Voisin: Brown Interested in Kings Job (merged)

Do you want the Kings to give Larry Brown a shot at the coaching position?

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Brown interested in Kings job
By Ailene Voisin - Bee Staff Writer
Published 1:18 pm PDT Friday, June 15, 2007


Former NBA head coach Larry Brown, who has been out of coaching since his dramatic - and disappointing - one-year tenure with the New York Knicks, has expressed interest in the Kings vacancy.

"I want to get back," Brown said when contacted at his home in Philadelphia. "I miss it terribly. I haven't lost the passion to teach and coach. I don't want to end my career at 23-59. I feel I can do better. I look at Sacramento ... I respect the heck out of Geoff (Petrie). I coached half that team. I don't mind going somewhere that's rebuilding, but wherever I go, I want everybody to feel that I'm the right person."

The much-traveled Brown, 66, has captured championships in the NCAA (Kansas, 1988) and NBA. His Detroit Pistons defeated the Los Angeles Lakers in 2003-2004, and a year later, extended the San Antonio Spurs to seven games before faltering in the finale.

Following a highly-publicized spat with management, Brown left the Pistons that offseason for the New York Knicks, but struggled to a 23-59 record and was released after one season.

He was a candidate for recent vacancies in Charlotte and Memphis, but lost out to Sam Vincent and Marc Iavaroni, respectively.
Are you serious? While he is a great coach, he is NOT somebody who will be around for more thana year or two. I can't hate on too much because he is a Tarheel, but I do not see him as a great fit for us. Could he an Ron coexist?
I know lots will weigh in on this one. The mere fact that Larry Brown expresses interest in the chaotic Kings coaching situation is positive with the skinny crop left to select from. Balancing some of the positives and negatives: He's 66, a small negative since he's had some relatively recent health issues. He's a control freak, but at least says he's got great respect for Geoff Petrie. He's a very good X's and O's guy who has rebuilt teams before. He may see this as his final NBA stop meaning he'd like to leave the game on a positive note - reviving the Kings. No one, with the possible exception of Phil Jackson has more credibility and respect overall from other coaches, players, officials and the league front office. Bottom line is: Larry Brown is no Mike Brown if you know what I mean. Good situation is hire Brown as head coach and Theus as #1 assistant (similar to when Reggie was next to Rick Pitino at Louisville) and give him maybe a 2 year deal that includes Theus taking over when Brown steps down.
I know lots will weigh in on this one. The mere fact that Larry Brown expresses interest in the chaotic Kings coaching situation is positive with the skinny crop left to select from. Balancing some of the positives and negatives: He's 66, a small negative since he's had some relatively recent health issues. He's a control freak, but at least says he's got great respect for Geoff Petrie. He's a very good X's and O's guy who has rebuilt teams before. He may see this as his final NBA stop meaning he'd like to leave the game on a positive note - reviving the Kings. No one, with the possible exception of Phil Jackson has more credibility and respect overall from other coaches, players, officials and the league front office. Bottom line is: Larry Brown is no Mike Brown if you know what I mean. Good situation is hire Brown as head coach and Theus as #1 assistant (similar to when Reggie was next to Rick Pitino at Louisville) and give him maybe a 2 year deal that includes Theus taking over when Brown steps down.

Couldn't agree with this more, we need an established coach to come here. The bottom line is, if Brown wants the job, you give it to him. Why take another chance on an unknown? Get Brown and put an assistant under him and groom him to take over after Brown leaves. We know he's only going to be here a year or two, so take advantage of that.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Ha! We'd be lucky to have him for a full year. Or unlucky perhaps after seeing what happened in NY. And we could do it at the low low price of $10mil a year! Woohoo!

The only reason Brown is suddenly interested in us is because we are the absolute last team on the block without a coach. So why not have the most confused and aimless coach come join the most confused and aimiless coaching search?

Oh my. The old guy's half a step from just showing up to "coach" wearing boxers and a beer.

