PG (either being Rose or Bayless). I don't even think Petrie will take a chance on Augustin anymore.
Someone will probably take Westbrook and Collison in the lottery but it won't be the Kings. I don't believe they have the talent level that Beno has, and I believe that Petrie will focus on re-signing Beno to 3yrs to give him an extended tryout to see if he can fit in with the way this team is going. If Beno does than I can see Petrie extending him again for another 3-5yrs.

This draft has PF written all over it, and unless we get a top 3 pick I can't see us taking a PG (either being Rose or Bayless). I don't even think Petrie will take a chance on Augustin anymore.
Well, PFs in our range include Randolph, McGee, Arthur, and Love. I like Arthur the most out of those four.
Well, PFs in our range include Randolph, McGee, Arthur, and Love. I like Arthur the most out of those four.
McGee and Randolph are both boom or bust guys IMO. They both have potential to be REALLY good, but they're both extremely raw now and will take some developing. It might take too long and I could see a team giving up on them too soon, or them never reaching their potential.

Arthur and Love are both a lot more polished, and Arthur is the one who fits our needs better with his athleticism, also has more potential IMO. He isn't quite as tall as McGee and Randolph, he's only average sized for a PF(about 6'10'' or 6'9'') but he is A LOT stronger than both players. He has a ton of potential too, a lot of skill, but he's just not assertive enough at times or aggressive enough at times. To be fair it's probably hard to stand out on a team that talented. I like him the best also.
Good game.. But it's just one.. Come on, you bust my balls when I talk about Love after having 5 good games in a row.. Arthur had one and a half ;) Now if Arthur does this every game hell yes.. If it's once and a while? Still nah. But he did improve his draft position by a few picks. Now he's back into the first round lol.. j/k.. He's back int he lottery imo.
Good game.. But it's just one.. Come on, you bust my balls when I talk about Love after having 5 good games in a row.. Arthur had one and a half ;) Now if Arthur does this every game hell yes.. If it's once and a while? Still nah. But he did improve his draft position by a few picks. Now he's back into the first round lol.. j/k.. He's back int he lottery imo.
lol Yeah he is definitely back in the lottery. And Arthur vs Dorsey/Dozier=20/10 and Dorsey gets 2 boards. VS Love Dorsey got 15. Arthur will be the better rebounder in the NBA.
Again, you can't say he will be a better rebounder based off of one game.. We can compare similar opponents all day long.. See below for all common team stats.

Against Arizona;
Arthur had 20pts 6rbds 3blks
Love had 26pts 11rbds, and 24pts 15rbds 3blks

Against Yale;
Arthur had 11pts 4rbds 3blks
Love had 15pts 5rbds

Against Texas;
Arthur had 16pts 9rbds, and 22pts 6rbds 1blk
Love had 11pts 5rbds 1blk

Against Portland St.;
Arthur had 17pts 7rbds
Love had 22pts 13rbds 1blk

Against Memphis;
Arthur had 20pts 10rbds
Love had 12pts 9rbds 3blks

Against Texas A&M;
Arthur had 16pts 9rbds 1blk, and 7pts 7rbds 1blk
Love had 19pts 11rbds 7blks

All of the above games which both played against the stats are.....

Darrell Arthur - 8 games - 16.1ppg 7.3rpg 1.1bpg
Kevin Love - 7 games - 18.4ppg 9.9rpg 2.1bpg

All the above stats are against teams they both played against. Arthur did better than I thought he did, but as you can see one game does not make one better than the other.

You see Love has more blocks but do you think he is a better shot blocker? I don't. Arthur is....

Do I think Love is the better rebounder/shooter/passer though? yes.
Again, you can't say he will be a better rebounder based off of one game.. We can compare similar opponents all day long.. See below for all common team stats.

