KT again

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Why couldn't Petrie have said yes to this!?

The only reason i think he would say no is because Swift signed a new contract and was not playing up to expections. And were basically scared to get a bad contract that was longer then KT's. Thats my best guess. And you also get an internet hug *Daman huggs BMiller52* just spreading the love not hate, this is what this tread really needs, lol.
I understand that many of you do not like K9. However, keep in mind 1) he plays for the Kings and should have your support until he is not a King; 2) Muss and his coaching staff know far beyond what you think you know from your family room coach and the coaching staff has decided to start and play K9. Ripping on K9 like this is basically calling young Muss and his staff fools for playing him.
1. If a player plays for the Kings and plays like ****, I reserve the right to call him out for his play. If a player of the Kings has an attitude of ****, I reserve the right to call him out for his lack of professionalism. If a player of the Kings is hurting his team more than he is helping, I reserve the right to criticise because I love the team more than the player.

2. Probably right about Muss and his coaching staff knowing more than me. But there is probably more than what you know as well. It could be out of the fact there are no other options to even have him on the team. We don't know. We're fans.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Last night, K9 played - poorly.

I have a hard time understanding why and how this thread exists, however, and I speak as a K9 apologist - not be confused with a K9 insider.
So we shouldn't criticize Kenny Thomas? We, as KINGS fans, should embrace him even though he plays extremely poorly? We, the fans who give up our hard-earned money just to see our favorite team play once or twice a year if we're lucky, should just look the other way if someone making MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to do a job is not doing that job?

I am a K9 apologist because of garbage like this thread. It is clearly mean spirited and player bashing. VF, read your own sticky #9. I believe this guideline should refer to players you like as well as those you do not. It is pretty dissapointing when this type of garbage thread is allowed to exist and flourish and then have moderators jump onto the dogpile.
Excuse me? I have been very restrained in commenting about Kenny Thomas. If you want to get on a high horse about this, you're way out of line. You think this is bashing? No way. Bashing is what happened to Chris Webber and even Peja. Not this. This is criticism based fact and I defy you to deny that.

I understand that many of you do not like K9. However, keep in mind 1) he plays for the Kings and should have your support until he is not a King; 2) Muss and his coaching staff know far beyond what you think you know from your family room coach and the coaching staff has decided to start and play K9. Ripping on K9 like this is basically calling young Muss and his staff fools for playing him.
Oh, good grief.

Message boards exist for fans to vent. If you think this is bad, you should take a little tour around some of the other Kings board around - or multi-team boards that have Kings forums - and see what's been said about Kenny Thomas. You can disagree with our assessments, but I am not about to tell people they can't criticize a player who has fouled out two consecutive nights; done very little to help the team; looks as though he doesn't even care; etc.

You don't know what's going on with the coaching staff any more than we do. We're voicing our opinions; that's what message boards are for. I - as a moderator - am also a fan and I have a right to my opinion. I have stated it within the rules of this forum. I haven't called him names; in fact, I have edited or deleted posts that did.

We're not calling Musselman and his staff anything.
Wow so much hate towards Thomas, do you guys remember last year when Thomas was dropping Triple Doubles.. 12 board nights, 5 asts nights, this is a new team, he is going to have to adjust like everyone else. I think his play needs to improve and I know he is a much better player then what we see, hes starting, playing solid minutes, so give the guy a chance.. If Thomas comes tonight with a double-double and a win, I want to see reactions on here....
I don't know what it is about this site but some of us are quick to shoot off players..
KT should not be this big of a scapegoat to this team.
The only reason i think he would say no is because Swift signed a new contract and was not playing up to expections. And were basically scared to get a bad contract that was longer then KT's. Thats my best guess. And you also get an internet hug *Daman huggs BMiller52* just spreading the love not hate, this is what this tread really needs, lol.

Swift's new contract is actually shorter than KT's one he's got now.

Swift doesn't play like crap coming off the bench, he blocks more shots, he's more athletic and better at running the floor, has a better J, hits his free throws better, plays better D, doesn't sulk off the bench, has a shorter contract, etc.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Wow so much hate towards Thomas, do you guys remember last year when Thomas was dropping Triple Doubles.. 12 board nights, 5 asts nights, this is a new team, he is going to have to adjust like everyone else. I think his play needs to improve and I know he is a much better player then what we see, hes starting, playing solid minutes, so give the guy a chance.. If Thomas comes tonight with a double-double and a win, I want to see reactions on here....
I don't know what it is about this site but some of us are quick to shoot off players..
KT should not be this big of a scapegoat to this team.
So we shouldn't criticize because last year he had triple doubles? Actually, I think you meant double-doubles.

