Ref was bad, but every red card was warranted. Mastroeni's foul was maybe not intentional, but it was a slide tackle with both feet and he caught the guy on the ankle (nver touched the ball). Anyway you look at it that's a red card. Kezman had a similar tackle for Serbia yesterday (and he actually got all ball), but he still got the red card.
I don't get it how all these ESPN "experts" and ex-pros can let their homerism prevail. If somebody on Italian team commited a same foul they would be screaming bloody murder.
I don't get it how all these ESPN "experts" and ex-pros can let their homerism prevail. If somebody on Italian team commited a same foul they would be screaming bloody murder.
kezman was even making an attempt plus his foul was at a unecssary point in a 6-0 match