Do you want Bibby back?

yeah, im with you, whats mussleman have? about 3 plays? lets see, theres backdoor for martin. Mike bibby screen leading to whoever is there taking a shot, and....uuuhhhhhh, somebody want to help me, its just so hard seeing how mussleman never calls one.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of
Staff member
Well ive seen people saying he never passes the ball and doesnt get assists, but keep in mind that to get the assist, the player the ball is passed to has to be good enough to make the shot, hes making passes, were just not getting them in.
This is fallacious reasoning. Bibby's statistically-best assist season, his team shot 43.9% from the field.

This team is shooting 44.8% from the field.
Agreed. Michael Bibby is a decent point guard if he doesnt have to be(or think he is) the only offensive option on a team of square pegs. Give Mike a couple of sides of beef down low to give the ball to and we've all seen what he can do. With Vlade, Webber, and Brad he blended in quite well. If GP does his job right, we might be able to pull off a Utah in a couple years, and make a drastic improvement...that's what I'm hoping for...Utah, which is a great example of how to rebuild after you move on from a so-called 'era'.(Stockton/Malone era) Keep Mike, thank you.
VF21 said:
Yes, if the management gets off there a** and makes major changes to help us win now.

No, if the Kings decide to keep Eric Musselman and make no changes but sign a scrub like Loren Woods to make our off-season exciting.
You know what scares me? It's that we will keep Artest and get rid of Bibby. Artest is an amazing player. There is little one can debate about that but I do not want him in a King's uniform next season. I love the Kings - always have and cannot imagine not doing so. However, I think that it will be hard for me to continue supporting a team that builds around Artest for the future. I am already trying to find a way to reconcile myself to the possibilty that they keep him. I am not saying that I will not be a Kings fan. It has always been about the name on the front of the jersey for me, but this time I may find it difficult to cheer with the same ardor.
Since I do not believe that we will have a team with both Bibby and Artest next year, my choice is Bibby 100 times over.

Even without all the Artest drama, I would still want Bibby back next year.
You know what scares me? It's that we will keep Artest and get rid of Bibby. Artest is an amazing player. There is little one can debate about that but I do not want him in a King's uniform next season. I love the Kings - always have and cannot imagine not doing so. However, I think that it will be hard for me to continue supporting a team that builds around Artest for the future. I am already trying to find a way to reconcile myself to the possibilty that they keep him. I am not saying that I will not be a Kings fan. It has always been about the name on the front of the jersey for me, but this time I may find it difficult to cheer with the same ardor.
Since I do not believe that we will have a team with both Bibby and Artest next year, my choice is Bibby 100 times over.

Even without all the Artest drama, I would still want Bibby back next year.
In a perfect world, we keep both Bibby and Artest and land a decent young big guy in the draft, and sign Varajao. That would be a good start to the rebuild process, IMO.
Yeah, I would 1000 times keep bibby over Artest, Artest is a great individual player, but only an ok team player. The biggest change we need is either a new coach or the current coach needs to get his act together let this team know exactly what it is that he wants them to be, cause god only knows at this point.
gotta get what we can for him while hes still in his prime. don't want to hold on to him too long.. are we gona pay him 15+ mill after his contract is up or if he opts out? :eek: good grief if we do.
You know what scares me? It's that we will keep Artest and get rid of Bibby. Artest is an amazing player. There is little one can debate about that but I do not want him in a King's uniform next season. I love the Kings - always have and cannot imagine not doing so. However, I think that it will be hard for me to continue supporting a team that builds around Artest for the future. I am already trying to find a way to reconcile myself to the possibilty that they keep him. I am not saying that I will not be a Kings fan. It has always been about the name on the front of the jersey for me, but this time I may find it difficult to cheer with the same ardor.
Since I do not believe that we will have a team with both Bibby and Artest next year, my choice is Bibby 100 times over.

Even without all the Artest drama, I would still want Bibby back next year.
the reason we keep bibby is because we NEED to get rid of artest...martin will not develop with a guy who just pushes everything back during an offensive play. Everything is just so slow and sluggish when he has the ball. I especially despise Artest when he just holds the ball and goes one on one for 10-15 seconds and clanks it. It just disgusts me. I have always loved the Kings because of their ability to get everybody involved and play as a cohesive a TEAM. Artest on the offensive end just reminds me of Kobe....just an "me first...lemme shoot" attitude.

