Bee: Tough times hurting Bibby


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I like Mike and I'm glad he wants to stay. But I'm also ready for the team to move in a new direction and Mike likely needs to be moved to facilitate that. I don't like this story because its clear he and his agent are in spin mode. He's having a bad season so of course he changed his plans to opt out of his contract - and now its the fans and the organization that are failing him. That's just rubbish.
sure but I someone comes along and offer one better working conditions (more money) - what happenes then. Is one going to say - no thanks I love it here too much - money is not everything. Or is one going to be a hypocrite ?

Big assumption to make there, piksi. We've seen nothing in Mike's career history -- only move was in trade, his incredibly valuable free agency a few years ago ended with him staying in Sac -- that would lead one to believe he'd follow the money at the expense of loyalty.

Not saying he wouldn't, of course, 'cause I don't know the man, but I've never seen or heard a single comment from him that veers too far from the I-want-to-retire-here path.

I would not be at all surprised if "better working conditions" for Mike would be a certainty that he doesn't have to uproot his life. When any relocation plans include finding homes for your mother, brothers, best friends and 23rd cousins, staying put is a very attractive option.
I've never seen or heard a single comment from him that veers too far from the I-want-to-retire-here path.
Me either. I've been hearing for a year or so that he was trying for a contract extension, but that the front office wasn't giving him any answers. Ballplayers can't always get what they want, but I tend to believe him about what those wants are.


Hall of Famer
Big assumption to make there, piksi. We've seen nothing in Mike's career history -- only move was in trade, his incredibly valuable free agency a few years ago ended with him staying in Sac -- that would lead one to believe he'd follow the money at the expense of loyalty.

Not saying he wouldn't, of course, 'cause I don't know the man, but I've never seen or heard a single comment from him that veers too far from the I-want-to-retire-here path.

I would not be at all surprised if "better working conditions" for Mike would be a certainty that he doesn't have to uproot his life. When any relocation plans include finding homes for your mother, brothers, best friends and 23rd cousins, staying put is a very attractive option.
it was the best offer he had

Your point would be valid if the agent hadn't gone ahead and said that the plan was to opt out which won't happen now due to immense suckage that Mike is offering this season. And that is okay. I will never blame a player for going for more money as long as idiots are there that will offer him. However, it goes both ways. If a player has right/opportunity to advance so does the franchise. If player then feels mistreated - one has to call him a hypocrite


Super Moderator Emeritus
There's no need to throw around terms like "hypocrite" when you don't know all the details involved. THAT's a big part of the problem I have with some of these posts. Some people are very quick to start with the name calling when they don't know all the facts.
Your point would be valid if the agent hadn't gone ahead and said that the plan was to opt out which won't happen now due to immense suckage that Mike is offering this season. And that is okay. I will never blame a player for going for more money as long as idiots are there that will offer him. However, it goes both ways. If a player has right/opportunity to advance so does the franchise. If player then feels mistreated - one has to call him a hypocrite
His agent said that, not Mike, and who knows haw many various factors motivated that statement. Mike's stance, through his own comments, has been a very clear desire to retire a King. He's said that repeatedly. And quite frequently over the last few years.

As for the team's right to make moves that better the team -- absolutely. And if the right move came along that sent Mike packing, I'd support it.

But that doesn't mean that we should all expect a player, any player, to start turning cartwheels and gleefully shrieking when hearing trade rumors/blame for months at a time. Personally, I think somebody should have slapped a muzzle on him before he made a few of the comments in this article, but I don't in any way fault him for his feelings.

Whatever you may feel about him as a player/leader/defender/etc., he is someone who has given A LOT of himself to this team. Are trades, rumors and criticisms all a part of the business? Yes. Doesn't mean it's fun.

I don't see how being frustrated or bummed out by the possibility of a trade = hypocrite.
I don't see how being frustrated or bummed out by the possibility of a trade = hypocrite.
Exactly. If it happens, he may be hurt for a bit, but he'll get over it and soldier on. But why should any of us act like he shouldn't have the right to feel at least a little hurt?

I think Webb, Vlade, Christie and Pedja were all hurt when they were traded, let go, or whatever. They and Bibby had wonderful careers here and all seemed to love being here. When its over, it hurts. Then you move on. Would you rather have a player who says "the sooner I get out of this hellhole" the happier I'll be? Players used to feel that way about Sac.

