6 team deal (Bonzi to NY) .. anybody else hear this? (likely debunked)

I don't like Kenny Thomas's attitude at all, but he's a peach compared to Stephen Jackson. And no, Jackson would most certainly not be happy coming off the bench.

BTW, people keep saying that malcontents always seem to do fine in Sacramento. I sincerely hope that continues to be true, but the malcontents that did "fine" here, were coached by Adelman. At this point we have no idea if it will still be that way under Musselman.


Homer Fan Since 1985
I don't like Kenny Thomas's attitude at all, but he's a peach compared to Stephen Jackson. And no, Jackson would most certainly not be happy coming off the bench.

BTW, people keep saying that malcontents always seem to do fine in Sacramento. I sincerely hope that continues to be true, but the malcontents that did "fine" here, were coached by Adelman. At this point we have no idea if it will still be that way under Musselman.
Excellent point. We shall soon see Musselman's "people skills."
Why wouldn't he be okay coming off the bench? He did it in San Antonio and for a period with the Pacers. Because Kevin would be in front of him? Blah.

I'll believe it when I see he doesn't want to if the idea is pitched.
And he left San Antonio, because he wanted to start.
I don't like Kenny Thomas's attitude at all, but he's a peach compared to Stephen Jackson. And no, Jackson would most certainly not be happy coming off the bench.

BTW, people keep saying that malcontents always seem to do fine in Sacramento. I sincerely hope that continues to be true, but the malcontents that did "fine" here, were coached by Adelman. At this point we have no idea if it will still be that way under Musselman.
Why wouldn't he be okay coming off the bench? He did it in San Antonio and for a period with the Pacers. Because Kevin would be in front of him? Blah.

I'll believe it when I see he doesn't want to if the idea is pitched. Jackson's somewhat of a chucker, but he plays hard consistently, and Muss likes that. I think he'd be alright.

Ron I don't even think has to be questioned with Musselman from their similar styles and approach to the court. Along with whats already transpired in the media and talking. Ditto Bonzi, along with Muss having a relationship with him before Memphis.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Kids this is why Officer Celt says "Stay away from drugs."

Seriously it looks like some hack read 3 seperate trade rumors after burning a fatty then decided to write a pice (literaly). I don't see any sane GM much less GP trading Bonzi for Steve Jax.
I owe you an apology, Officer Celt.

I was lured in by the dark side. I should have known better. I should have listened to you...




Super Moderator Emeritus
Sorry guys, I really thought my source was reliable, not just some idiot ATL fan. I apologize. Really.
That's okay...


but I think you owe each of us a beer.

I'll have a Corona Extra, please. ;)


Well, it was more exciting than anything else that happened today. It's really a shame someone couldn't sell this to Grant. Now THAT would have been funny!!!

Excellent point. We shall soon see Musselman's "people skills."

You got to wonder if Adelman let them have too much freedom as players...

It is like school, you love to havea fun teacher who lets you get away with murder, but you try harder with the teacher that is really tough. You also respect him more. It's just the way it was with me.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
You got to wonder if Adelman let them have too much freedom as players...

It is like school, you love to havea fun teacher who lets you get away with murder, but you try harder with the teacher that is really tough. You also respect him more. It's just the way it was with me.
Rick has about 600 more wins and a dozen playoff appearances over Muss that say differently.

I notice that people always seem to approach this issue based on their own personality -- if they are somebody who craves discipline, would for instance respond positively to a yelling coach, drill sergeant, or taskmaster type personally, they always make the above argument and assume the rest of the world works the same way. If they are somebody like myself who once was almost kicked off his football team for threatening to kill his offensive coordinator because he got in my face, and who would likely be dishonorably discharged from the military for dressing down his drill sergeant in front of the rest of the troops while explaining to him all the ways his bullying was a pathetic attempt to compensate for his inadequate manhood, the assumption is the opposite. I would lay it all on the line for the "lax" coach who showed me respect to justify that trust + reward him for it, and work actively to humiliate and undermine the taskmaster and give him a little wink as he was cleaning out his office. I think its all leader/follower/alpha/good soldier/independent rebel behavior, whatever.

In any case the truth is surely somewhere in between -- different people, and players, I'm sure respond better to different leadership styles. There is no universal "better". But, that said, the NBA is NOT a normal cross section of personality types. Highly unbalanced to alpha types. Stubborn elite men with huge egos. And if you squeeze those types, there is going to be friction.
You got to wonder if Adelman let them have too much freedom as players...

It is like school, you love to havea fun teacher who lets you get away with murder, but you try harder with the teacher that is really tough. You also respect him more. It's just the way it was with me.
No, but when you have that badass teacher that lets you get away with stuff and you have fun in his class, yet everyone knows to play by the rules and if you just do what he asks everyone can have fun, that is the best teacher. It's the middle ground. People (including myself) have feared that Musselman may be too far to the right (the mean teacher) See you may try harder with tough teachers but there are some that will turn a deaf ear to that kind of stuff and will stop trying completely. For example, some teachers get along with the class clown who messes with all the teachers and is known for not doing his stuff but tries because the teacher finally treats him as an equal not as some punk kid. But then you get the mean teacher that challenges him, that calls him out, many would just stop caring, some may try to change their ways but a higher percentage will turn a deaf ear. We will find out if Musselman can find the right balance *Edit Er... Just like Brick said above
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If they are somebody like myself who once was almost kicked off his football team for threatening to kill his offensive coordinator because he got in my face, and who would likely be dishonorably discharged from the military for dressing down his drill sergeant in front of the rest of the troops while explaining to him all the ways his bullying was a pathetic attempt to compensate for his inadequate manhood, the assumption is the opposite.



I just don't see it...
I owe you an apology, Officer Celt.

I was lured in by the dark side. I should have known better. I should have listened to you...



VF21, I am your father and I say Bonzi for KG and Lebron, according to realgm it works under the cap as long as we sign Bonzi to a 31 million dollar a year deal. Someone start this rumor tomorrow.....


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
The fun part would be when Danny Ferry and Kevin McHale agree to the sign and trade, Bonzi signs the contract with Petrie, and then, oops, Ferry and McHale decide to back out at the last minute leaving the Kings with Bonzi at 31 million per year when they could have had him for less than 8 million. Gotcha! They'd be rolling in the aisles at the annual 'GM conference'.