Justin Williams and Ronnie Price should get resigned as both can run the floor with ease....especially with a big man who can run the floor in justin.
An ideal offseason would be the departure of artest, kenny, and miller.....corliss and pot leaving in free agency and that will give us a lot of freedom to perform in the offseason.
Like I said before. If we have Bibby and Martin built around a star player then you will experience the resurgence. Lots of big men is a + as well.
A coach who is known for getting team chemistry to an all time high would help beyond belief.


yeah, we should keep bibby... artest, thomas, maybe reef and miller (depending on who we draft) as well need to go... i wonder if orlando would s&t darko for artest?

unless we get a pg like tj ford or something i think that we should keep bibby... ford and rasho for bibby and douby, the raptors wouldnt do it but it'd be nice...
while it depends on several factors, i'd say definitely NO. mike bibby had quite an impressive run here in SAC, but it's pretty obvious that those glory days are far gone. he didn't just have a bad season in general, it was nothing short of crappy to be honest. i'll wish him well in future endeavors (and wouldn't be surprised to see him prosper in better situations) but really don't care to see him back in a Kings jersey next year.
Bibby without a shot is like Shaq on the free-throw line. They are both effectively worthless.

It's time for Bibby to move on. I'm glad we won with him here, but keeping him for sentimental reasons is just silly. He is not a distributor and he's not interested.

In the past two years, the trend is alarmingly bad. He's a worse defender than in the past and he's more of a ball hog.

I won't shed a single tear when he leaves.
X2 and for $12.5M this year, $13.5M next year, and $14.5M the year after sure think you would be getting a Steve Nash type player not someone being totally useless if his shot isn't falling. I really hope we go afte a floor general playmaker PG for the future and not a shot 1st short SG. We drafted Douby so I think we are trying to reinvent Bibby all over again...I was really hoping for a Sergio Rodriguez, or a good defender like Rondo.
the two main guys in artest and bibby staying together doesnt make sense
they are just two negatives on a magnet....just dont attract
I still dont believe that hype about Bibby and Artest having THAT much friction with their chemistry. I chalk it up mostly to the 'team' aspect. I think that if they both had a team that played like a team, that the two can work out together just fine. Last year when Ron got here, Mike was fine with Ron and Bonzi, and a great coach in RA, so I think that no one should forget the obvious differences between this season and last.
If GP does his job right, we might be able to pull off a Utah in a couple years, and make a drastic improvement...that's what I'm hoping for...Utah, which is a great example of how to rebuild after you move on from a so-called 'era'.(Stockton/Malone era) Keep Mike, thank you.
Altho the Jazz kept their great coach and oops, we let ours walk without so much as a thank you.
I could care less if we keep him or he stays. If he can rejuvenate his career somewhere else, more power to him. Point guards are easier to find than big man. The way he has played this year, he is easily replacable.

i wouldnt trade him. so he can go to another team and torch the hell out of us? no thank you squire
So can Webber, GW, Peja, JWill, Tony Delk ;)

We would need a 30 men roster if we worried about not letting people go beacuse they can come back and score 30+ points on us :)
Ron is playing so well right now.. how can some of you say mike bibby has a better trade value then ron.. keep bibby, trade ron and miller/thomas for a big man.. we havea pretty good pick i'd take brandon wright is hes there.. along with a new coach that should "fix" this team..
Kings need to focus on removing Kenny and Miller's contracts from the books first. They are for one, longer, and two, much more unmoveable players with their contracts.

While I do feel Mike Bibby will need to be moved to rebuild, simply due to the large size of his contract...he shouldn't be the main concern right now unless a deal is right for the Kings.

The Kings can trade Bibby, but, if they don't move Miller and Thomas, what they get in return for Mike right now most likely wont help enough with Miller and Thomas still eating away at the cap.

Move Thomas, move Miller, then worry about Mike, IMO.
Ron's trade value will always be relatively low for his talent-level because he's absolutely bonkers.
i know hes nuts but hes making half what mike is making i think hes a top 15-20 player in this league and theres always someone who will take a player this good.... i think it would be very possible to package ron and miller/thomas for a big man.. maybe a draft pick or maybe something else but we need to get rid of either thomas or miller (personally i'd rather trade thomas ) and the only way we can really do that is with ron.
Bibby's best years are behind him. He's lost the drive and hunger that he used to have . He also suffers from thinking it's his way or nothing . He fails to listen to coaches durring timouts because he has his own agenda.
What he will be asking in his final contract negotiations will be too much. The Kings would be stuck with him as an aging PG with a Bibbilicious contract who has never taken the team to the promised land and no hope of doing so.

Bye Bye Bibby.
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