Back to black????

Anybody notice the got rid of the Black Uni as a choice :confused:
You're right! :mad:

BTW, I don't like the black and blah gray above. I like the actual black jerseys the Kings used to wear. The unis above would make me want to check and see if they were doing a 50's throwback braodcast in black and white.:p
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WHAT?!!! I can't believe they just removed it as an much for potentially going back to them. I can;t believe they still have gold and baby blue as options even. Its ironic how it seems the Kings are so eager to have every design type except for the ones in which we had our best success.
thats absolutely hilarious that they took the "black" jerseys off as an option!! What?? Do they not want us to vote for it or something??!! thats crazy..

pretty soon I'll bet they'll take off everything except the GOLD option- just so they can justify making that metallic crap w/ a logo....:mad:
DANG!! I snoozed and losed too. I guess there must have been a directive from somewhere above that went something like this. Oh you say black is actually winning......Well we can't have that, black looks too good...Hmmm? ,,,....what to do?....Oh I have it....Just take black off the table...Those idiot fans will never notice anyway.....

Well something like that ......It does make one wonder just what goes on in corporate NBA/Kingsland.:cool:


Super Moderator Emeritus
I just sent off an email to the Kings. We'll see what kind of response I get. Here's what I said:

To whom it may concern:

I, along with a LOT of other long-time Kings fans, was thrilled to see the latest poll on, where we were asked to indicate our favorite Kings jerseys. We were expecially gratified to see the option of the "away black" which was - for a lot of us - the BEST uniform the Kings have had in a very long time.

We discussed it at length among ourselves and it was a popular topic of discussion on several Kings message boards, including

What we're wondering is why the black option, which was clearly the most popular with the fans, was suddenly and mysteriously removed. It certainly seems to indicate that is trying to elicit a certain response or control the poll results.

Shame! Let the fans have their say. LISTEN to what we're telling you. We're the ones who spend the hundreds of $$$ buying those jerseys. We're the ones who wear those jerseys proudly to support our team. We're the ones who buy them for our friends and even our children. We're the ones who have been called the best fans in the NBA. Well, the best fans in the NBA would like to know why the most popular response on a poll on the official Kings website has simply disappeared without a trace or any kind of explanation.

If Maloof Sports is really interested in hearing the fans, then this should NEVER have happened.


A life-long Kings fan
aka VF21 on the most active Kings message board on the Internet,
Way to go, VF!

You've got our support.

I absolutely loved those black jerseys.

I've never bought another jersey since they stopped making the black ones.

I have probably several with names like Pollard, Barry, Divac, Stojakovic, and Turkoglu.

And now it would be nice to have Bibby, Martin, Garcia.... in black!


Give blood and save a life!
Staff member
Way to go, VF!

You've got our support.

I absolutely loved those black jerseys.

And now it would be nice to have Bibby, Martin, Garcia.... in black!
Same here. Thanks for sending it and also for letting us know. I'm sure you'll share any response - I'm interested to see what it might be.
I kind of liked those black road unis with the black and white checkerboard on the side. When did they wear those?

What I didn't like were the two-tones -- half black, half purple. Just hideous.
I seem to recall that the NBA was discouraging black away unis due to some sort of issue with an association to gang violence. Some teams like the Spurs were allowed to keep them since they have retained the black away unis for decades. They were just trying to stop recent teams using black away unis. It was becoming a trend for a lot of teams and the league was concerned about image.