Kings @ Grizzlies Game Thread 4/10

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Super Moderator Emeritus
I would be so sick of hearing Musselman's voice, I'd be tempted to get ear plugs. It's really driving me nuts so I can't even begin to imagine how the Kings feel. Is Musselman the only person in the arena - all 250 or 300 or so - who doesn't realize this game is MEANINGLESS as a win?
I would be so sick of hearing Musselman's voice, I'd be tempted to get ear plugs. It's really driving me nuts so I can't even begin to imagine how the Kings feel. Is Musselman the only person in the arena - all 250 or 300 or so - who doesn't realize this game is MEANINGLESS as a win?

Can we please fire him already.
Please tell me why in the world we have the kids on the bench. Muss, himself, said that he was going to play the kids to evaluate and give them expereice. THEY ARE ON THE BENCH!!!!!!! They need to be playing!
if we're going to have a terrible coach. at the very least, we deserve his name to rhyme. tony barone is fun to say.

ps. justin with his 7/4 in 7 minutes has been great. go justin.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Please tell me why in the world we have the kids on the bench. Muss, himself, said that he was going to play the kids to evaluate and give them expereice. THEY ARE ON THE BENCH!!!!!!! They need to be playing!
Don't worry. We only have 8 players and three of them already have three fouls. I don't think even Musselman the magician will be able to avoid major minutes for the kids in the second half.
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