And if Bibby were to get a better deal elsewhere and move on by choice, I might be sad about it, but I'd get over it.

I sometimes can't understand fans. They don't like it when players are interviewed and they speak in nothing but trite sound bites. Yet, when a player appears to speak his mind a little more openly they get nothing but grief. No wonder we get the "everyone played hard" kind of answers.:rolleyes:
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Bibby, etc.

I totally agree with "6th." We are dealing with a human being here, not a robot. I think we discussed the "money thing" before so forget that. It is so easy to say what he should say or be thinking, but let me tell you, until you have walked in someone else's shoes, you don't have a right to judge. Furthermore, I can't recall there ever being a deal with Petrie involved that there was a leak of information. You usually know about it after the fact. Annie.
There's no need to throw around terms like "hypocrite" when you don't know all the details involved. THAT's a big part of the problem I have with some of these posts. Some people are very quick to start with the name calling when they don't know all the facts.
Agree, these type of comments detract from this great forum.
Exactly. If it happens, he may be hurt for a bit, but he'll get over it and soldier on. But why should any of us act like he shouldn't have the right to feel at least a little hurt?

I think Webb, Vlade, Christie and Pedja were all hurt when they were traded, let go, or whatever. They and Bibby had wonderful careers here and all seemed to love being here. When its over, it hurts. Then you move on. Would you rather have a player who fells and says "the sooner I get out of this hellhole" the happier I'll be? Players used to feel that way about Sac.

And if Bibby were to get a better deal elsewhere and move on by choice, I might be sad about it, but I'd get over it.

I sometimes can't understand fans. They don't like it when players are interviewed and they speak in nothing but trite sound bites. Yet, when a player appears to speak his mind a little more openly they get nothing but grief. No wonder we get the "everyone played hard" kind of answers.:rolleyes:
as long as he doesn't start whining about the org. if he got traded i'm totally cool with him.
I just want to make a couple of comments about human nature.

If you were in a job that you liked (in a place that you liked) and management came and said to you, "you know this is just a business, and we want to go a different direction (without you)," I would be willing to bet you would still be disappointed and have some hurt feelings. Why? Well, you may think that you are the one that should lead the team into a different direction. You love the place, and business, or no, you always hope they love what you give them too.

I don't think what Bibby feels is unordinary at all. That's why the comments about Bibby needing to realize that it is just a business make little sense to me.
but if i weren't doing as good a job as i had in past years i'd be disappointed but a little understanding

i dont think there are a lot of people that really want Mike gone. but a lot of people also seem to realize that he might not be the best fit for our future plans, so he might have to go. sometimes thats how it is
please, let's not act like the nba and normal jobs are THAT comparable. job security in the nba is never guarunteed, not even for the best of the best. that is the nature of THIS business and it's also a business where they get paid a ton of money and if they're good will more than likely have another job just waiting for them.
But a contract is guaranteed which is a big problem. Look at how many players get the big deal and then just go through the motions. I much rather have it like the NFL and a team can drop your sorry butt if you don't produce. There are only 15 roster spots on a team and 30 teams, so 450 NBA players max a season. Only 2 rounds in a draft. It isn't easy breaking into the NBA and then to have inflated contracts, big egos, and 1/2 hearted efforts is really disappointing. Mike is making lots of $ and has been a great player for us, but with the # of young PG coming out lately, I'd like to see us get young and have a true PG to distribute the ball, not our 7 ft center being asked to be such a creator and to chunk up 3 pointers.

Mike has been a trooper, but his big contract, poor production, lack of doing much for you when his shot isn't falling, very poor Defense on a team that claims it's is strength, also have Opt out clauses the next few years....all is a big much.

As far as trading of the core, I'd trade Bibby, Miller, Artest in that order, but would hate to trade Artest.

Miller has some skills, rebounding and defense not being 2 of them...he can shot and pass, and when threatened with personal injury like that Indy guy last you sure can light a fire under his butt!!! :p


Super Moderator Emeritus
but if i weren't doing as good a job as i had in past years i'd be disappointed but a little understanding

i dont think there are a lot of people that really want Mike gone. but a lot of people also seem to realize that he might not be the best fit for our future plans, so he might have to go. sometimes thats how it is
Did I miss the part where someone definitively announced what the future plans of the Kings are?

