Amick: Brown? Snow? Gooden? The possibilities

Brown? Snow? Gooden? The possibilities

There's still time before Thursday's trade deadline, but the Kings are having a difficult time moving Mike Bibby. The challenge is simple, with most of the difficulty coming because of the size of his contract ($28 million in the next two seasons) and the uncertainty of his situation. A team willing to pay for his services has no guarantee he won't opt out after this season, and those looking for salary cap space that would come by acquiring him and Bibby opting out have no guarantee he won't stick around. His recent play is probably a small factor, but it can't help matters that he's offering very little on the floor.

Cleveland remains the closest thing to a frontrunner, though a three-team situation continues to appear the most likely way. Interestingly, I was playing craps at the Palms a few days ago when I could hear a conversation between Cleveland's Eric Snow and Chicago's P.J. Brown, both of whom would seem to have some chance of landing in Sacramento. Snow was venting about how he'd recently lost his starting job, and Brown -- who has wanted out of the Windy City for some time -- was saying the trade talk had been quiet but he was sure the Bulls would pull something off when he least expected it.

The Cavs could send Snow and Drew Gooden -- who I was told the Kings want -- for Bibby, but obviously that deal hasn't had legs. As for Brown, he matters only because a source told me the Bulls are interested in Shareef Abdur-Rahim. Brown makes $8 million while Abdur-Rahim makes approximately $5 million, so another piece would have to be offered from the Kings. But Brown would not only offer a veteran, defensive-minded, rebounding presence behind Brad Miller but an expiring contract.
Chicago Bulls

Incoming PlayersVitaly Potapenko
Salary: $3,674,584 Years Remaining: 1
PTS: 0.0 REB: 0.5 AST: 0.0 PER: -30.42
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Salary: $5,400,000 Years Remaining: 4
PTS: 10.0 REB: 5.1 AST: 1.5 PER: 13.39

Outgoing Players: P.J. Brown

Sacramento Kings

Incoming Players
Eric Snow
Salary: $6,093,750 Years Remaining: 3
PTS: 4.7 REB: 2.5 AST: 4.4 PER: 8.51
P.J. Brown
Salary: $8,560,000 Years Remaining: 1
PTS: 5.8 REB: 4.8 AST: 0.5 PER: 9.44
Drew Gooden
Salary: $6,645,402 Years Remaining: 3
PTS: 11.8 REB: 8.5 AST: 0.8 PER: 17.57

Outgoing Players: Vitaly Potapenko, Mike Bibby, Shareef Abdur-Rahim

Cleveland Cavaliers

Incoming PlayersMike Bibby
Salary: $12,500,000 Years Remaining: 3
PTS: 16.6 REB: 3.3 AST: 5.2 PER: 15.20

Outgoing Players: Eric Snow, Drew Gooden

So, with the trade as described above we basically lose Bibby and Shareef and replace them with Snow, Gooden and PJ Brown. We also lose Shareef's 5.8 million next year as well as the last 3 years of his deal. We would also have Gooden and Snow for the next 2 years. Pretty much a wash contract wise except the PJ Brown deal expires after this year.
Wow, almost as bad as the Webber trade.
Gee, thanks for joining us. According to your sig you want to blow the team up. How shall we do this then??? Considering there is only one team that seems to want Bibby(Cleveland or maybe Miami) we need to deal with who we can. At least with this deal we shave about 5.8 mill of our salaries next year and dump the rest of Rahim's contract because he basically hasn't fit here. Gooden is the type of player we need up front and Brown is a good player past his prime but he automatically becomes the best back up Center we have and his contract is done after this year. Snow is a throw but a decent back up to whoever we throw in as the starting PG(assuming it's not Snow).

