Justin Williams house searched

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Don't Make Me Use The Bat

Assuming its not just normally rotated, that's likely better safe than sorry stuff there.

Doubt the Kings would take any action against Justin until its either reasonably clear that he was in fact guilty, or some sort of resolution to the case occurred. Just be a nice big healthy distraction until that time. He should consider himself lucky he got that guaranteed contract though. This kind of mess could be the kiss of death to a camp scrub trying to make it.
News10 just said there is audio of Williams, Williams girlfriend, and the girl in question that implicates that something did go down and William's girlfriend even had a role in it.
He should consider himself lucky he got that guaranteed contract though. This kind of mess could be the kiss of death to a camp scrub trying to make it.
According to Ch. 10 it's a non-guaranteed contract signed in Aug. 07 for $862,000.

More bad news for Williams. Ch. 10 reports police have recorded conversations between the victim and Williams plus his girlfriend who also may have had a role in the alleged rape.

Capt. Factorial

trifolium contra tempestatem subrigere certum est
Staff member
Williams' future with the team would seem to be in severe jeopardy. He's a no-name bench player with a non-guaranteed contract on a team desperate for some sort of good publicity. If he in fact gets charged with rape I can't see the Kings waiting for the outcome of a trial - he'll be gone before news of the charges hits your doorstep.
well, I'll say this much, if they have conversations with Justin, his girlfriend, and the victim, and they all paint the same picture...man...disappointing...those recorded conversations might be the 'smoking gun'.
i really enjoy watching justin play. and he was one of the few things i was looking forward to this season. i hope he's cleared of any wrong doing.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
well, I'll say this much, if they have conversations with Justin, his girlfriend, and the victim, and they all paint the same picture...man...disappointing...those recorded conversations might be the 'smoking gun'.

Wondering what those tapes could be? A victim presumably would not be sitting around talking about the hows and whys of being raped beforehand (and if she was it would throw it being non-consensual into significant doubt). So...afterward? Did she confront them, and they admit it? While being taped? Who taped it? Her? Very odd this is.

The non-guaranteed deal changes things a bit, but I would imagine the same sort of deal -- suspension/leave to go sort out some personal issues, changed to a full dismissal if there is a conviction/plea. You typically don't 100% turn on a player until there's an admission or convition. Not if its ron Artest being acused of starving pets and beating women, Michael Vick runnign a dogfighting ring, or whatever. Might ask the guy to stay = away though until it is resolved so as not to distract the team. And with the non-guarantee, if there is a specific date -- such as make the roster as of opening y and get paid the full contract or some such, might be a temptation to rescind the deal, wait out the proceedings, and then resign him to something cheaper midseason if he's acquitted.
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I'm not jumping to any conclusions. I mean the guy is a young good looking guy with a good chunk of money. Not a lot of money by NBA standards, but real, real, good money by everyday standards. His gf had a hand in it?? Come on they wanted a 3 way that bad?? And conversatiosn recorded between the 3 at this point just confirm that they know each other.

I think we should let all the facts come out. I'm guessing/hoping this just blows over in time, and Justin remains with the team.


Hall of Famer
I'm just glad its not Artest or this would be on the front page of USA Today, New York Times, and the president would have a statment about it and Stern would have already suspended him for 8 years.
A little update-

The police were at Justin's house for "hours". Several evidence bags were removed. There will be an update on the situation around 8 am.
I'm just glad its not Artest or this would be on the front page of USA Today, New York Times, and the president would have a statment about it and Stern would have already suspended him for 8 years.
That's one of the first thing's I said to my roomie when I found this out last night...I think tht Ron has matured greatly in his almost 2 years here in Sacramento, plus its a contract year, so I think he finally realizes the value of his own actions and how much that means towards that. Also...just a little side note...when Brad and Josh Howard got into it the other night, do you think the 'old' Ron Artest would have took it further, fight-wise? C'mon that alone shows how much he's matured, dont ya think?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
That's one of the first thing's I said to my roomie when I found this out last night...I think tht Ron has matured greatly in his almost 2 years here in Sacramento, plus its a contract year, so I think he finally realizes the value of his own actions and how much that means towards that. Also...just a little side note...when Brad and Josh Howard got into it the other night, do you think the 'old' Ron Artest would have took it further, fight-wise? C'mon that alone shows how much he's matured, dont ya think?
You continue to be off the wall on this topic. Ron Artest had police at his house what? THREE times in the last year alone? Yeah, he's maturing. He had a ton of incidents even for Ron Artest in the last year.

You are correct about the position he's in though. Ron is on permanent lifetime double secret probation with the NBA. He is the rare player who actually damaged the entire league's image, and they have a memory like an elephant about that kind of stuff. A rape charge is obviously high level criminal and if proven means jail time, let alone career interruption for a kid like Justin. For a guy like Ron it would be total utter disgust, and while they could not rescind the contract until something was proven, he would be completely radioactive until that point and nobody in the league would want to see him anywhere near an NBA basketball court.
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Hall of Famer
Brick i would have liked to see the grades after the mavs games. more so the grade of Cisco. that had to be the worst overall performance i have ever seen by a king. he could not do anything right. He has to get a handle on things, you can tell the talent is there he just can't realize it because he gets in his own way.
This is just so depressing. At this point, no matter the outcome, there will be no winners. It's a lose-lose situation for everyone. I'm just saddened by it. :(


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Brick i would have liked to see the grades after the mavs games. more so the grade of Cisco. that had to be the worst overall performance i have ever seen by a king. he could not do anything right. He has to get a handle on things, you can tell the talent is there he just can't realize it because he gets in his own way.

Kind of slightly off topic huh? :p

But I did not get a chance to see the Dallas game unfortunately, other than clips and youtubes and such. If it was on League Pass I did not see it. Guess I could have made somethin up from the boxscore. ;) (looked like maybe we played good defense but got pummeled so badly on the boards that the Mavs just second and third shotted their way to 100pts anyway. And Cisco's line looked classic Cisco -- blocked shot, turnover, assist, blown layup etc. etc.)
Wondering what those tapes could be? A victim presumably would not be sitting around talking about the hows and whys of being raped beforehand (and if she was it would throw it being non-consensual into significant doubt). So...afterward? Did she confront them, and they admit it? While being taped? Who taped it? Her? Very odd this is.
Could be pretext taped phone calls at the direction of the police.....

Just speculating, but makes sense given the nature of the allegation.
This is just so depressing. At this point, no matter the outcome, there will be no winners. It's a lose-lose situation for everyone. I'm just saddened by it. :(
I completely agree. For years, this community was blessed with "crime free" incidents with our high profile athletes. But since the acqusition of Artest, we have seen two Artest incidents (dogs and domestic) two DUI's (Musselman and Brunson) and now this. I am not saying that the Artest acqusition is the cause or Artest is the blame but it is ironic since he has been here Maloof Sports and Entertainment has been on a run of P.R. nightmare.

Regardless of the outcome of this investigation people do not forget this. throw in the losing and the Arena, it is not a good time to be a Sacramento kings supporter. I am disappointed.:(
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