I'm very, very tired of the drama. I've reached the point where I don't care about how many points someone scores or how many rebounds they pull down. I'm just tired of the drama. I'm tired of every time there is drama, it revolves around the same player over and over and over again. Just about every time I start to believe that Cuz has figured it out, and has turned the corner. That he's finally maturing, he proves me wrong. And I'm tired of it. I'm not rooting for the Sacramento Cousins, I'm rooting for the Sacramento Kings.
I get that Cousins is frustrated. Hell, I'm frustrated! Probably everyone on this forum is frustrated. The difference is that Cousins can actually do something about it. We live out our passions vicariously. The question is, because Cousins is our best player, does that give him Carte Blanche to suspend civility? I played for managers that I couldn't stand. I could have managed the team better. But I never even thought about calling him out in front of god and everyone. I'm sure that Collison, Gay, Rondo, Casspi, and everyone else on the team is frustrated, but you don't see them acting out in the fashion that Cousins does. Enough is enough!
I was about to start a thread on how we could rebuild around Cousins. Now I'm not so sure I want to. I'm just very, very tired of this crap.