KG to the Kings??? (merged)



Wow is minni serious? i would trade in a heartbeat. I mean what do we have to lose? Brad and bonzi. I can live with that when i know we're getting the big ticket in return.
MiloshD over at BleacherMob made the assertion that Bonzi can't be combined with any other King's player in a S&T. I checked Larry Coone's FAQ (located at RealGM) concering the CBA and couldn't find the answer either way (not saying it wasn't there, just couldn't find it). Does anyone else know the definate answer to this?

It would make more sense for it to be Bibby since the draft takes place before Bonzi could be signed AND he would have to agree.
yeah, but you need to take off your purple shades cuz garnett is a walking triple double machine who can play at both ends of the court.
KMart, his quote about Brad wasn't a reference to the trade being lopsided in the Wolve's favor or a dig at Garnett, he was following up a couple of posts that suggested we would be trading our trash for Garnett or that the Wolves would simply be breaking Garnett's salary into smaller pieces like we did with Webber. I think his point was valid that Miller is a top 5 center and while we would certainly be getting the best player in the deal (by far) this was not simply a salary dump for Minnesota. Miller has become underrated on this board to the point that he was unfarily being categorized as a mediocre talent or a throw in to the deal.
MiloshD over at BleacherMob made the assertion that Bonzi can't be combined with any other King's player in a S&T. I checked Larry Coone's FAQ (located at RealGM) concering the CBA and couldn't find the answer either way (not saying it wasn't there, just couldn't find it). Does anyone else know the definate answer to this?
I'm pretty sure this is wrong. I can't think of a time when a S&T player was combined with others in a trade, but in theory I think it's possible. The only complication would arise if Bonzi were getting more than a 20% raise (which translate to a starting salary of more than $9.6 million), in which case he would become a BYC player. But setting aside that issue here's the breakdown of the rumored trade:

Kings (2006-2007 salary)
Miller ($9,625,000)
Thomas ($6,720,312)
Bonzi ($8,500,000)
#19 pick ($0)
Total salary: $24,845,312

Minnesota (2006-2007 salary)
KG ($20,000,000)
Total salary: $20,000,000

Right now this trade technically works. Basically what the Kings are giving up in salary has to be under 125% + $100,000 of KG's salary, or $25,100,000. However, if Bonzi makes more than $8.75 million Minnesota would have to include another player -- and in reality Minnesota is going to want to dump one of their bad contracts no matter what.
You have to remember KG is not the dominant force he once was.....he is past 30 years old...HE IS ON THE DECLINE.....He is still a GREAT GREAT player...but more in bursts and fits....he has A LOT of miles on him....he has played a lot of years.

Now that said....a new environment would probably invigorate him, playing along side Artest would inspire him....

To make the trade u would have to feel you have ALL the pieces in place to make a serious at the NBA championship for the next 3-4 years....before KG you can't give away everything....BIBBY, Miller, and Bonzi is gutting your team......Miller, KT, and a signed Bonzi is a no-brainer.

I don't know if a trade will go down like above....but KG won't be a T'Wolve by this time next year....if he is not traded this off-season, it will be before the trade deadline next year....the wolves are going nowhere and McHale has respect enough for the guy he wants to give him a legitimate chance at a ring.....and his ego is such he feels he can fix what he screwed up in the first place with crappy personnel moves.
Just a side note. I checked and he's turning 30 this year. So he's not passed 30. Same age as Bonzi. He still has a few good years in him. I'd be happy to have those few good years.
MiloshD over at BleacherMob made the assertion that Bonzi can't be combined with any other King's player in a S&T. I checked Larry Coone's FAQ (located at RealGM) concering the CBA and couldn't find the answer either way (not saying it wasn't there, just couldn't find it). Does anyone else know the definate answer to this?

It would make more sense for it to be Bibby since the draft takes place before Bonzi could be signed AND he would have to agree.
I googled "sign and trade" quickly and found this:

Minnesota Timberwolves today announced the team has acquired guard Marko Jaric from the Los Angeles Clippers in a sign-and-trade deal along with guard Lionel Chalmers for guard Sam Cassell and a conditional first-round pick (lottery protected) in the 2006 NBA Draft. Per team policy, terms of Jaric's contract were not disclosed.


October 4, 2005 – The Chicago Bulls convey to the New York Knicks the contract of Antonio Davis and the signed-and-traded contract of Eddy Curry. In exchange, New York conveys to Chicago the contracts of Tim Thomas and Michael Sweetney, the signed-and-traded contract of Jermaine Jackson, and New York’s regular second round draft choice in 2007 and 2009.

While this is not definitive proof from the CBA, clearly Jaric was acquired in a sign and trade deal along with Lionel Chalmers and both the Knicks and Bulls sent signed and traded players as well as roster players to each other, so it is possible to trade multiple players in such a deal.
I'm pretty sure this is wrong. I can't think of a time when a S&T player was combined with others in a trade, but in theory I think it's possible. The only complication would arise if Bonzi were getting more than a 20% raise (which translate to a starting salary of more than $9.6 million), in which case he would become a BYC player. But setting aside that issue here's the breakdown of the rumored trade:

Kings (2006-2007 salary)
Miller ($9,625,000)
Thomas ($6,720,312)
Bonzi ($8,500,000)
#19 pick ($0)
Total salary: $24,845,312

Minnesota (2006-2007 salary)
KG ($20,000,000)
Total salary: $20,000,000

Right now this trade technically works. Basically what the Kings are giving up in salary has to be under 125% + $100,000 of KG's salary, or $25,100,000. However, if Bonzi makes more than $8.75 million Minnesota would have to include another player -- and in reality Minnesota is going to want to dump one of their bad contracts no matter what.
The problem remains that Bonzi can't be signed until after the draft and until July 1st can the Kings even talk to him about his willingness? If you changed Bibby with Wells, Minnesota could dump one or more of their bad contracts and have it workable.

