Kings Should Offer Artest a Contract


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Sarcasm doesn't work well with the printed word. I can name a few top 50 players who were drafted outside of pick number 10. That doesn't mean a number 16 pick will year in year out be a better pick but occasionally great players fall a long ways.

We just traded and got a #5 pick and people are lining up to say he is no good.

Maybe its time to refer to the table again -- sure wish Geoff would:

Possible? Sure. But nothing any rational planner would ever aim for -- your odds absolutely plummet as you sink out of those top picks.
I know....that really sucks....:rolleyes:

It does, as of now. Are you one of the ones in denial about our situation? Do you think we are contending? Have a legit shot at making the POs? If we're not making the POs (and we're not), I'd much rather win 25 games than 40. What would you prefer? Win 40 games, get the 14th draft pick? :rolleyes:
The problem with appearing to eager to get rid of Artest is that makes it harder to get rid of him.

I think we should keep him if he isn't too costly.

If we do somehow manage to pull in a star FA Ron becomes our #2 player and KM are #3. Say #1 is LBJ. That's a contending team - that's a team other teams fear.

Without Artest LBJ+KM and a bunch of average to poor NBA players isn't going to make it. You'll be the Cavs.

Like it or not, the scenario that gets the Kings back into contention soonest goes through Artest. There is no one else out there who gives you that much talent per dollar.

This all depends on Artest not doing something idiotic. I'm willing to accept that risk for now. He's older and wiser now. If you don't look at his now distant past he probably isn't that much harder to handle than other star athletes.

We're a small market team. We win by gambling on people like Artest and CWebb.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The problem with appearing to eager to get rid of Artest is that makes it harder to get rid of him.

I think we should keep him if he isn't too costly.

If we do somehow manage to pull in a star FA Ron becomes our #2 player and KM are #3. Say #1 is LBJ. That's a contending team - that's a team other teams fear.

Without Artest LBJ+KM and a bunch of average to poor NBA players isn't going to make it. You'll be the Cavs.

Like it or not, the scenario that gets the Kings back into contention soonest goes through Artest. There is no one else out there who gives you that much talent per dollar.

This all depends on Artest not doing something idiotic. I'm willing to accept that risk for now. He's older and wiser now. If you don't look at his now distant past he probably isn't that much harder to handle than other star athletes.

We're a small market team. We win by gambling on people like Artest and CWebb.

Not sure what that LBJ line meant?

But in any case Ron Artest is not going to be a $$ bargain past this summer.

And how exactly are we supposed to get this star FA? A major problem with all the people trying to find silve linings here is that everybody is depdning on wishful thinking and magic -- just add in an All Star PF, just add in a star FA -- but the entire issue is that we are making it nearly impossible to do just those things.
We would never get LBJ.

Now if we pay beno and then artest and are paying martin then when we do have any cap room would we have enough to sign a big time player? i don't know really.

I want to get back to being good again.
Okay- I have not read all pages of this thread. Where in the hell did all these people come from anyways? A trade and they all come out of the woodwork eh?

I have been saying Kings should offer Ron a contract extension for at least a couple of months now. If Ron feels wanted, he will play his heart out. Theus can handle him. I like the proposal of the OP.

I would be a thousand times more dissapointed if Bibby were still around and Ron were gone.
Ron is 28 and most likely would be able to contribute on a significant basis until his early 30's. Why can't he be part of the rebuild? If we keep dumping our best players and hoping to replace them with great players except much younger, this rebuild will occur in 3-5 years. WITH Ron, it can occur quicker.

I will never understand why getting rid of our best player is a good idea and, yes, I am willing to take the risk of Ron. A little chest thumping doesn't bother me and I absolutely expect him to calm down now that his daughter's health seems to no longer be an issue.