Against Arizona;
Arthur had 20pts 6rbds 3blks
Love had 26pts 11rbds, and 24pts 15rbds 3blks

Against Yale;
Arthur had 11pts 4rbds 3blks
Love had 15pts 5rbds

Against Texas;
Arthur had 16pts 9rbds, and 22pts 6rbds 1blk
Love had 11pts 5rbds 1blk

Against Portland St.;
Arthur had 17pts 7rbds
Love had 22pts 13rbds 1blk

Against Memphis;
Arthur had 20pts 10rbds
Love had 12pts 9rbds 3blks

Against Texas A&M;
Arthur had 16pts 9rbds 1blk, and 7pts 7rbds 1blk
Love had 19pts 11rbds 7blks

All of the above games which both played against the stats are.....

Darrell Arthur - 8 games - 16.1ppg 7.3rpg 1.1bpg
Kevin Love - 7 games - 18.4ppg 9.9rpg 2.1bpg

All the above stats are against teams they both played against. Arthur did better than I thought he did, but as you can see one game does not make one better than the other.

You see Love has more blocks but do you think he is a better shot blocker? I don't. Arthur is....

Do I think Love is the better rebounder/shooter/passer though? yes.

Eh I kinda agree but I think Arthur has the potential to be a really good rebounder if he wants to be. He did a great job getting position on Dorsey tonight and Dorsey didn't do anything. On offense he basically made Dorsey his... Dorsey got 15 rebounds vs Love. 2 vs Arthur. I dunno Love is a good rebounder, probably better if you're talking about who consistently gives you more boards but Arthur's ceiling as a rebounder is higher IMO. Same with shotblocking. I dunno they are both polished and skilled but still they're very different players so it's hard to compare. But for our needs I take Arthur. He reminds me of a poor man's Amare(his ceiling is really high though, if he played up to his potential he could be the same player IMO). He's not as aggressive offensively though but he'll be a better defender.

I want Arthur on this team though. I like him better than all the undersized PGs and tweeners. He came up big when it counted, unlike a lot of other guys(Hansbrough, Jordan, Lawson, Collison, etc). Love was the only guy who showed up for UCLA and to be honest I didn't think their shot happy guards got him the ball enough, but that is the same thing Arthur had to put up with for the majority of the season.

Bottom line is DA has hella potential and he would really solidify our frontline for the future. Hawes/Arthur, if both pan out, is a complimentary front line. Arthur gives you athleticism, shotblocking, post defense, shooting, post scoring, some rebounding. Hawes gives you post scoring, passing, size, some shotblocking(because of his size), shooting, some rebounding, and offense in general. Love/Hawes aren't the same player, but their skillsets aren't complimentary enough IMO.

Eh I kinda agree but I think Arthur has the potential to be a really good rebounder if he wants to be. He did a great job getting position on Dorsey tonight and Dorsey didn't do anything. On offense he basically made Dorsey his... Dorsey got 15 rebounds vs Love. 2 vs Arthur. I dunno Love is a good rebounder, probably better if you're talking about who consistently gives you more boards but Arthur's ceiling as a rebounder is higher IMO. Same with shotblocking. I dunno they are both polished and skilled but still they're very different players so it's hard to compare. But for our needs I take Arthur. He reminds me of a poor man's Amare(his ceiling is really high though, if he played up to his potential he could be the same player IMO). He's not as aggressive offensively though but he'll be a better defender.

I want Arthur on this team though. I like him better than all the undersized PGs and tweeners. He came up big when it counted, unlike a lot of other guys(Hansbrough, Jordan, Lawson, Collison, etc). Love was the only guy who showed up for UCLA and to be honest I didn't think their shot happy guards got him the ball enough, but that is the same thing Arthur had to put up with for the majority of the season.

Bottom line is DA has hella potential and he would really solidify our frontline for the future. Hawes/Arthur, if both pan out, is a complimentary front line. Arthur gives you athleticism, shotblocking, post defense, shooting, post scoring, some rebounding. Hawes gives you post scoring, passing, size, some shotblocking(because of his size), shooting, some rebounding, and offense in general. Love/Hawes aren't the same player, but their skillsets aren't complimentary enough IMO.

