2016 NBA Draft Discussion

The Papa pick has a chance to be a very good pick but we need backcourt guys.....I'm going to wait to see what trades we have lined up. I believe Koufos is gone, we are going to sign Anderson, maybe WcS has been traded for a top notch PG, have no idea. Maybe Bogdanovich comes over this year. I know we added a young, mobile big, added Bogdanovich, added Richardson and will add another piece here shortly. Got rid of Bellinelli which was amazing.
i think most of us are thinking the same thing. we chose a guy on no ones radar cuz we dont need another C. He might turn out to be a good pick, but today i think the reason most are upset are because we had a chance to draft a good player thats a team need


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
The Kings aren't a developed team. They are a 33 win team with a disgruntled all-star, a high usage, low value 2nd scorer with their starting PG a free agent and their backup charged with domestic violence.

There are maybe 2 or 3 teams that have a dimmer near & long term future than the Kings.
We are a developed veteran team in win now mode.

Not a daycare. We aren't in "just collect talent and see what happens" mode, which is where the draft excels. We're in trying to patch specific holes mode.
What was the Richardson pick then? Surely we didn't pick him for his offense, he's horrible!!
I'm with you, he had like three good weeks. Richardson shot the ball well going into the tournament. Didn't show development in any other area and looked like a raw freshman for the most part. He does have a NBA body if you're looking for reasons to pick him here.
People should really stop with trading Boogie talk. Vlade is making wild swings at babies, who might become men. Has no influence on 16/17 Kings season.
But if you want to build around Cousins why do you take up roster spots with "babies"? If the plan was to build around Cousins this was a do or die season.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
I'm more confused than upset. It seems like we wanted to trade our pick completely, couldn't find a deal we liked, so we dispersed our pick into a bunch of cheap long-shots instead who we won't have to pay next year. A bit of a buzz kill after the talk of Nerlens Noel and Jimmy Butler being available this morning, but we did manage to free ourselves of the Marco contract. Not much to grade though. I'd call it an incomplete. Or better yet a DNP-CD.
Actually the Bogdanovic acquisition is the biggest impact to the Kings this season, if he comes.
Started watching him in FIBA competitions and if Joerger plays him at 2, he'll be so much better than Ben and Marco combined.

Still, this Papa pick, though. I don't think he is a bust. But just no words right now.


Super Moderator
Staff member
We are a developed veteran team in win now mode.

Not a daycare. We aren't in "just collect talent and see what happens" mode, which is where the draft excels. We're in trying to patch specific holes mode.
Yes, those holes would be "players that can actually help this team win more games than they lose".

Tend to be tough holes to fill.

I think that if the hope is that resigning Rondo and essentially bringing back the same roster as last season with maybe one vet added and Marco subtracted with rookies that add little to nothing and hoping the difference between Karl and Joerger is the difference between a losing and winning season is a ridiculous hope to me.
But if you want to build around Cousins why do you take up roster spots with "babies"? If the plan was to build around Cousins this was a do or die season.
Baldwin was the only guard outside top-7, capable of playing positive minutes next season. Kings took a look at him and decided, that's not the case.