Bibby has sucked horribly for the majority of this year and his trade value is way down so the Kings really aren't dealing from an area of strength.
Gee, thanks for joining us. According to your sig you want to blow the team up. How shall we do this then??? Considering there is only one team that seems to want Bibby(Cleveland or maybe Miami) we need to deal with who we can. At least with this deal we shave about 5.8 mill of our salaries next year and dump the rest of Rahim's contract because he basically hasn't fit here. Gooden is the type of player we need up front and Brown is a good player past his prime but he automatically becomes the best back up Center we have and his contract is done after this year. Snow is a throw but a decent back up to whoever we throw in as the starting PG(assuming it's not Snow).

Bibby has sucked horribly for the majority of this year and his trade value is way down so the Kings really aren't dealing from an area of strength.

You're basically right. I dunno, I dunno how much I really like the deal but I'm starting to hope we do it anyway just so we can begin to rebuild and lose some salary.
I hope Gooden isn't coming here unless we are moving KT

We should deal SAR to Chicago for expiring contracts and maybe a 2008 1st if we are lucky

We should deal Bibby to the Cavs/Minny for James, Varejao, Griffen, and expiring contracts
You're basically right. I dunno, I dunno how much I really like the deal but I'm starting to hope we do it anyway just so we can begin to rebuild and lose some salary.

we do not really lose salary we actually gain more. Snow's terrible contract along with another undersized PF in Gooden. I would rather keep SAR then get Gooden. Atleast SAR is cheaper. If we rebuild we need to clear out our bad contracts, not trade for more.
Why would we want snow's terrible contract??????
Maybe it's just me but I don't find a contract at about the mid-level exception for the next 2 years(after this one) to be all that terrible. Take a look at the fact that with this deal we are saving 5.8 million next year. 6.2 and 6.6 the following year....a total of about 19 million bucks over the next 3 years. The Snow and Gooden contracts are a wash with Bibby's deal and they run the same length and we end up saving about 500K.

This also gets into the whole "moveable parts" theory. Split up Bibby's contract and although Snow may be untradeable I think Gooden can be moved alot easier that people think considering he is only on the books for 6.4 next year and 6.7 the following year. He is also just turned 25.

I think this is a good move for the Kings financially and we upgrade our frontcourt for at least the rest of the year. I'm not one to "tank" the season and would prefer that the Kings do well considering I shelled out a ton of cash to watch this team already and will be asked to renew my tickets in the coming months.
Maybe it's just me but I don't find a contract at about the mid-level exception for the next 2 years(after this one) to be all that terrible. Take a look at the fact that with this deal we are saving 5.8 million next year. 6.2 and 6.6 the following year....a total of about 19 million bucks over the next 3 years. The Snow and Gooden contracts are a wash with Bibby's deal and they run the same length and we end up saving about 500K.

This also gets into the whole "moveable parts" theory. Split up Bibby's contract and although Snow may be untradeable I think Gooden can be moved alot easier that people think considering he is only on the books for 6.4 next year and 6.7 the following year. He is also just turned 25.

I think this is a good move for the Kings financially and we upgrade our frontcourt for at least the rest of the year. I'm not one to "tank" the season and would prefer that the Kings do well considering I shelled out a ton of cash to watch this team already and will be asked to renew my tickets in the coming months.

IMO Bibby is easier to move then Gooden and Snow combined.
That's kind of my point. I don't think the market is very strong for Bibby right now and the remaining 2 years and 28 million left on his deal.

I think there is. PG's are at a premium just like centers. Bibby may not have the greatest season of his career but he is still talented.
Anybody see the resemblance of the information I gave out in the "Kings close to trade?" thread to this one? Maybe my source was correct. Then again, may not happen.
I think there is. PG's are at a premium just like centers. Bibby may not have the greatest season of his career but he is still talented.
Fair enough. I'm looking at it more from a financial angle.

