John Salmons

Just thought he could use some love!

Dude is playing really well and I dont think we talk about him enough on here.

two games hes avg 11pts, 6rbds, 2 assist

also did anybody notice bibby had 7rbds last night??? 3 more then brad. why cant brad atleast get 5rbd a game.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
He did play very well last night. Did not see game 1, so cannot say there. Of course one of the hallmarks of John's career has been wild inconsistency. He has great games, and even last year (or especially last year) had several where he was pretending to be a star. Then a few nights later he will come back with a 2pt 1reb 3TO effort in 21min and leave you scratching your head. At this point in his career he is what he is, but when he's flowing he can give you a nice boost, and against the Suns in particular he seems to flow more often than against almost any other team.
He looks to be the only player on the team that can slash to the basket. If he was more athletic he would have star potential.

6th man of the year potential, thats for sure. I really like Salmons. I think if he gets that outside shot down he could be a real threat.
He did play very well last night. Did not see game 1, so cannot say there. Of course one of the hallmarks of John's career has been wild inconsistency. He has great games, and even last year (or especially last year) had several where he was pretending to be a star. Then a few nights later he will come back with a 2pt 1reb 3TO effort in 21min and leave you scratching your head. At this point in his career he is what he is, but when he's flowing he can give you a nice boost, and against the Suns in particular he seems to flow more often than against almost any other team.

He was easily the most consistent performer on the Kings last season with maybe the exception of Kevin Martin. John's been nothing but consistent in a Kings uniform.
He's been playing well, but Salmon still overdribbles. He never ever passes the ball until he takes at least 5 seconds off the clock. There's rarely offensive flow when he has the rock. Bug the hell out of me.
He's not good enough a scorer for a guy who hogs the ball so much.

Douby, on the other hand, seems a lot more unselfish (for a scorer) and is willing to move the ball to the right places. Definitely has PG potential.
He was easily the most consistent performer on the Kings last season with maybe the exception of Kevin Martin. John's been nothing but consistent in a Kings uniform.
Dec 15: 2-2-1 on 25% shooting, in 23 minutes
Dec 16: 20-2-2 on 64% shooting in 43 minutes
Dec 18: 7-3-1 on 25% shooting in 38 minutes
Dec 21: 23-6-5 + 4 stl on 71% shooting in 44 minutes

Mar 11: 0-3-4 on 0% shooting in 21 minutes
Mar 13: 9-5-7 on 80% shooting in 22 minutes
Mar 14: 14-4-1 on 75% shooting in 26 minutes
Mar 16: 2-0-1 on 25% shooting in 18 minutes
Mar 17: 13-2-2 on 71% shooting in 26 minutes
Mar 19: 6-2-2 on 33% shooting in 25 minutes
Mar 21: 5-3-2 on 20% shooting in 23 minutes
Mar 22: 4-2-2 on 16% shooting in 36 minutes
Mar 25: 17-5-4 on 50% shooting in 43 minutes
Mar 30: 0-1-2 on 0% shooting in 15 minutes

A seesaw is consistent in its own way.
i was just saying we talk about Kmart(who i think might be the best king ever when its all said and done.) garcia, and Jwill and now douby. but there is not alot of love for Salmons. he is our 2nd best wing defender, I think he might have a break out season this year.

along with Douby, Cisco, Jwill
Salmons is solid, but I think he's very important to the team. On the second unit Douby is not a PG(maybe he's still learning?) and Garcia is too erratic imo, I think Salmons is probably better suited than both of them too take on the PG duties on the offensive side of the ball when Bibby sits.
I have always liked Salmons. He has great hustle. I know Muss gets the blame for everything, but he really never figured out how to properly use Salmons. IMO, he can be a spark if used correctly.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I have always liked Salmons. He has great hustle. I know Muss gets the blame for everything, but he really never figured out how to properly use Salmons. IMO, he can be a spark if used correctly.
No, that one is not on Muss. Watched Salmons play for years in Philly and it was always the same thing. Its all about Salmons. Last year was actually the BEST he's ever played. If anything, Muss should be getting credit for John having a career year. He is just wildly, inordinately, inconsistent. And nobody, and probably least of all John himself, can really tell you why. Just his MO.
Salmons is okay and even pretty good overall, but on offense, other than slashing, he rarely can hit his mid range shots after making a nice move to get the nice look on them.
John covers allot of ground. Just for the record... who are some examples of better guys that are cool with coming off the bench as comparison?
Still only the pre-season, but Salmons has looked pretty good to me, so far, and consistently so. Maybe one of the most consistent players in the pre-season. Hopefully it carries into the real games.


Hall of Famer
He did play very well last night. Did not see game 1, so cannot say there. Of course one of the hallmarks of John's career has been wild inconsistency. He has great games, and even last year (or especially last year) had several where he was pretending to be a star. Then a few nights later he will come back with a 2pt 1reb 3TO effort in 21min and leave you scratching your head. At this point in his career he is what he is, but when he's flowing he can give you a nice boost, and against the Suns in particular he seems to flow more often than against almost any other team.
Glad your not my father...

I also watched John play in Philly. I don't think he ever had a clear role there. He seldom had a chance to play the pt with AI there. I think the big difference is he's getting playing time and has had a defined role. It is possibe for players to improve later in their careers. He will never be a star, but I think he can be an important piece on this team. Also, by comparison, he's been more consistant than Bibby or KT or SAR or Cisco or Miller. There's plenty of crap to spread around on this team, so for the moment, lets give him his due.
Has anyone ever thought about how a player feels before a game?

What I mean is that everyday I am not "up" for work. I have my off days at work too, than you have people (in a statistic driven workplace) that have excellent stats everyday. You wonder how can they be so good everyday?

When I was working in a stat environment I went through some depression that caused me to not give a damn on some days. Some days I would do fine!

Having gone through depression I look at inconsistancy as maybe a player that is somewhat liek myself in that aspect.

Anyone ever thought about that too?


Super Moderator Emeritus
I actually had a discussion about it with Kingsgurl towards the end of last season when it became painfully obvious some of our players would rather be having multiple root canals than actually have to sit on the bench waiting for the little general to start screaming at them.
Rock on Gary. John Salmons is the best all-around player on the team if Ron wasn't so good at defense. He got outer game but lacks inner game. With a team willing to share the ball he can be a very good player. I see why the Suns wanted him. Maybe Iverson didn't love him enough while he was growing up. Plus, he was fouled last night at the buzzer.
Has anyone ever thought about how a player feels before a game?

What I mean is that everyday I am not "up" for work. I have my off days at work too...
I think this is a huge factor, because for them it's much more severe than for you. Most of them will never need to work again, and, if they want to, they can turn into a Jerome James any time. Once they've gotten a big contract, all they have to do is show up, go through the motions, and avoid getting convicted for any felonies.

If I had several million in the bank, a few more years guaranteed income at $350K a month, and could not be fired for being lazy... dang! Pride and integrity might keep one from flaking out entirely, but I am sure that they ALL have LOTS of unmotivated days, or every game would be like game 7 of a playoff series.
Hrm.. You have a point ^^^^^^^^

It's the coaches job to motivate the player.. It's also the fans job too :)

I always wondered if the guy was depressed when I see a player play lights out basketball one night, than have a 1-3 2pt night in 30 minutes the next game.

I guess if I retired with 5 million in the bank and had to still go to work 5 months out of the year I would be pretty unmotivated too :) I would be thinking about those 6 months off when I could go boating or something.