The evidence is far greater that if we rely on that particualr post player we're going to suck and be quite streaky. I'm a fan of players who win 25% of their games every year as the main man as anybody, but please.
The evidence shows that he cannot carry an entire team of poor players (or did you forget the post wherein I showed the standouts SAR played with). I, personally, don't think KG or Duncan would have made those team contenders for the playoffs. Short of Shaq, those teams weren't going anywhere.
But, it's far simpler to say it's SAR. The ignorant and/or uneducated mind usually grasps for easy answers, is that the case?
Now of course you would not know this, because great generalized fan you are you didn't show in these parts until Reef showed up, ironically with his losses in tow.
Ummm... I showed up this year. SAR showed up last year. Little time difference there.
But once upon a time we used to kick the living poop out of him and his teams year after year with many of the players you demonize and a whole hell of a lot of jumpers.
I don't demonize Peja, Webber, Vlade, Christie. Nope. I don't.
We won on OPEN jumpers created by a system in which the players assembled fit the roles. We also hit a lot of cutters and had a TON of layups.
I don't hate jump shots. I hate ill-advised jump shots. Take Phoenix as an example. They take a ton of jumpers. A ton of threes. But, they are within the context of the offense. Nash penetrates, finds the open man and makes the pass. Ad naseum. It's within the offense. They also use the paint and Nash will also find player down there when he penetrates.
I'm okay with that. I'm not okay with a play being dribble around until you feel you're open enough to fire up a shot. Or a play that has a player run back and forth over one screen until they get open enough to shoot a three.
I like post play. I like winning more. Reef in anything more than small doses has never shown himself as anything more than a pure numbers guy, those numbers being only scoring of course -- stats, but no productivity in the only way that matters.
It's a team sport. You seem to ignore that point when you obsess over how awful SAR is or isn't.
KG isn't winning much without players around him. Pierce isn't winning much. Iverson, the same. TMac without Yao. Carter? The list goes on.
Players in the post put teams over the top, but they don't control the ball and need good players to help distribute the load. SAR has never had that, until here ... and he may or may not deliver and help us win.
I believe he can. It's not because I'm a homer, like you keep trying to point out, it's because I think he's a good post player.
Not only that, he's not what he once was, has noticeably slowed, and looks sluggish about half the time he's out there. Amazing the way that realtive Reef diletantes notice that, but his greatest jockers seem to ignore it (until/unless its time to make an excuse why this or that has temporarilty slowed him but will be rectified jsut as soon as he is the main man once again).
I think passion is lacking, but it's hard to find much passion when you aren't even an afterthought on a team. He doesn't look sluggish, he looks disenfranchised and frustrated.
As for intelligent discussion? Hardly. You contribute nothing more than dogmatism.
Yeah, the bait won't work, champ.