KT again

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Super Moderator Emeritus
I made comments after the first game and was roundly assailed, both on the board and in PMs, but a couple of KT "insiders" - their term, not mine. Well, I'm sorry, but I sure hope they've taken a pill or something because I'm going to make a few more observations.

Kenny Thomas does not, to me, look as though he even wants to be there. His play is uninspired, it's flat, and it is not worthy of anything near the money he is being paid to play.

I don't know Kenny Thomas personally. He could be the nicest guy in the world off the court. All I know is what I see - and what I see is a player that just isn't putting forth maximum effort. I sincerely hope he can find a way to put himself back into the picture because he's hurting himself AND he's hurting the team I love and that's just not acceptable.
I think it comes down to that KT is only out there for himself. He gets into a huff if he is'nt starting. he's insecure. There's a reason why he has been traded. He needs to adjust his attitude.

We need a team not an individual.


Hall of Famer
He plays the season like Peja used to play in the playoffs. He needs to at least go to the bench. I would rather see Mo Taylor and that is sad to say.


Hall of Famer
Iggy i just watched the Webber tribute for the first time. geez that was a tear jerker. Somebody get us Webber back. Bad knees and all he is better than any PF we have. Trade Hart,Kt,Pot,Corlis,and 2 bags of golden flake for Webber please.


Super Moderator Emeritus
we didnt go to mars. and we sure didnt take any pills...

the "insiders" are still here and alive and well
The pill I was referring to was a tranquilizer.


I have been a fan of the Sacramento Kings since 1985. And not just a casual "hey, look. I checked out the paper this morning and the Kings won" fan. I have planned major family events so they didn't conflict with Kings games. There are now FOUR generations of Kings fans in my family.

I did not appreciate a PM I received yesterday from someone who called themselves an "insider" and was very angry with some comments I made about Kenny Thomas. They not only accused me of a lot of pretty nasty things BUT called me and other Kings fans racists who prefer "scorers and white players." Because I am a moderator and do "practice what I preach" -despite what one of your friends sent me yesterday - I will NOT reprint the PM here.

I am going to criticize a mutli-million dollar player if he's not earning his money. And if you or some of your friends don't like it, that's too bad. This isn't a pick-up game at the local playground. This is the NBA. And we, the fans who care enough to post our thoughts on message boards are the same fans who buy the jerseys, who go to the games, who purchase league pass if they're out of town so they can follow their team, etc. If we don't have the right to be critical, then please tell me who does.

I'm not saying you were the one who sent me the PM. You weren't and, in fact, I've never had a problem with you. But those of you who are close to KT have to realize you're on a KINGS board with some LONG-TIME very devoted Kings fans who want more from a power forward than what we've seen thus far. If he can't give to us, then we're going to ask for someone who will. And that's just the way it goes...
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Homer Fan Since 1985
The pill I was referring to was a tranquilizer.


I have been a fan of the Sacramento Kings since 1985. And not just a casual "hey, look. I checked out the paper this morning and the Kings won" fan. I have planned major family events so they didn't conflict with Kings games. There are now FOUR generations of Kings fans in my family.

I did not appreciate a PM I received yesterday, not only accusing me of a lot of pretty nasty things BUT calling me and other Kings fans racists who prefer "scorers and white players." Because I am a moderator and do "practice what I preach" -despite what one of your friends sent me yesterday - I will NOT reprint the PM here.

I am going to criticize a mutli-million dollar player if he's not earning his money. And if you or some of your friends don't like it, that's too bad. This isn't a pick-up game at the local playground. This is the NBA. And we, the fans who care enough to post our thoughts on message boards are the same fans who buy the jerseys, who go to the games, who purchase league pass if they're out of town so they can follow their team, etc. If we don't have the right to be critical, then please tell me who does.

I'm not saying you were the one who sent me the PM. You weren't and, in fact, I've never had a problem with you. But those of you who are close to KT have to realize you're on a KINGS board with some LONG-TIME very devoted Kings fans who want more from a power forward than what we've seen thus far. If he can't give to us, then we're going to ask for someone who will. And that's just the way it goes...

Ditto! Ditto! And Ditto!

As a long time Kings fan (all of the Sacramento era), I love my team. I don't give a rat's patoot if people who are "player followers" show up to cheer for their guy, and by extension, Our Kings. But, never question our team loyalty and love. You would just have no leg to stand on (as the saying goes).
I did not appreciate a PM I received yesterday, not only accusing me of a lot of pretty nasty things BUT calling me and other Kings fans racists who prefer "scorers and white players." Because I am a moderator and do "practice what I preach" -despite what one of your friends sent me yesterday - I will NOT reprint the PM here.
I think Brad Miller gets his fair share around here.

