This is the obvious fix but the discord it would cause in the locker room will prevent it from happening. In Buddy’s mind he’s our guy. The contract we’ve given him and the freedoms we’ve allowed him on the court reinforce that. A move to the bench will most likely be seen by him as a breach of trust towards him as a player. From there it’s only too easy to picture him airing out his grievances to the media, logging inexplicable DNPs, and us watching as his trade value plummets and our already poor locker room environment plunges even further. So while I’m a big fan of Buddy as the 6th man, and think that will be his long term role in this league, I don’t think it happens in a kings uniform.
And frankly, I’d think if it worked and the team started winning, he’d be on board.
I also think Bogi fits better with Bagley as well.
It compounds the contract situation if he’s locked into a starting role because of it while both he and the team underachieve.