Smart does impact the game in a lot of good ways. Plus, in some ways, he's exactly the kind of player we need to give a bit of a swagger to the team. We have added couple such players recently in Fox, Giles, and probably even Bagley. If we add someone like Smart, it adds to the critical mass, and hopefully starts rubbing on the rest of the team.
That said, his shooting his atrocious, and he is a high turnover guy (per, last year he made 127 turnovers in 1614 minutes. To be fair, Fox made 173 turnovers in 2026 minutes, so perhaps I'm being too harsh on Smart. I'm giving Fox a bit of a pass since he was a rookie). He also plays a position where we need least help). So, I'll be wary of committing too much money on him. While I think 15M would be a bit too high, it might be okay if he brings the same fire and passion we saw in Boston.