I know VF pretty much said what needed to be said, but I take offense to that accusation from whomever said it.

I don't like KT. I think he's full of himself and puts himself WAY out in front of the team. That pisses me off. It pisses me off that he starts over the guy that has taken a backseat so the team can thrive.

It has nothing to do with a dislike of "black people" or my love of "scorers". It has to do with my dislike of an attitude.

From what I've seen and participated in here - the majority of people here are some of the most knowledgable (and opinionated) people out in the NBA community. A lot of people have been here for years and have developed relationships through this board. You should be aware of that before you spout off.

Thank you. That is all.
no excuses! Did not have a great game but dont think he is the key to this teams problems. Bad shots taking and miss open shots is a bigger problem. And most players on the team are having those problems


Senior Member sharing a brew with bajaden
To add further insult to injury about KT. ON www.82games.com it shows in the Individual Player Floor Time stats that when KT is on the floor he represents -20 in team net points. The worst on the team by far. And the Team Net Points per 48 min of playing time for KT is -15, second worst on the team. (Worst, for reference only, is Cisco with a -97)

In other words, when KT is in the game, the team gives up points.


Super Moderator Emeritus
no excuses! Did not have a great game but dont think he is the key to this teams problems. Bad shots taking and miss open shots is a bigger problem. And most players on the team are having those problems
He may not be the key to the problems but he's certainly not part of the solution - at least not so far. I love how, rather than admit his fallacies, you have to point the finger elsewhere. Well, that's fine. Whatever. I would have appreciated a response to my post above but I suppose that's too much to ask.
I am just plain shocked to hear that there are fans that follow Kenny from team to team!

After last year, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and the start over SAR because of the better fit. His inconsistant flashes have turned to consistant bad playing. He needs to be at least removed from starting line-up and at most be traded immediately. His complete lack of passion seems much worse than last year. It is embarrasing to have him on our team. Where is his "purple passion" :rolleyes: ?
Kenny Thomas has fans?

This has nothing to do with being racist or loving scorers. Keep in mind the heart and soul of this franchise is Ron Artest.
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name names....

I am a KT fan! I make no excuses when he plays poorly, and I don’t beat my chest when he plays well. I generally enjoy the banter on this site and find it entertaining and good spirited. However, from time to time I get a bit annoyed with the ongoing negativity directed towards KT. Yes I know him, yes I love him...but I still have the ability to watch the games objectively and do not make personal attacks on posters I disagree with.

I have no complaints when people complain about his size, I don’t argue when people complain about his salary and I even keep my thoughts to myself when people infer he’s a cancer. While I will disagree with many comments posted I respect peoples’ viewpoints. I tend to get defensive when people post about his heart and/or character. Kenny is not a person who seeks or desires the limelight; he isn’t overly emotional on the court or the bench. He has a penance for being truthful with the media and stating how he feels and not just what all of you true Kings Fans would like to hear. His actions speak. He plays hard every night! He battles and plays the right way!

Here is a bit of reality for all of those who desperately want KT out of Sacramento. Players of his salary and ability cannot hold a team at ransom. He’s not a superstar and the Kings could easily suspend him or cut him if we were truly a cancer. Coach’s and GM’s don’t quiver and shutter in KT’s presence, he’s not the one calling the shots and if Muscleman wanted him on the bench he would sit there with same look as he does when he is a starter. What many of you won’t admit or truly don’t believe is that the Kings, with this roster, are a better team with him on the floor. The current coach believes it, the former coach came around last year and the hall of fame coach’s he had in Houston and Philly did to.

Below is the personal message I sent to VF21, I had an issue with the way VF21 was moderating a specific tread and decided NOT to make my complaints publically. I identified myself as what I am, an “Insider” so he/she could see that I would have a bias, mine is much smaller as it turns out. I did share a few points and observations, these are observations I’ve made while attending almost every home game and reading treads on this site. I did not infer that she or any one on this site was a racist; I simply made the point that white players in NBA get an easier path. It was more a side note then a critique. I, by the way, am a white male who admits racism exists.

Originally Posted by dunkondem
VF21 –

I generally choose not to post on this site because I am an insider and I tend to take peoples comments personally. The reason I decided to send you a personal message is you seem to preach fair play and objectivity; however when people disagree with a point you make you tend to attack their arguments with the same type of fact less statements, they may have used to argue their point, based on your personal bias. I respect that you are a true fan and have a ton of passion for your team, and I truly respect the time commitment you make to this site, however as a moderator you must hold yourself to a higher standard, practice what you preach...

