[Game] Kings @ Suns - 11/4/15 - 6 PT, 9 ET

It seems like we're trying to match up against them.


I just hope we don't get out rebounded... looking at you WCS.


Hall of Famer
@mr_jasonjones: Not starting Ben McLemore tonight about matching up two PGs against Phoenix's Knight and Bledsoe, not a permanent move yet.

@mr_jasonjones: Remember Karl said before the season he could and would likely rotate starting lineups. That's the word I'm getting.
That fool should stick to playing video games. I've yet to see a quality starter doing well get dropped from the starting lineup unless it was to allow a proven and tried vet who was playing well to return after coming off injury.

If Ben was playing well, he'd be starting. It's about as performance based as one could make it.
Ben not starting since his rookie season...hope this move wakes him up.

Edit: Karl just stated Ben needs to earn his minutes from the bench - could be just what Ben needs.
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We suck again! Our defense is atrocious. It's really painful to watch. Rudy not closing out on his man, no one stopping the ball in transition. These are freakin basics of basketball. Stop the ball! Why does every single team, good or bad, get open shot after open shot while we have Rudy shooting one legged off balance shots in the paint with a hand in his face?

This is terrible coaching. Awful. Get your **** together Karl.