Kings and free agency - part 4


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Probably not gonna happen... but still:

Mitch Lawrence ‏@Mitch_Lawrence
Denver Nuggets considering waiving Ty Lawson after latest DUI arrest, per #NBA sources. Lawson has two years, $25.6 mil left on contract.

Third PG anyone???
Yeah, because somebody with TWO arrests for DUI is just the kind of character guy we need on our team.

He needs to get help before he kills somebody. He doesn't need to get a pass for his bad acts.


Super Moderator Emeritus
I really think Omri may the key to help smooth things out between DMC and Karl.

Omri really likes Karl as the Coach and DMC and Omri really like each other.

I think that Omri the "Glue" guy can really help the healing process in the DMC-Karl relationship.
I totally agree. Omri chose to come back here and he made no secret of wanting to stay. His relationship with DMC is golden and it appears as though he is well liked by just about everybody. A guy like that can really help bind a team together. :)


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
funkykingston, I don't doubt Butler's talent and achievements. However, seeing him repeatably doing douchy moves over the years always made me cringe. I don't recall another player with such a wide repertoire, at least not one that's still in the league. Hopefully you're right and there's more to it than what's visible.
We have quite frankly needed exactly that "douchy moves" vet. Watching Pierce in the playoffs last year, I was thinking man, that's exactly what we need. An old arrogant vet with a bit of butthead in him, unafraid of anything. Unfortunately Caron is a bit further gone than Pierce, but the confidence/arrogance is a huge plus. You can't even call us a remotely young team anymore, but every team needs as much oozing confidence as it can get. Last year it was too easy for far too many of our players not to believe. To wilt.

And if we want to call him a mentor to Ben, have at it. Ben's a nice kid. Too nice. Were I an NBA player I would absolutely see fresh meat every time he stepped on the floor. I'd punk him. Chip him in the ribs. Whisper in his ear about his mother. Taunt him, bang him, stare him down. And Ben might flinch, he might. He's too nice, and his confidence fluxuates wildly. If Caron comes in and teaches Ben toughness and oncourt arrogance, great. Go for it.
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I've been thinking the same thing about Ty Lawson. They want him OUT of Denver on the first bus elsewhere. Wonder how little it would take to pick him up. He is damn talented, just needs his head on straight.
That's what happens when you're greedy (Denver) and ask for too much. Now, he will be gone for nothing. The man upstairs has been kind to us this offseason!
Vlade was NOT impressed with his hookah smoking "I'm going to the Kings" declaration on draft night. Publicly called him 'stupid' (or at least the stunt stupid) That was the end of the Ty Lawson saga in my mind. Can't recall Vlade ever saying something like that


Don't Make Me Use The Bat
I've been thinking the same thing about Ty Lawson. They want him OUT of Denver on the first bus elsewhere. Wonder how little it would take to pick him up. He is damn talented, just needs his head on straight.
Frankly talented or not I could see that move really scuttling us and our chemistry. Not only because of Lawson's problems, but because of the cascade of unhappy players it would cause who we are counting on to provide superior leadership. Lawson is going to try to start. Rondo ain't going to be happy. Collison is going to be flat pissed. All of that could threaten to pee off Boogie, Rudy is friends with Rondo....

we're good. Just get us a true 3rd stringer and we're good. Get us one of Karl's pets and that relationship could screw us.
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We have quite frankly needed exactly that "douchy moves" vet. Watching Pierce in the playoffs last year, I was thinking man, that's exactly what we need. An old arrogant vet with a bit of butthead in him, unafraid of anything. Unfortunately Caron is a bit further gone than Pierce, but the confidence/arrogance is a huge plus. You can't even call us a remotely young team anymore, but every team needs as much oozing confidence as it can get. Last year it was too easy for far too many of our players not to believe. To wilt.