I was sort of hoping Kansas would get knocked out by Davidson to keep Arthur's stock low. One good game is enough to make him the 9th pick, which would be out of our range.

Some of you guys are correct in that Arthur hasn't shown enough and has been inconsistent. However we are talking about the 12th pick. Had he shown more, he wouldn't be available to us.
Where were all these other Arthur lovers before these last two games? Myself and BMiller52 were the only ones putting up any fight for him on here before. :mad::p

Basically, last night proved my point. Not that he'll be a star, not that we'll pick him, but that he has the ability to be a superstar and you can't say that about many players that should be available where we pick. He has a rare package of size, skills and athleticism. He made some sick moves tonight and even hit a couple tough hook shots. He provides alot of the intangibles, too. I really like the kid and will be hugely annoyed if GP passes on him if he's there (and that's something I can imagine GP doing). He has the potential to be the perfect compliment next to Hawes.

Gary, early days but I think I got that bet under wraps! :p

Good game.. But it's just one.. Come on, you bust my balls when I talk about Love after having 5 good games in a row.. Arthur had one and a half ;) Now if Arthur does this every game hell yes.. If it's once and a while? Still nah. But he did improve his draft position by a few picks. Now he's back into the first round lol.. j/k.. He's back int he lottery imo.
It's not just one IMO. He's shown the all the talent in the world in alot of games, he just doesn't have big statistical nights as much as a guy like Love. I never gave out about Love. He's a very good player and knows how to play. My argument here all along is that Arthur has a much higher ceiling than Love (and admittedly a lower floor) and has potential to be a superstar, which I don't think Love has. I also don't think Love and Hawes would be a good fit at all. We've been there and done that, and we've proved that you can't win with a frontcourt that can't play D. We can't have both our PF and C getting dominated every night. Arthur is a very good defender with the potential (there's that word again) to be great.

All the last few games have done is show that he can step up his game when his team needs him and still play extremely well against the bigger teams and against legit NBA prospects.


Hall of Famer
I was sort of hoping Kansas would get knocked out by Davidson to keep Arthur's stock low. One good game is enough to make him the 9th pick, which would be out of our range.

Some of you guys are correct in that Arthur hasn't shown enough and has been inconsistent. However we are talking about the 12th pick. Had he shown more, he wouldn't be available to us.
Excellent point. It is only one game however. I don't think scouts make their judgement on one game, nor should we. In the last two games Arthur showed us what he's capable of. One thing that scouts have questioned about him is his motor. Might not be fair to him, but he does seem to disapear at times.
Now, having played sports, as I'm sure many of you have. If your team doesn't keep you involved, you tend to lose interest, and along with that, intensity. By no means am I making excuse's for him. To be great you have to be self motivated, but he may be better than we think, based on what we've seen.
I watched Timmy Hardaway go 1 for 22 one night. If you passed judgement on him based on that one game, you wouldn't want him on your team. My point is, that based on consistency, I would still draft Love over Arthur. However, I don't think that Love will be there at 12, so I would have no problem with drafting Arthur. I still like Thompson, but there are questions about his motor as well, and when you consider the level of competition, I think you have to go with Arthur.
Still worried about Arthur too, but after the next updates on the mock sites I have a feeling that he will be below 20 and I will lose the sig bet :p
I think that Indiana will finish 4-1, and the Kings will finish 1-4 which will put us in a tie for #11.

Sacramento Kings - at LAL (loss), SA (loss), NO (loss), POR (win), at GS (loss).

Indiana Pacers - ATL (win), at PHI (win '2-0 against PHI this year'), CHA (win), at WAS (loss? '2-1 against WAS this year'), NYK (win).

I have a feeling that Indiana might try to steal who we want like Chicago did last year (although it played out fine in the end).