Blount is signed thru 2009/2010 making $6,125,000 next year.

Hudson is signed thru 2009/2010 making $5,603,000 next year.

Jaric is signed thru 2010/2011:eek: making $5,525,000 next year.

edit: Salaries according to
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Wow. Kevin Garnett is paid a ridiculous amount of money. Like all guys in sports are, but come on. 20 million per year? That's insanity.
Just his piece of the NBA's gigantic revenue stream. At least he earns it. He made 18 million last year. Allan Houston, Chris Webber, and Micheal Finley made more than him last year (Shaq is the only other one). Look at the hoopshype list of highest paid players and Garnett's 20 million looks like a bargain.
The problem remains that Bonzi can't be signed until after the draft and until July 1st can the Kings even talk to him about his willingness? If you changed Bibby with Wells, Minnesota could dump one or more of their bad contracts and have it workable.

Blount is signed thru 2009/2010 making $6,125,000 next year.

Hudson is signed thru 2009/2010 making $5,603,000 next year.

Jaric is signed thru 2010/2011:eek: making $5,525,000 next year.

edit: Salaries according to
Kevin McHale is an idiot.
The problem remains that Bonzi can't be signed until after the draft and until July 1st can the Kings even talk to him about his willingness?
this is the point that makes me wary of the validity of the trade rumor to begin with. why would minnesota agree to a deal that has so many uncertain factors involved? namely, would bonzi be willing to be signed-and-traded, and would garnett be okay with coming to sac? not only that, nobody can speak with bonzi about his status until after july 1st, which is after the draft. if the 19th pick is going to minnesota in the trade, do we draft who minnesota wants with the possibility that bonzi and/or kg won't sign off on the deal? or does minnesota agree to take whoever the kings decide to draft? it seems way too sketch for me, unless there's some loop hole in all of this that i'm not seeing.
And to whoever has mentioned Bibby. He's not going anywhere I don't think. He's our main 3 point threat at the moment. The Kings wanted to possibly ADD another 3 point threat in the offseason Geoff said. Not take away a 3 point threat.
And to whoever has mentioned Bibby. He's not going anywhere I don't think. He's our main 3 point threat at the moment. The Kings wanted to possibly ADD another 3 point threat in the offseason Geoff said. Not take away a 3 point threat.
He's going somewhere if he brings back Kevin Garnett. No question.
^^^ DocHoliday,

You may be right. But usually you have to give in order to get. Like Padrino, I question the inclusion of Wells due to restrictions coming from his FA status.

I could actually see Bonzi staying as a reason Garnett would possibly include Sacramento as a destination. Isn't there a history between the two? or am I getting players mixed up?
^^^ DocHoliday,

You may be right. But usually you have to give in order to get. Like Padrino, I question the inclusion of Wells due to restrictions coming from his FA status.

I could actually see Bonzi staying as a reason Garnett would possibly include Sacramento as a destination. Isn't there a history between the two? or am I getting players mixed up?
If this trade includes the draft pick it's happening soon, and there is NO WAY bonzi is included. Either Kt and Brad...sar and brad....maybe bibby I guess..I just can't see them getting rid of him..unless they had a real good replacement in mind....I just want Brad to be included in the trade so we have to go out and get a different center.
If this trade includes the draft pick it's happening soon, and there is NO WAY bonzi is included. Either Kt and Brad...sar and brad....maybe bibby I guess..I just can't see them getting rid of him..unless they had a real good replacement in mind....I just want Brad to be included in the trade so we have to go out and get a different center.
K. Mart
It starts to seem half-way realistic if you're talking about Brad and Bibby as the substance of the King's end. I don't think there are many teams who can put that much quality on the table. Enough there to make McHale return Geoff's call anyway.

So the new Kings are maybe going to be:

Pryzbilla/Potopenko/one more to be figured out later

I don't know, seems a little soft to me...


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
sorry I was being facetious. I think that roster would pretty much be the badassest one in the NBA when it came to sheer badassness.

Not soft.
Certainly the OG-PF spots would be ridiculously fierce. But that PG spot just sucks. :) Oft injured non defending softie + our 12th man = asking for it.
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Kevin Garnett.


He's a phenomenal player but I will never like KG as a person. Ever.

I personally don't want him on the Kings, but it's not like my opinion would stop that if it's destined to happen anyway. And I'd certainly support the Kings still.
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A trade involving Bonzi, KT, and Brad for KG is unlikely but swapping Bibby and Brad ($22mil together) for KG ($20 mil) is very doable. However, I think Geoff Petrie should tried to get more out from the T'wolves by adding KT and the 19th pick to Bibby and Brad for KG and scrubs with expiring contracts. That would be great for the Kings because they will be able to acquire a true superstar and free up some money to sign Artest two years from now. However, Geoff must sign a veteran point guard like Speedy Claxton or Brevin Knight to fill point guard void.