Has anyone paid attention to his play of the last few games? ANYBODY!!! He scores and can eliminate the effectiveness of the other team's best scorer. There aren't many players in the NBA with those skills.
Completely in agreement with you here and with Purple Reigns initial post.
I like the idea of offering him a two year contract. I don't want to get rid of our best two way player and take back scrubs or projects. I don't want to watch a rebuild take 5+ years.
Artest is by far our best player and trading him or letting him walk will not net us fair value. He has done nothing as of yet that warrants him being traded. The way he helps the younger players is also commonly overshadowed by those who like to point out his offcourt flaws. Artest may be a bit on the crazy side, but the dude can flat out ball, and if he learns to play within the system and control his shoot first tendencies he could be a key part to our rebuilding.
I think too many people here let their personal feelings about Artest get in the way of their view of the Kings as a whole.
I like the idea, I think Ron should stay in sacramento and they can rebuild around him and kevin martin if he acts and plays the way hes been playing.
Artest is by far our best player and trading him or letting him walk will not net us fair value. He has done nothing as of yet that warrants him being traded. The way he helps the younger players is also commonly overshadowed by those who like to point out his offcourt flaws. Artest may be a bit on the crazy side, but the dude can flat out ball, and if he learns to play within the system and control his shoot first tendencies he could be a key part to our rebuilding.
1) when it's a trading system, fair is only what the two parties agree upon; our franchise may be overvaluing him, or other GMs don't see him as worth the risk.

2) this isn't one on one basketball, if ron can flat out ball, we'd actually be making strides. he doesn't affect the game like the real stars do. heck, salmons has shown that he can be just as productive given ron's minutes.
2) this isn't one on one basketball, if ron can flat out ball, we'd actually be making strides. he doesn't affect the game like the real stars do. heck, salmons has shown that he can be just as productive given ron's minutes.
If you're going to point out stuff, at least include the entire quote.

DirtyAcres said:
and if he learns to play within the system and control his shoot first tendencies he could be a key part to our rebuilding.
And I'm not sure I agree with you about Salmons being just as productive as Artest. Offensively, maybe, but not as consistent. Defensively, not a chance.
"if he learns to play within the system"?

the guy's 28. you really want to mortgage more of the franchise's future on him learning new tricks and changing his style? one of the league's most notoriously stubborn and headstrong personalities? i don't, but it's only my opinion.

and...i thought that part was included up there??


Hall of Famer
Win what? When?

I;ve mentioned before:



you are a NOT a winner. You are a loser. A nobody. A nothing. A speed bump. A joke. The guy everybody wants to play because you suck and you just aren't bright enoguh to know it.




You are a winner. Know how its done. Have sacrificed and put in the work. And it involved some big time losing. But losing with a cause, a purpose, and a plan.

yeah ask the Atlanta Hawks if that plan works out just the way you described it. They have been doing this for several years now and now are to the point of getting vets from us to try and compete.

This myth that you automatically become better over time with draft is flawed at best. You could end up on 10 year hunt for that 1 player in the draft that changes things. I for one don't want to see my team win 20-25 games for 10 years.

Now you throw out Garuntees that in 3 years we will be contenders because of the next 3 drafts then you can count me in. but until then there is nothing wrong with hoping this team does something. To me its better than hoping some guy that just got his drivers liscense yesterday will turn my team around in 2012.
I think too many people here let their personal feelings about Artest get in the way of their view of the Kings as a whole.
I've been saying exactly that the second he arrived in Sacramento. In fact, I said it before he arrived as rumors were circulating that Ron Artest might end up a King.

There are a surly lot of haters on this board who dump on Artest no matter what his performance on the court. And what a performance it's been - overall. He came to town promising the Kings would make the playoffs when absolutely no one thought they had a chance in hell. He willed his team to the 8th spot, hammering some Kings Nation havoc on mighty top seed Spurs in the first round. Since then, among a constant "tic-tic-tic" parade of cynics he's continued to perform at a high level as one of the Kings best (if not the best) players. His personal behavior off the court, his couple of faux pas with a coach or other player have been been relatively contained. He seems to be maturing in his late 20's and certainly not deserving of daily bitting scorn from his hometown fan base.

From what I know, he gets respect as he shows it, and Coach Theus plus the Maloofs for the most part deal with him that way. They understand he's a mercurial soul with a volatile past - but they also think he's growing up and brings a HELLUVA LOT OF DYNAMISM on the court - way more than the few minuses. Yes, Artest could blow up tomorrow, but the calculated risk says he won't.

I say sign him to a relatively short-term deal if possible and if not... thanks for all your mighty efforts as a King #93 Mr. Artest!
I say re-sign him too. 2 years 22 mil with an option for a 3rd year.

Then trade Brad at next year's deadline.

And if Salmons keeps up his BS pouting get rid of him too. I mean, who's being more unprofessional these days... Ron or John???
"if he learns to play within the system"?

the guy's 28. you really want to mortgage more of the franchise's future on him learning new tricks and changing his style?
What's the risk in signing him to two years? By the time that contract is up in 2010 so is everyone else that is weighing us down now.