And if we want to call him a mentor to Ben, have at it. Ben's a nice kid. Too nice. Were I an NBA player I would absolutely see fresh meat every time he stepped on the floor. I'd punk him. Chip him in the ribs. Whisper in his ear about his mother. Taunt him, bang him, stare him down. And Ben might flinch, he might. He's too nice, and his confidence fluxuates wildly. If Caron comes in and teaches Ben toughness and oncourt arrogance, great. Go for it.
Did you used to take kids lunch money in school?


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Staff member
Even at the minimum and even without the offcourt issues I'd rather have Andre Miller as the 3rd PG over Lawson. In that role you either want a steady playmaker, a defensive specialist or a veteran shooter. Lawson is none of those and would disrupt the budding chemistry of this Kings team.

The Kings already have Rondo as their reclamation project. Let Lawson be someone else's.
I've been thinking the same thing about Ty Lawson. They want him OUT of Denver on the first bus elsewhere. Wonder how little it would take to pick him up. He is damn talented, just needs his head on straight.
man, have we learned nothing from phoenix's mistake of adding a third alpha dog PG to their roster last offseason when they signed isaiah thomas?! karl might fantasize about running dual-PG lineups with a combination of rondo/lawson/collison, but it's a disaster waiting to happen. i'd rather just roll with rondo/collison and re-sign andre miller on the cheap...
Yeah, because somebody with TWO arrests for DUI is just the kind of character guy we need on our team.

He needs to get help before he kills somebody. He doesn't need to get a pass for his bad acts.
Actually 3... he also was arrested for drinking and driving in 2008... character guy!
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This isn't school. This is where guys are getting millions to play and win at the highest level. You want guys who intimidate the other team.
It was really just a joke, with no intent or analysis behind it.

But if we must be serious, he grew up in poverty, hungry and in a violent neighborhood. He somehow survived that to become a millionaire. So I'm sure he's not easily intimidated by a bunch of millionaires where the most they can do is push you one time or risk being ejected from a game. Let's not go overboard on the on to intimidation tough guy scenario.
Does this mean that Bonner is signed over Moreland? Grant mentioned it on the radio. Honestly I think cutting Moreland is a mistake...
grant was only counting to 13 players...we could have 15 so i dont see any reason to cut moreland, unless we dont think he is worth devloping.


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Staff member
grant was only counting to 13 players...we could have 15 so i dont see any reason to cut moreland, unless we dont think he is worth devloping.
Technically there would be 14 under contract.

Koufos, Cauley-Stein
Cousins, Mbah a Moute, Moreland
Gay, Casspi, Butler
McLemore, Bellinelli, Anderson
Rondo, Collison, Stockton

but David Stockton's contract is not guaranteed and he would likely be waived if a veteran 3rd PG (Miller etc) were signed.
Technically there would be 14 under contract.

Koufos, Cauley-Stein
Cousins, Mbah a Moute, Moreland
Gay, Casspi, Butler
McLemore, Bellinelli, Anderson
Rondo, Collison, Stockton

but David Stockton's contract is not guaranteed and he would likely be waived if a veteran 3rd PG (Miller etc) were signed.
so vlade said he was looking for a PF/stretch 4 and a 3rd pg with the last 2 spots. But like you stated i count 14 and 1 spot left. My guess will be signing a stretch 4 since MaM doesnt really fit that description and stockton will be our 3rd pg for now or be waived for the vet pg like you mentioned.


Super Moderator
Staff member
so vlade said he was looking for a PF/stretch 4 and a 3rd pg with the last 2 spots. But like you stated i count 14 and 1 spot left. My guess will be signing a stretch 4 since MaM doesnt really fit that description and stockton will be our 3rd pg for now or be waived for the vet pg like you mentioned.
Yeah, my guess is either the Kings will grab Matt Bonner or they'll be forced to look at non-stretch fours. Guys like Seraphin, Arthur, Acy or Evans.

But I'm guessing the 3rd PG will be Andre Miller.
grant seemed to think moreland might not make the team if you waive stockton get Bonner and Miller you have 15 contracts. Is moreland and anderson both guarrenteed contracts or do they need to get though pre season first?