P.S. As an aside, Theus already rejected reports of that sort of arrnagement in the early going. He's got a good thing in New Mexico, and an ego. Isn't going to come and apprentice.
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Hall of Famer
Francisco Garcia is going to be having his 3rd coach in three years. I sure hope that he doesn't have his 4th in 4 years, or even 5 years, but if Brown is hired that is going to be the case. Now, if he wanted to coach that badly, and he was ok with being an assistant - as with Pete Carrill- I'd think about it The guy is a GREAT coach, but he has major baggage.
I will be in the minority but I like the idea of Brown. Even for just a year or two. I feel the next coach we get won't be around much longer than that anyways. When those couple years are over than we can then look to get a long term coach. I feel if we do decide to rebuild I don't think there is anyone better at teaching the game to our kids then Larry Brown.

Bottom line bring him in to develope our youngsters for a year or two and then go from there.
Why, other than the media sideshow it will create, is this a good idea? That is money we should be putting into players, and draft picks. And if I recall correctly, a 66-yr. old Larry Brown is not what I would call the surest bet in the World. The only way this excites me is if we recruit someone like Shaw to be his assistant, thus conditionally taking over the team in course of the other's retirement, like Avery did to Nellie in Dallas.

Don't get me wrong, it'd be a hell of a coup, especially for Sacramento, but I just don't know what it proves at this juncture. Unless Geoff has something incredible up his sleeve....

SIDE NOTE: Gee, look who wrote it....
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Why, other than the media sideshow it will create, is this a good idea? That is money we should be putting into players, and draft picks. And if I recall correctly, a 66-yr. old Larry Brown is not what I would call the surest bet in the World. The only way this excites me is if we recruit someone like Shaw to be his assistant, thus conditionally taking over the team in course of the other's retirement, like Avery did to Nellie in Dallas.

Don't get me wrong, it'd be a hell of a coup, especially for Sacramento, but I just don't know what it proves at this juncture. Unless Geoff has something incredible up his sleeve....
Maybe that's why Shaw and Theus are having a second interview with the Maloof's today. Joe and Gavin are laying their cards on the table to gauge individual willingness to possibly take the job down the line after apprenticing under Brown. Also, I don't think a $10 million a year deal for Larry Brown or say around $20 mil for two years is a no go factor for the Maloof's since after all the family has X billions to throw around and once considered hiring Phil Jackson.
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You may not be in the minority at all. Only a few have weighed in so far. Maybe we initiate a poll after we get a lot more thoughts.
I'm actually warm to the idea, but not with the current makeup of the team. I think Bibby (no defense) would definitely have to go or Brown would wear him down. With some more youngsters around and I think Brown could be a good mentor for a year or two.

Just have to make sure there's a young assistant (Brooks?) waiting in the wings.
I would hire him. I mean hell he took the sorry *** Clippers to the playoffs in the early 90's. For the record Theus has said he will not be an assistant in the NBA it is head coach or nothing because he has it too good at New Mexico State right now to leave that situation to be an NBA assistant.
I look at Sacramento ... I respect the heck out of Geoff (Petrie). I coached half that team. I don't mind going somewhere that's rebuilding...
I'm not opposed to Brown at all especially since he acknowledges that the Kings are rebuilding. Even if he is only with us for a year or two, it can give us a solid foundation for a solid team in the future.

Additionally, look at the last ten years of NBA Champs:

Spurs x 4 (Pop)

Lakers (Jackson)

Detroit (Brown)

Heat (Riley)

The common demoninator is they all had world class coaches. The Cavs/Spurs series with the Mike Brown fiasco just goes to show that the best player in the league cannot do it by himself.

We have no superstars and have none coming in the near future. Considering that Oden and Durant are coming to the west, the only hope for us to remain competitive in the west is to build a team with a strong core of players not one superstar (similar to the Pistons) and Brown helped build that.

