One makes teams better. One has good stats. With butler, Chicago was in the playoffs, where were they after he left? With butler, minny was in the playoffs, after he left, lottery team. With butler sixers were a bounce away from the finals, without him, couldn’t even get out of the first round. Even when he went to the lottery team heat, no one believed they would be a playoff team. Thought he went there to live the Miami life and he took them to the finals.
But yeah take your drama who chased out HOF Chris Paul and made his team trade away their future for Westbrook, who later on didn’t even want to play with him. Take your MVP candidate who’s constantly late to practice in the bubble and would rather go to clubs in Vegas and Atl instead of show up to training camp. Don’t forget allegedly go to a strip club and break covid protocol to begin the season. Yes sign me up and take my young stars and first round picked please!!!
Like I said. Gtfo with all that drama.