NXT Takeover (ITS STILL TAKEOVER TO ME) WarGames was some good old-school black & gold level goodness.
Both War Games absolutely brought it, Cora Jade can be an AJ Lee type face, the non-War matches were solid, and the Men’s WarGames was match of the night. Other than Waller (who can go, but annoys the bell out of me) I legit dig all the 2.0 talent. Breakker is going to be huge. Melo needed this heel turn like no other and Trick’s a solid wingman despite being green as grass. D’Angelo didn’t do much but his crowbar super neckbreaker was great! LA Knight was a shockingly good babyface.
I hope I get to enjoy these people grow and they don’t get needlessly and randomly Budget Cutter’d at some point in the near future.