[NBA] Comments that don't warrant a thread (DEC/JAN)

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Are you being serious? For one butler got chased from two teams now he has this perfect image cause of last year smh ya let’s forget how it ended in both places before.

lol cool he won a game in practice. Harden has taken legit scrubs to the playoffs and far into the playoffs. Butler did it in a bubble setting where no team has an advantage. Harden was up 3-2 vs the GSW team with KD untill Paul got hurt, I don’t think that GSW team even went to game 6 in any other series.

Butler isn’t close to Harden at all there in different levels one is a top 3-4 guy the other is a top 12-15 guy
One makes teams better. One has good stats. With butler, Chicago was in the playoffs, where were they after he left? With butler, minny was in the playoffs, after he left, lottery team. With butler sixers were a bounce away from the finals, without him, couldn’t even get out of the first round. Even when he went to the lottery team heat, no one believed they would be a playoff team. Thought he went there to live the Miami life and he took them to the finals.
But yeah take your drama who chased out HOF Chris Paul and made his team trade away their future for Westbrook, who later on didn’t even want to play with him. Take your MVP candidate who’s constantly late to practice in the bubble and would rather go to clubs in Vegas and Atl instead of show up to training camp. Don’t forget allegedly go to a strip club and break covid protocol to begin the season. Yes sign me up and take my young stars and first round picked please!!!
Like I said. Gtfo with all that drama.
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let’s put the hate aside and show respect dudes been a top 3 player for years now but the hate clouds peoples judgment
Your harden love is the one blinding you. Where’s pat beverly and montejunas in that tweet? Let’s just leave out stuff that doesn’t fit the narrative. And how did they do the following year? Scoring all those points alone only gets you so far, bring in cp3 who actually makes teams better then they became contenders again.

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member

big hit to Brooklyn’s guard depth. If I’m McNair, I’m calling up Brooklyn offering CoJo for a pick or two
It would come at a cost. The Nets don't really have contracts to trade, so they'd probably have to send Dinwiddie back, who has a player option next year at $12.3M. Hard to see him turning that down following an ACL tear.
One makes teams better. One has good stats. With butler, Chicago was in the playoffs, where were they after he left? With butler, minny was in the playoffs, after he left, lottery team. With butler sixers were a bounce away from the finals, without him, couldn’t even get out of the first round. Even when he went to the lottery team heat, no one believed they would be a playoff team. Thought he went there to live the Miami life and he took them to the finals.
But yeah take your drama who chased out HOF Chris Paul and made his team trade away their future for Westbrook, who later on didn’t even want to play with him. Take your MVP candidate who’s constantly late to practice in the bubble and would rather go to clubs in Vegas and Atl instead of show up to training camp. Don’t forget allegedly go to a strip club and break covid protocol to begin the season. Yes sign me up and take my young stars and first round picked please!!!
Like I said. Gtfo with all that drama.
How in gods name is Harden just putting up stats Houston has been in the playoffs every year since he got there I think there too 5 in wins since he’s been there.

You might wanna go look up being late to practice at least he shows up Kawhi is out there canceling practice and holding up the team plane. Butler has one good run in the bubble and all he’ll broke lose harden damn near beat the GOAT team comparing them is pure disrespect
How in gods name is Harden just putting up stats Houston has been in the playoffs every year since he got there I think there too 5 in wins since he’s been there.

You might wanna go look up being late to practice at least he shows up Kawhi is out there canceling practice and holding up the team plane. Butler has one good run in the bubble and all he’ll broke lose harden damn near beat the GOAT team comparing them is pure disrespect
look before all this drama about harden came out, i didnt "hate" him. Do i think he is a top player in the league? yes. Do i think he is better than anyone currently on the kings right now? yes. Do i think he can win a championship with the kings if we had to trade away fox, bagley and a bunch of first rounders? Hell NO! He might get them to a 7th or 8th seed, and want to leave just like he wants to leave houston, after making them trade away their future for players that fit his game. All while abusing his star status and going out clubbing showing the young guys how not to be a professional. You see points and assists, i see unprofessional and drama. Yes he might take us to a first round exit in the playoffs for a year maybe two (then ditch us), but like i said, too much drama
And Houston’s down by 20 now.
haha stop it man houston picked up guys from the local target and told them to suit up. He should go to a 70win team win rings now I see why guys do that super team stuff. If harden got drafted by the Spurs than went to a stacked Toronto he gets more rings than kawhi
look before all this drama about harden came out, i didnt "hate" him. Do i think he is a top player in the league? yes. Do i think he is better than anyone currently on the kings right now? yes. Do i think he can win a championship with the kings if we had to trade away fox, bagley and a bunch of first rounders? Hell NO! He might get them to a 7th or 8th seed, and want to leave just like he wants to leave houston, after making them trade away their future for players that fit his game. All while abusing his star status and going out clubbing showing the young guys how not to be a professional. You see points and assists, i see unprofessional and drama. Yes he might take us to a first round exit in the playoffs for a year maybe two (then ditch us), but like i said, too much drama
Why are you so up in this drama stuff it’s a hit piece and it obviously worked on you. So what if he’s clubbing a lot this dudes playing basically every night how many star guys are still playing 70* games a year. Dude comes to work what he does outside of it doesn’t matter especially when it’s something like going to the club when we got wife beaters out there.

Also we wouldn’t be trading Fox my proposal would be Bagley/Buddy and an unprotected pick this year. You say we’d just make the playoffs and maybe the second round that’s better than the crap we’re doing now. This Fox/Bagley/Buddy core has the ceiling of the 12th seed Atleast we’d get playoff games with James.

And at this point I’m just backing him cause people let there blind hate cloud there judgement on him it’s absurd.


Hall of Famer
haha stop it man houston picked up guys from the local target and told them to suit up. He should go to a 70win team win rings now I see why guys do that super team stuff. If harden got drafted by the Spurs than went to a stacked Toronto he gets more rings than kawhi
He won’t go to a 70 win team because other good players can’t stand playing with him.
What on earth were the Suns thinking taking Jalen Smith instead of Haliburton? I mean, Smith might turn into a good to great player...who knows. But right now Haliburton is looking much better and would have slotted in perfectly for Phoenix. I thought for sure they would take him with the 10th pick.
What on earth were the Suns thinking taking Jalen Smith instead of Haliburton? I mean, Smith might turn into a good to great player...who knows. But right now Haliburton is looking much better and would have slotted in perfectly for Phoenix. I thought for sure they would take him with the 10th pick.
You can ask the same questions why they drafted Jackson over Fox


Hall of Famer
Aside from blowing the pants off a bipolar Clippers team, the Mavs have looked horrible to start the season.
Their roster is pretty thin. Hardaway and Richardson are solid wings but maybe a bit redundant..i think most of their other guys that play a lot of minutes wouldn’t even get minutes on a lot of teams.

Like I wouldn’t want Max Kleber and Dwight Powell playing any minutes for the Kings if we had them, they’re important guys in Dallas even when Porzingis is healthy.

Also Luka over the first few games is more playing to his rookie season level compared to last season. I guess he didn’t come in the best shape..I suspect he’ll get better but they won’t be very good without a healthy Porzingis
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