The impact he could have on our young players now can not be overlooked.
I say that we DO NOT re-sign Ron. It is finally time to put the past to bed and focus on the young guns. Let him walk.

I will admit that my personal feelings are involved in my thought process. I'm a fan. Being a fan is emotional. However, I honestly believe that, in the long run, Ron will harm us more than help us. Let him go.
I say re-sign him too. 2 years 22 mil with an option for a 3rd year.

Then trade Brad at next year's deadline.

And if Salmons keeps up his BS pouting get rid of him too. I mean, who's being more unprofessional these days... Ron or John???
Just because John isn't playing as well does not mean hes pouting, IMO I think he is just better when her starts then when he is on the bench. When he comes off the bench he doesn't seem to get the ball passed to him as much and he isn't able to develop the plays that make him a great player. He has that one problem at the beggining of the season where he was upset he got benched but I think he got over that and is just not playing well because he is a much better starter.
Keep Ron

Why get rid of Ron?
were rebuilding but why not keep a experienced vet?
Last 3 games 29,24,&30
he talks about takin players under his wings which takes time
maybe he wants to stay
Keep Artest!


Super Moderator Emeritus
It's out of our hands right now. Artest has a player option, which he has to use by June 30. We cannot give him an extension, as Glenn has pointed out earlier. At this point, he's essentially a lame duck player. Unless I'm missing something, the next move is Artest's. I believe he has to decide on his option BEFORE we can do anything else.
Just because John isn't playing as well does not mean hes pouting, IMO I think he is just better when her starts then when he is on the bench. When he comes off the bench he doesn't seem to get the ball passed to him as much and he isn't able to develop the plays that make him a great player. He has that one problem at the beggining of the season where he was upset he got benched but I think he got over that and is just not playing well because he is a much better starter.
He's good, but I think you're stretchin it a bit there
I say we resign him in order trade him later on. I am sick of bleeding talent. Do a sign and trade. It is easier to trade him when he has longer contract then trading him as a rental.


Hall of Famer
Maybe its time to refer to the table again -- sure wish Geoff would:

Possible? Sure. But nothing any rational planner would ever aim for -- your odds absolutely plummet as you sink out of those top picks.
Of course. That's what I was trying to say unless you misunderstood.
yeah ask the Atlanta Hawks if that plan works out just the way you described it.
that's not the fault of the method, that's the fault of the hawk's ineptitude to actually, you know, draft.

consider the results:

2001 - drafted Pau Gasol #3, traded for Abdur-Rahim (Hawk's fault)
2002 - no first round (I didn't look into where this went)
2003 - drafted Diaw #21, failed to develop him the way phoenix has, also could've drafted Barbosa or Josh Howard
2004 - drafted Childress #6, could've drafted Deng, Iguodola, Biedrins, Al Jefferson, or Kevin Martin
2005 - drafted Marvin Williams #2 (even though they had Childress), could've drafted Deron Williams or Chris Paul, Bynum, or Granger (or even David Lee)
2006 - drafted Shelden Williams #5, could've had Brandon Roy, Rudy Gay, or Jordan Farmar

in any one isolated draft, yes, i buy the argument "team's mess up in the draft each year, you have the benefit of hindsight." the hawks messed up every year. that is not an indictment of rebuilding through the draft, that is an indictment of the hawks' stupidity.
yeah ask the Atlanta Hawks if that plan works out just the way you described it. They have been doing this for several years now and now are to the point of getting vets from us to try and compete.

This myth that you automatically become better over time with draft is flawed at best. You could end up on 10 year hunt for that 1 player in the draft that changes things. I for one don't want to see my team win 20-25 games for 10 years.

Now you throw out Garuntees that in 3 years we will be contenders because of the next 3 drafts then you can count me in. but until then there is nothing wrong with hoping this team does something. To me its better than hoping some guy that just got his drivers liscense yesterday will turn my team around in 2012.


Everyone acts like this it's so simple. Lets be losers so we can win... in 2020



Hall of Famer
We are rebuilding. Artest isn't part of the rebuild. Why sign him when we have Garcia, and Salmons waiting int he wings?
Salmons has to be a part of any conversation about Artest. His play recently has concerned me. Sure, in the past he did well as a starter and then has shown he is not much of a bench player. I do not understand why Garcia can start or come off the bench while Salmons cannot. It makes me concerned in that getting rid of Ron (which is no longer our choice) means that Salmons needs to produce like starter-John and not bench-John. Are we so sure he will continue to be a great starter?