[Game] Kings @ Suns - 11/4/15 - 6 PT, 9 ET



At this point for any wing that actually hustles and competes, Derrick Williams has played harder/with more intensity than Ben this year. I don't care if you miss shots if they are quality shots what I do care about is if a guy is a elite athlete and never uses it to his advantage and never hustles than get him out for someone that will. There's a guy on our bench Ben could actually learn from in Anthony Carter who was undersized could not shoot not even close to being as athletic as Ben who turned himself for long periods into a starter/rotation player for Karl HUSTLING and leaving it on the court.

Look at JyMheal (however you spell it) Green last night undersized badly little to no skills impacted the game big time just hustling cause he's a excellent athlete.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Screw a thread...Is it time for a Ben sub-forum?!!
Ben's play has been so ridiculous that its not a stable situation. It will resolve, and pretty quickly, one way or the other. We're not going to go all year with a starting SG averaging 4.3pts on .286 shooting. Either he's going to snap to, or he's going to be benched or even traded. The tension and extreme thread to thread focus only remains so long as his play so radically differs from his role/expectations. It will dissipate on its own once that is resolved, in whatever way.
We could be staring at a 1-7 or 1-6 start. This is the Western Conference, it's brutal. Theres no way you can dig yourself out of a whole to put yourself in good position to make the playoffs. Great move by Karl shuffling his line up for this game. Phoenix is a must win, in my opinion. We cannot keep giving games up with or without Cousins.
I thought we would star bad and I think we could still recive from a 1-6 start. Look at the competition for the 7 and 8 seed:

Pelicans 0-4: hawks, @mavs, mavs, @hawks, @Toronto

Mavs 2-2: Charlotte, NO, @NO, LaC, LaL

Jazz 2-1: Portland,@Denver, Memphis, @cavs, @heat, @magic

Suns 2-1: Sac, Detroit, @okc, LaC, den, LaL, Chicago

1-6 would set us back but considering who we have played it's not as bad as of we lost games to teams we should have beat.
@mr_jasonjones: Not starting Ben McLemore tonight about matching up two PGs against Phoenix's Knight and Bledsoe, not a permanent move yet.

@mr_jasonjones: Remember Karl said before the season he could and would likely rotate starting lineups. That's the word I'm getting.

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
Ben's play has been so ridiculous that its not a stable situation. It will resolve, and pretty quickly, one way or the other. We're not going to go all year with a starting SG averaging 4.3pts on .286 shooting. Either he's going to snap to, or he's going to be benched or even traded. The tension and extreme thread to thread focus only remains so long as his play so radically differs from his role/expectations. It will dissipate on its own once that is resolved, in whatever way.
... Until it transitions to the next scapegoat. And it will. There's never not been a scapegoat around here. Even when we were winning, there was always a scapegoat. And, when we run out of roleplayers to be the designated whipping boy, that just means that we'll turn on our stars, like we did the last time we were any good.

People want to act like they're just being hard on McLemore, because he's playing horribly... yeah, right. I don't know what message board you've been on for the last decade and a half. When we don't have McLemore to kick around any more, we'll just start kicking somebody else; that train's never late.
@mr_jasonjones: Not starting Ben McLemore tonight about matching up two PGs against Phoenix's Knight and Bledsoe, not a permanent move yet.

@mr_jasonjones: Remember Karl said before the season he could and would likely rotate starting lineups. That's the word I'm getting.
I would actually prefer Belilini start at SG full time, rather than Collison. DC is more valuable off the bench when Rondo needs to come out and Belilini gives us a full size SG.

Ben should really come off the bench and let the game come to him. He is pressing and his confidence is way low now. Coming off the bench takes the pressure off Ben.
... Until it transitions to the next scapegoat. And it will. There's never not been a scapegoat around here. Even when we were winning, there was always a scapegoat. And, when we run out of roleplayers to be the designated whipping boy, that just means that we'll turn on our stars, like we did the last time we were any good.