Sorry, but the people who keep bringing up "hate" stuff are, for the most part, those who are blindly devoted to Thomas. ANY criticism of him has been met with hostility. Did you read the whole thread?

I know I'm going to end up closing this thread, and it's a shame. Kenny Thomas isn't any more immune to criticism than Chris Webber was -- or Peja -- for that matter. Why is it that CRITICISM of his on-the-court performance is viewed as hate, when that criticism is pretty much based on cold, hard fact?

I'm not saying by any stretch of the imagination that Kenny Thomas is to blame for any of the TEAM problems. I'm saying Kenny Thomas is responsible for the criticism he's receiving as a player who isn't playing up to his potential.
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Super Moderator Emeritus
Swift's new contract is actually shorter than KT's one he's got now.

Swift doesn't play like crap coming off the bench, he blocks more shots, he's more athletic and better at running the floor, has a better J, hits his free throws better, plays better D, doesn't sulk off the bench, has a shorter contract, etc.
And isn't he out for the year? I may not be real happy with KT right now, but at least he's in uniform. Swift wouldn't be.


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Staff member
Wow so much hate towards Thomas, do you guys remember last year when Thomas was dropping Triple Doubles.. 12 board nights, 5 asts nights, this is a new team, he is going to have to adjust like everyone else. I think his play needs to improve and I know he is a much better player then what we see, hes starting, playing solid minutes, so give the guy a chance.. If Thomas comes tonight with a double-double and a win, I want to see reactions on here....
I don't know what it is about this site but some of us are quick to shoot off players..
KT should not be this big of a scapegoat to this team.
I recall one off the top of my head, I dind't know he went off for multiple last year.... :rolleyes:

Look, eveyone has favorite players on their team. Although he is still very young and kinda raw, I like Garcia's game. I like his hustle and enthusiasm, just like Christie brought. I think, given some time, he could be a good player. I really like the way Martin has developed as well and look forward to seeing what he brings to the team this year.

I do not like KT's attitude. I think SAR is a better player. I wish we could trade KT for something more useful to this team, since he's been playing generally very poorly in preseason and in the two games so far when it counts. Sue me.
So we shouldn't criticize because last year he had triple doubles?

Sorry, but the people who keep bringing up "hate" stuff are, for the most part, those who are blindly devoted to Thomas. ANY criticism of him has been met with hostility. Did you read the whole thread?

I know I'm going to end up closing this thread, and it's a shame. Kenny Thomas isn't any more immune to criticism than Chris Webber was -- or Peja -- for that matter. Why is it that CRITICISM of his on-the-court performance is viewed as hate, when that criticism is pretty much based on cold, hard fact?

I'm not saying by any stretch of the imagination that Kenny Thomas is to blame for any of the TEAM problems. I'm saying Kenny Thomas is responsible for the criticism he's receiving as a player who isn't playing up to his potential.
I think what some people are saying isn't that Kenny should be immune to criticism, but I have to agree with them that the level of anti-KT feeling is way out of line with his actual contributions and performances (or lack thereof). He's not ideal, but he's also not terrible. I know people are frustrated because he was the first power forward after Webber, he has a surly outward appearance and he hasn't been consistent. But people have turned on him with some serious fury that is pretty unwarranted, in my opinion, or at least a tad excessive
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post deleted - VF21
VF - this is clear player bashing. Just an example of what I am talking about. Yet it remains on the board, I guess because it is directed at K9. You are a moderator - how about you moderate rather than letting a mob take over.

Plus how many threads should be allowed to be open that exist for K9 bashing?
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I had a few things to say reading this thread. Some of them would get me kicked out, some would get me a harsh pm....................................... You know I'm not going to go any further:

You don't think there is animosity towards KT? You all freckin beat The Chicago Bulls last night a team picked to be a big time player for the title. And all you guys can do is bash (I mean criticize) KT! You would think there would be somthing else to talk about.

What do you guys think? How much sense does that make?