Just my opinion. Besides, we really have nothing to lose because the west is going to be STACKED for the next few decades.
Good situation is hire Brown as head coach and Theus as #1 assistant (similar to when Reggie was next to Rick Pitino at Louisville) and give him maybe a 2 year deal that includes Theus taking over when Brown steps down.
If we were going to go some route like this, I'd rather try to drag Rudy T out of mothballs for a year. I wouldn't have opposed Brown before the NY fiasco, but now? No, thanks.
I would hire him. I mean hell he took the sorry *** Clippers to the playoffs in the early 90's. For the record Theus has said he will not be an assistant in the NBA it is head coach or nothing because he has it too good at New Mexico State right now to leave that situation to be an NBA assistant.
Yep, I know Reggie said that but he also said that he and especially his wife love Sacramento. She remains in L.A. with his kids while he's stuck in that tiny little desert town of Las Cruces, N.M. I know he just signed a new deal with the Aggies but I suspect if the Maloof's could so much as match it he'd give strong consideration to whatever they had in mind for him inside the Kings organization.


Hall of Famer
If he led New York to a 23-59 record, I really shudder to think what he could "lead" us to.

Say no to Brown.

The Cavs/Spurs series with the Mike Brown fiasco just goes to show that the best player in the league cannot do it by himself.

But he did (in my opinion). Right now, I think Duncan is the most reliable player in the NBA. Apart from Kobe, he's the best in the NBA. If Lebron and Duncan were both in their prime I'd be taking Duncan.
Of course, I'd be taking Lebron if I had the chance.

Anyways, wasn't picking your post or anything, just making a point.

I do think that Brown would be a good coach for us. My main worry would be that we would have another season of mediocrity and of not being anywhere.

After Musselman, shouldn't we be excited that a coach of Browns stature and position wants to coach us? Just think about it...actual substitution patterns, players respecting their coach and actually listening.....the list goes on!
If he led New York to a 23-59 record, I really shudder to think what he could "lead" us to.

Say no to Brown.

I know it's hard to believe but the Knicks have far less talent than we do. I believe he could do more with our roster than New Yorks.

More importantly, like I said before, I would want him here to teach the Kids and than pick up a long term coach if he leaves after a couple of years.
But he did (in my opinion). Right now, I think Duncan is the most reliable player in the NBA. Apart from Kobe, he's the best in the NBA. If Lebron and Duncan were both in their prime I'd be taking Duncan.
Of course, I'd be taking Lebron if I had the chance.
Yes, Duncan is amazing. However he had Pop to show him the ropes and mentor him. IMHO a talent like Lebron is just going to waste without a champion coach to take him to the next level.

Brown could do that for the team and give the Maloofs what they want, defense. The current roster won't do that but who knows. Maybe he'll whine and beg Petrie for a frontcourt that can rebound and block shots.
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Yes, Duncan is amazing. However he had Pop to show him the ropes and mentor him. IMHO a talent like Lebron is just going to waste without a champion coach to take him to the next level.
I think this is totally off point considering we do not have a player of Duncan's or LeBrons caliber nor will we have one in the near future unless Petrie pulls of a miracle trade (Webber/Richmond)
I think this is totally off point considering we do not have a player of Duncan's or LeBrons caliber nor will we have one in the near future unless Petrie pulls of a miracle trade (Webber/Richmond)
I agree. That's why I said in my initial post that Brown can help us out because he helped build a team with a strong core, not one dominating superstar and won a championship.

No superstars for the Kings in the near future, so why not take a chance and see what Brown can do?

Brooks and Shaw will likely still be around in the near future if Brown takes an early vacation.
I agree. That's why I said in my initial post that Brown can help us out because he helped build a team with a strong core, not one dominating superstar and won a championship.

No superstars for the Kings in the near future, so why not take a chance and see what Brown can do?

Brooks and Shaw will likely still be around in the near future if Brown takes an early vacation.
Oh sorry. I Agree then.:D
The dramatist (if that is even a word;) ) in me says absolutely. He is more of a name, established coached with an NBA title than all those other guys twice over. But I feel we would be cutting a deal with the devil.

But if you had to twist my arm, to decide right now, i would say an absolute YES!!!!!
Maybe. Just maybe. If he's willing to go to a rebuilding place, why not. I say hire him as the coach, and Shaw as the #1 assistant to be molded into our coach of the future. The only thing I worry about is that Larry Brown has been resistant to playing youth in the past.