People want to act like they're just being hard on McLemore, because he's playing horribly... yeah, right. I don't know what message board you've been on for the last decade and a half. When we don't have McLemore to kick around any more, we'll just start kicking somebody else; that train's never late.
I have been really disappointed with Quincy Acy this year. Dude needs to step up his game big-time.
I would actually prefer Belilini start at SG full time, rather than Collison. DC is more valuable off the bench when Rondo needs to come out and Belilini gives us a full size SG.

Ben should really come off the bench and let the game come to him. He is pressing and his confidence is way low now. Coming off the bench takes the pressure off Ben.
Give me James Anderson starting. Can i get an amen?!

Mr. S£im Citrus

Doryphore of KingsFans.com
Staff member
I would actually prefer Belilini start at SG full time, rather than Collison. DC is more valuable off the bench when Rondo needs to come out and Belilini gives us a full size SG.
That doesn't solve the problem of what do we do in the games where Belinelli gets off to a slow start?


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
With DC and Rondo starting, seems likely we'll see Curry get some minutes maybe with Bell and Ben, eh? Maybe Moreland rotating with KK and Trill. fun maybe
You can see the difficulty Ben washing out causes with our roster -- to get any offense we have to start resorting to gimmicktry that makes playing defense virtually impossible, especially with Cuz already out as a frontcourt presence.

We just need to start a petition on one of those online petition sites "DeMarcus Cousins, never to be injured or ill again" and we could settle in wiht os much more room for error.
....I'm really really afraid that Rondo/Collison is going to get killed on defense.

Rondo has been a terrible defender for the last few years. He was especially bad yesterday. Ben and WCS always had to rotate to his man leading to easy buckets.
The good thing about Bledsoe is that he uses his power vs. guards, so it might help Rondo. However, he has an extremely quick 1st step.

Collison is 6'0 and Knight is 6'3. I don't know about this matchup either...

The bright side? Curry gets minutes.
Rondo, Collison, Anderson, Rudy, WCS

good, Karl has to shake it up and we need one of WCS or Koufos on the floor at all times. I still think Ben coming off the bench will help Ben.


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
Looks like from Twitter, James Anderson is starting...
Which would be good for the defense, but put the lie to the whole its because of the dual-PGs thing.

Don't really care. Somebody just has to step up there. James Anderson started most of a season for Philly. Was highly mediocre to poor, but highly mediocre to poor is better than the eye-gougingly awful we have been getting. So score 10-12 James, and you'll be doing fine by us. Just compete.


Hall of Famer
so two PGs and Anderson starting? yuck...I guess something different has to happen so why not. I'd like to see some more minutes from Curry, maybe he can put it in the basket a few times.


Hall of Famer
One last thing, Rondo cannot be scoring 5 points and the team having a chance to win. He needs to score 12-15 points and contribute on that side of the ball, there is enough players not scoring, can't afford for him to join the party either.
Which would be good for the defense, but put the lie to the whole its because of the dual-PGs thing.

Don't really care. Somebody just has to step up there. James Anderson started most of a season for Philly. Was highly mediocre to poor, but highly mediocre to poor is better than the eye-gougingly awful we have been getting. So score 10-12 James, and you'll be doing fine by us. Just compete.
Not sure you saw the other posts but he's starting at the 3. small ball-yay


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
One last thing, Rondo cannot be scoring 5 points and the team having a chance to win. He needs to score 12-15 points and contribute on that side of the ball, there is enough players not scoring, can't afford for him to join the party either.
Not who he has ever been. When people started talking like he was guy who was going to eat shots in the starting lineup I was like, what?? 5 is too few, but anything from 8-12 is about normal. He is an opportunist, not a scorer. And teams keep on trying to force him to shoot jumpers, which you really don't want either.
Basically give up any advantage we have at each position. It's a coaching move from a position of weakness. Don't match what the other team does-force them to match you.
I disagree, starting Rondo, Ben, WCS, Koufos is three non threats scoring wise and let Memphis pack the paint making it hard for Rudy and Rondo to pentrate.