New Uniforms? No black ... for now


Super Moderator Emeritus
I don't have a link but I've heard that there WILL, in fact, be new home and road jerseys next season but that neither of them will be black. The NBA is still maintaining a strict control on how many teams can have black jerseys and until/unless a couple of teams give theirs up, no more teams can have them.


Well, as long as the gold is relegated to a vault deep beneath Arco, or some other suitable location, I'll be relieved. Not elated, mind you, but glad not to see our team looking like they need gold lamé purses and shoes to match the ensemble.
hope we finally get rid of those dumb v-neck looking jerseys. womens jerseys. purple road jerseys were so snug; you could certainly tell if they had lunch that day.
The only ones I can think of that were almost as bad were the shiny metallic trash-bag creations Dallas sported a couple of years ago.

Yes, hard to believe, but those silver lamé unis were the most hideous things. They looked like they were made from those "emergency" blankets. Truly ugly.

Made the Kings gold lamé unis seem like a good choice. :eek:
The only ones I can think of that were almost as bad were the shiny metallic trash-bag creations Dallas sported a couple of years ago.

LOL hold on i forgot about miami's UGLY neon jersey HAHA. Lets not forget about Denver's 87-88 home and aways.
I wouldnt mind silver or gray away. the color purple needs to go!

how about dark purple!, lol like black-ish!

That's what I'm hoping for......a very deep, rich purple. I think it denotes royalty. I am glad that black is not coming back any time soon. It is so overdone IMHO. So many teams have done it, where is the novelty/ creativity? Plus, royalty did not dress in black. That was reserved for the peasants.

Let's start the petition for deep purple.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
I'm perfectly happy with "not black". Seems like black is mostly wanted by those who think the jersey should be an extension of the 'tude, and I think that's silly.

I'm down with the powder blue retro alternates, but I don't see any way that the new standard jerseys would be anything but a redesign centered around the same old same old, maybe with a new font or new crown logo.
The throwback 97 jersey was more like 3/4 purple purple and 1/4 black i wonder if the league would consider them black?

alt jersey.jpg

Anyways as long as the maloofs dont let some company like Phat farm or something design them im sure it would be okay, i prefere a more profesional look.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I don't understand if the league maintains strict controls over how many jerseys can be black, and black jerseys are the top sellers year in year out, outside of the usual contending teams and storied franchises, why on earth would we have ever gave them up?

Then again I don't really understand why if black jerseys are the most popular why the NBA wouldn't accomodate any team that wanted black, if only as an alternate to increase merchandise sales. Maybe they could allow for "dark" and "light" jerseys, instead of colored and whites? Then teams could have a black jersey and a colored jersey, as long as the primary color wasn't some other dark color.

Just random thinking... sorry.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
The Kings wore black when they were a dominant team in the league. Beside the fact that the black jerseys just look better, they bring back memories of CWebb and Peja and Vlade and JWill at the top of their game. I think Richmond donned the black jersey too. That's why I'd like to see them again. Those are the jerseys I grew up with. It does make me wonder, if having black uniforms is such an exclusive club now (which seems silly and arbitrary to me, but whatever) then how come we gave ours up in the first place? Did we voluntarily give them up or were we told to? And if we voluntarily gave them up, why should we now be excluded from getting them? That's totally unfair.

Plus, if you had to play against Ron Artest, would you rather play against him in a black jersey or a purple jersey? Call me crazy, but I think it makes a difference.
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I don't care what color they are as long as they have "Sacramento" on the front, not "Kings". Well...that's not true. Any color but gold...
Im excited about this, i never really liked the road uniforms anyway. And if were changing the home jerseys as well then thats ok with me too. BTW There is no gold jersey worse than the trash that the wizards wore a year ago.