A few things you may like to know or that I have notice while reading on the site…

* Kings fans value scorers and white players, not players who do the little things that make teams successful. I feel like if a guy isn’t smiling non-stop or waving a towel at every timeout they are often labeled as a malcontent. What should matter is the effort put forth between the lines not two quotes a year where a player expresses their desire to start.

* Houston repeatedly attempted to trade Stromile Swift for KT last season, they were rejected, and this was when SAR was playing well.

* K9 is well liked on the team because he’s a good guy and because he plays the right way. An example - K9 and SAR may not be the best of buds but you never see him look SAR off or make a bad play to prevent SAR making a good play. In fact I think you could say it’s the opposite.

* Attitude is a perception when you don’t know the individual. Not everyone wears a smile all the time, try to judge players by their actions when the game clock is running and the ball is in play. If you use the example of KT pulling away from Ron last night then you should also mention that he acknowledged his presence once he pulled away, and later in the game shook his hand when exiting the game prior to Ron’s free throws, that was followed by Ron giving him a pat on the bottom. I also have a hunch Mike got ejected arguing the KT’s 6th foul, being it was one of many weak calls against the kings.

VF21 – Another PM for you, but instead of making it in a private fashion I decided to post it in the open forum since you don’t show any respect for privacy! All I was doing was calling for fair play on your part and on the parts of the other moderators. You on the other hand chose to vilify posters who don’t agree with you, ensure yourself of the last word by using your magical moderation powers to close threads after you’ve made your point. You may be a forth generation Kings Fan but your recent actions regarding our PM lack class and common respect. I’m interested to see if you will end up deleting my post, and if I’m in the wrong please feel free to send me a personal message, I’ll keep the next one private!
^Given the exceedingly harsh treatment of Peja Stojakovic on this board it is utterly, thoroughly ridiculous to suggest that race has any role whatsoever in who gets treated "easier" around these parts. Or that Kings fans value scorers more than roleplayers.

I respect your attempt to tone down the KT vitriol, but you do yourself a major, major disservice by trying to bring race into this. Go peddle that crap somewhere else.


Hall of Famer
My 2 cents. You said the ppl of this board love on the scorers or the white players. Doug Christie was neither and I am willing to bet that if not for Kevin Martin anybody in would take Doug on this team if he played like he did 3 or 4 years ago. In fact Doug should receive credit for some of the development of Kevin. Doug was a huge impact on the team of yesteryear and he was black and averaged about 12 pts a game at best and was loved by many on this board.
Whatever, defend KT if it lets you sleep at night, but don't bring race into the discussion. And your argument about Kings fans valuing scorers is completely off considering Ron Artest is probably the most beloved player on the Kings (Though KMoney may have surpassed him now).

And KT has a well known pee-poor attitude. He may want to win, but it's not for the team, it's for himself.
"Why can't weeeeee be friends? Way can't weeeeeeee be friends? Why can't weeeeeeeee be friends?" At this moment we should hold hands, sing this song and give each other internet huggs. :eek:


Hall of Famer
no excuses! Did not have a great game but dont think he is the key to this teams problems. Bad shots taking and miss open shots is a bigger problem. And most players on the team are having those problems

one way to see it.

Generally, the problem with KT is that he is completely irrelevant to anything that goes on the BB court. Any team where he starts as PF is not good and will never be good. We as Kings fans want Kings to be good and we won't be untill KT plays somwhere else.
Last night, K9 played - poorly.

I have a hard time understanding why and how this thread exists, however, and I speak as a K9 apologist - not be confused with a K9 insider.

I am a K9 apologist because of garbage like this thread. It is clearly mean spirited and player bashing. VF, read your own sticky #9. I believe this guideline should refer to players you like as well as those you do not. It is pretty dissapointing when this type of garbage thread is allowed to exist and flourish and then have moderators jump onto the dogpile.

I understand that many of you do not like K9. However, keep in mind 1) he plays for the Kings and should have your support until he is not a King; 2) Muss and his coaching staff know far beyond what you think you know from your family room coach and the coaching staff has decided to start and play K9. Ripping on K9 like this is basically calling young Muss and his staff fools for playing him.
Interesting things going on around here
It looks like pisksi wants the first internet hugg, lol. *Daman huggs Pisksi*

But being serious, somestimes things gets to personal and hardcore. We just have to remember this is just basketball amd ment to be fun and take us away from real world problems. When race and other things of that sort get involved it does the complete oppsite. I just hope cooler heads preveail and we could go back to our happy forum.
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