Don't wonder why we defend KT so passionatly..... Take a look at yourselves!
I think what some people are saying isn't that Kenny should be immune to criticism, but I have to agree with them that the level of anti-KT feeling is way out of line with his actual contributions and performances (or lack thereof). He's not ideal, but he's also not terrible. I know people are frustrated because he was the first power forward after Webber, he has a surly outward appearance and he hasn't been consistent. But people have turned on him with some serious fury that is pretty unwarranted, in my opinion, or at least a tad excessive

Wow so much hate towards Thomas, do you guys remember last year when Thomas was dropping Triple Doubles..
Those numbers dropped off rapidly. He started strong and ended weak.

I have no reason to believe that he's "that" type of player based on anything he did last year.


Super Moderator Emeritus
VF - this is clear player bashing. Just an example of what I am talking about. Yet it remains on the board, I guess because it is directed at K9. You are a moderator - how about you moderate rather than letting a mob take over.

Plus how many threads should be allowed to be open that exist for K9 bashing?
Well here's an idea for you. If you were talking about a particular post, then WHY didn't you use the "refer a post" option as clearly outlined in the tips for posting?

I didn't actually see it, or I would have done something.

This is a very active board. We moderators do the best job we possibly can. We ASK for our members to help us. That's why the refer a post option exists. We cannot force you to use it so don't blame us if something slips between the cracks.
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Don't wonder why we defend KT so passionatly..... Take a look at yourselves!
Well, Pqster, someone kind of brought it on themselves.

KT is not easy to love to begin with, with his attitude.

But, someone came on here telling us how he was going to dominate and show why he's such a great player. That makes double target time.
I admit that I find some posters overboard in their criticism of our players sometime. I'm not a huge fan of KT the player. And I remind myself all the time that its probably not his fault he looks surly, disinterested or even robotic. He probably can't help it.

Kings fans are pretty darn accepting. There have been very few players that haven't been warmly accepted by the majority of Kings fans. Whoever KT is as a person, he really hasn't given the fans much to work with in trying to warm up to him. With these fans that's really hard to accomplish.

However, I also thought other players have been the receipient of amazing vitriol that was just extreme. Way more than KT. Let's see: Miller, Webber, Pedja, Christie, Bibby....(and Adelman)

I come to kingsfans.com, however, because this is, overall, one of the cleanest and best moderated sports threads around. Does it get out of hand sometimes? Yes, but not with anything like the excessive language and feelings expressed at many, many boards I've visited. Being a moderator is a tough job. I wouldn't want to be one. Our mods here do a pretty darn great job.

By the way, VF did not damage anyone's privacy as no names were disclosed. We all would have be left wondering and guessing, but not knowing.

Even anonymously, tho, I deeply resent having Kings fans accused of being racist. Especially since all races are represented here. For your information, Sacramento is the most racially diverse city in the US. Kings fans reflect that fact.
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Well, Pqster, someone kind of brought it on themselves.

KT is not easy to love to begin with, with his attitude.

But, someone came on here telling us how he was going to dominate and show why he's such a great player. That makes double target time.
We are 2 games into the season! So if he put 2 nice games together your going to put his name on a HOF ballot? No I wouldn't expect you to just like I don't expect you to bash (i mean criticize) after 2 bad ones!
I did not infer that she or any one on this site was a racist; I simply made the point that white players in NBA get an easier path. It was more a side note then a critique. I, by the way, am a white male who admits racism exists.

You may have meant that, but what you said is:
Kings fans value scorers and white players"

That is an accusation and a nasty thing to say. It's very generalized and it's very specific. This was not some "simple" point about white players having an easier path in this league, it was a direct statement that "we Kings fans value skin color over play".

Not only is it offensive, but it's a direct attack. You're lucky VF21 didn't ban you - I know I would have.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Okay, I am - reluctantly - closing this thread.

What was said is right there for everyone to see. We could debate forever on what he/she really meant, but all I know is what I read.

This board has NEVER been about racism and it never will be - at least not as long as we have moderators who will pull the plug on that crap the minute it rears its ugly head. I really hope if some people feel that about any Kings fans they are speaking out of ignorance, because they don't really know what they're talking about, and not because they really feel that way.

Kings fans are a fantastic group of people, both in general and here on this board. Anyone who doesn't agree with that is perfectly welcome to find another board to read and post upon.

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