I just think Bibby needs to go and get a fresh start and the Kings could use the same.
That's kind of my point. I don't think the market is very strong for Bibby right now and the remaining 2 years and 28 million left on his deal.
This is way I am for the don't trade Bibby now, scenario. Why sell low? Can he get much lower then today? Possible, but probably not.
Chicago Bulls

Incoming PlayersVitaly Potapenko
Salary: $3,674,584 Years Remaining: 1
PTS: 0.0 REB: 0.5 AST: 0.0 PER: -30.42
Shareef Abdur-Rahim
Salary: $5,400,000 Years Remaining: 4
PTS: 10.0 REB: 5.1 AST: 1.5 PER: 13.39

Outgoing Players: P.J. Brown

Sacramento Kings

Incoming Players
Eric Snow
Salary: $6,093,750 Years Remaining: 3
PTS: 4.7 REB: 2.5 AST: 4.4 PER: 8.51
P.J. Brown
Salary: $8,560,000 Years Remaining: 1
PTS: 5.8 REB: 4.8 AST: 0.5 PER: 9.44
Drew Gooden
Salary: $6,645,402 Years Remaining: 3
PTS: 11.8 REB: 8.5 AST: 0.8 PER: 17.57

Outgoing Players: Vitaly Potapenko, Mike Bibby, Shareef Abdur-Rahim

Cleveland Cavaliers

Incoming PlayersMike Bibby
Salary: $12,500,000 Years Remaining: 3
PTS: 16.6 REB: 3.3 AST: 5.2 PER: 15.20

Outgoing Players: Eric Snow, Drew Gooden

So, with the trade as described above we basically lose Bibby and Shareef and replace them with Snow, Gooden and PJ Brown. We also lose Shareef's 5.8 million next year as well as the last 3 years of his deal. We would also have Gooden and Snow for the next 2 years. Pretty much a wash contract wise except the PJ Brown deal expires after this year.
You read my mind. Pot and SAR would equal Brown. Also Brown is a $8M expiring deal so that is great. He offers size and is defensive minded so that's what we need anyways. I'd have a similar feeling with Brown as I do with Corliss's expiring....they expire and are a wash, but maybe we could keep them at a well discounted rate from what they are getting now because they both are at or near the end of their careers anways. Corliss sure has given us great utility and has been our Bonzi of last year with his bashing and tenaciousness.

I'd like for us to move Bibby, but I'd like to get Anderson if possible. I know that he is very much cuveted by the Cavs and just about any team would want him, whereas Gooden is older and much more expendable. I also would like Pollard back, he just gives you all he has and the guy is great in the locker room.

Besides the talent that has been bled from the Kings, so much of it's identity and great locker room guys have departed like Webber, Christie, Divac, BJ, yeah Peja too. :D
I know many of these guys were old and washed up, and GP did a great job of getting anything for them, with the exception of the Webber trade....we lost so much of what made the Kings special. We have fans all around the world and many have left because the Kings are no where the team they were not only talent wise, but the fun dynamic players that made it up and the roaring fans that supported them like no other fans in the NBA! I still hang on like others here, but I'm so wanting to watch the Suns, Mavs, Nuggets, Cavs, and especially the young and exciting Bulls.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Eh...not a little eh...either.

Trading for the Goodens and Snows of the world is absolutley the last thing we should be doing. Flies directly in the face of the Maloofs' brief moment of insight a week or two ago that piling up veteran midlevel type talents is the surest ticket to awful mediocrity that one can punch. Brown's ender would be nice of course. So the Reef portion of the trade -- sure. But $5-$7 mil contracts, attached to players with $5-$7 mil talent, are bad. You only want/need maybe 2-3 of those players on your team, and onyl if you are looking to patch up holes on your playoff contender. For everyone else they are just clutter. Clutter your cap, eat up a bunch of roster spots, and contribute almost nothing to your W/Ls. Be better of hanign onto Mike than to trade him for more of those guys -- that's Webebr trade stuff again.
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That sar and pieces deal for brown has been talked for about a year and a half now and it is no serect that the bulls want him. I would not be shocked if Sar is dealt before bibby.