There's a difference between acknowledging that Mike might just have to be traded for the team to take on a new direction and acting as though Mike is some kind of traitor for wanting to stay with the Kings.

A few people around here tend to turn on our own players at the drop of a hat. It's happened in the past and it'll happen in the future. It doesn't make it right and it certainly doesn't mean the player has done anything to deserve it.

Mike knows this is a business much better than any of us do. He lives it up close and personal every single day. I'm proud of what the Sacramento Kings are and I hate it when one of ours gets traded because there is a special relationship, for the most part, between the fans and the players. It's what makes Arco so special...

I personally think we're lucky to have the kind of team, front office, organization, etc. that engenders the kind of loyalty Bibby shows. It's a rare thing indeed. I think there's room for all opinions but I will always protest those who start throwing stones and calling names when they have no idea whatsoever what's going on.
I could have swore not too long ago Bibby said something like if the Kings wanted him to stay they would have to show him the money. I am wrong?
Did I miss the part where someone definitively announced what the future plans of the Kings are?

There's a difference between acknowledging that Mike might just have to be traded for the team to take on a new direction and acting as though Mike is some kind of traitor for wanting to stay with the Kings.

A few people around here tend to turn on our own players at the drop of a hat. It's happened in the past and it'll happen in the future. It doesn't make it right and it certainly doesn't mean the player has done anything to deserve it.

Mike knows this is a business much better than any of us do. He lives it up close and personal every single day. I'm proud of what the Sacramento Kings are and I hate it when one of ours gets traded because there is a special relationship, for the most part, between the fans and the players. It's what makes Arco so special...

I personally think we're lucky to have the kind of team, front office, organization, etc. that engenders the kind of loyalty Bibby shows. It's a rare thing indeed. I think there's room for all opinions but I will always protest those who start throwing stones and calling names when they have no idea whatsoever what's going on.
loyalty and good relationships with the players are great, but if a player needs to be traded he should be. the success of the franchise should take precedence.
i dont think there are a lot of people that really want Mike gone. but a lot of people also seem to realize that he might not be the best fit for our future plans, so he might have to go. sometimes thats how it is
Ah! Finally someone who knows what our future plans are. All this time I've thought that we didn't have a plan!

Please, tell us, what direction is this team going in?

(Just kidding!) ;)


Super Moderator Emeritus
No one has said it shouldn't, V4GM. What's irritating to me is that people are calling Bibby a "hypocrite" for no good reason I can ascertain. The success of the franchise is much more complicated than just shifting around players. It's about the intanglibles, too...

I think you and I are really on the same page about this. It's become a tempest in a teapot because a couple of people want to crucify Bibby over some comments that weren't anything like what they're interpreting them to be. He's damned if he doesn't say anything and he's apparently doubly damned in the minds of some if he does. It just seems to be a case of having to find a villain of the day, and I don't understand it...

it was the best offer he had

Your point would be valid if the agent hadn't gone ahead and said that the plan was to opt out which won't happen now due to immense suckage that Mike is offering this season. And that is okay. I will never blame a player for going for more money as long as idiots are there that will offer him. However, it goes both ways. If a player has right/opportunity to advance so does the franchise. If player then feels mistreated - one has to call him a hypocrite

Not quite....I recall that Phoenix (before Nash came) was offering in upwards of $100 million dollars in which the Kings simply didn't want to give. Kings was originally offering $60 million and ended up in the middle with $80 million.


Hall of Famer
Not quite....I recall that Phoenix (before Nash came) was offering in upwards of $100 million dollars in which the Kings simply didn't want to give. Kings was originally offering $60 million and ended up in the middle with $80 million.
20 million $ difference ?

I am sorry but unless You can provide a credible source to that - I don't believe it


Super Moderator Emeritus
Memories aren't perfect. That did sound familiar to me, but if you couldn't find it, I must have been wrong...

Any luck finding that "show me the money" comment you're so sure Mike made?


Super Moderator Emeritus
I shouldn't help but I will...

I think what you might be referring to is a comment Mike made some time back when asked about what it would take to keep him here. He made a comment along the lines of hoping the organization would be willing to pay him what he's worth...but he was laughing about it as was the person who interviewed him.