Why doesn't the front office come clean about their mistake?

"Before we can start talking about changes to the coaching staff or possible trades that will wake this team from its slumber, the first step is to come clean and admit that an error was made." - See more at: http://cowbellkingdom.com/sunday-musings-the-lowest-point-is-still-ahead/#sthash.Kxz20TpA.dpuf

This is what truly frustrates me, and I'm not even a hardcore basketball fan or a Sacramento resident. Why can't Vivek and PDA just say "Ok, Ok, we screwed up!"?
Here's another article detailing franchise killing moves other teams have made. To give this moronic move some historical perspective. Cause it truly was that bad.

Maybe, like the Stepien Rule, the NBA will install a Ranadive rule someday.

If you can't be famous Vivek, maybe infamous is something to shoot for. That means more than famous, right?

This one was an all timer. I wonder if PDA will work again after he eventually gets fired.

One move from the Jazz sounds eerily similar.

"Making Tyrone Corbin the full-time head coach instead of interim head coach, not doing a coaching search to replace the interim head coach, and then keeping him for 3.5 seasons."


I really hope they do say SOMETHING along these lines at some point, though i don't expect it. It's just going to be hard to trust them at any point, no matter if they turn this ship around or not, based on what they've done and the lack of transparency along the way. They've left everyone wondering and hoping and then it comes out that they've already made decisions and not said anything to anyone, players included. I do not have faith in this front office at this moment, but a little transparency and ownership of what they've done would certainly boost them up a few points in my mind.

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member
Maybe, like the Stepien Rule, the NBA will install a Ranadive rule someday.
I'm morbidly curious here. We know what the Stepien rule is (can't have two consecutive future drafts with no first-rounders). What, specifically, would a "Ranadive Rule" look like?
"Before we can start talking about changes to the coaching staff or possible trades that will wake this team from its slumber, the first step is to come clean and admit that an error was made." - See more at: http://cowbellkingdom.com/sunday-musings-the-lowest-point-is-still-ahead/#sthash.Kxz20TpA.dpuf

This is what truly frustrates me, and I'm not even a hardcore basketball fan or a Sacramento resident. Why can't Vivek and PDA just say "Ok, Ok, we screwed up!"?
because i'm not sure they actually believe they screwed up. their claims that tyrone corbin would be more likely to take the kings to the playoffs this season than mike malone were always a misguided attempt to deflect some of the criticism for firing malone in the first place. we already know that corbin isn't "their guy"; it's been reported that the front office attempted to lure alvin gentry to sacramento to be a part of mike malone's bench. when neither malone nor gentry were interested in an arrangement that might undercut malone's authority, the front office relented and malone selected tyrone corbin as his lead assistant. but corbin is not their guy...

that said, whatever the next step is in their "plan," they fully committed to it the moment they fired malone. they won't be admitting any errors, and corbin is just acting as a placeholder until "phase whatever" of their plan is enacted. if the next step is to hire chris mullin in the offseason, then the kings will simply bide their time until mullin is able to be installed with a full offseason and training camp at his disposal. but perhaps that's not the next step; perhaps the next step is to tank the rest of the season in order to keep this year's draft pick. or maybe the next step is to seize on an opportunity created by potential shifts in the head coaching landscape due to midseason or end-of-season firings. or maybe the next step is something else entirely...

but admitting that "an error was made" can't really occur until pete d'alessandro is fired. that would be a worthwhile admission of error from vivek. anything else would just be fan appeasement that wouldn't necessarily be followed by an altering of their course of action. personally, i find it rather unlikely that vivek/PDA will deviate from their "plan," at least not until they can measure the results yielded by whatever their "plan" is. and while we may take them to task for their immediate failures, they may not choose to evaluate the progress of their "plan" for another couple of seasons. none of this is to say that i'm in agreement with their approach; i think i've made my bone-to-pick very obvious in the last several weeks. but i'm also not expecting them to place a premium on opinions like mine, shared though they may be by a great many...
Is the front front office (Ranadive) still out of town? If so, that is a reason nothing has been said. Otherwise, I don't know.

The post-Malone failure has been to win games or even look like they are capable as winning games. To me, that demands the FO saying something to take the coach and players off the hook for the whole blame. Right now the people on the court must be carrying a heavy load of guilt which is unfair.
I'll take the truth, whatever that may be.

For all I know they are tanking after Rudy extended or some other batpoopoo idea.
This actually seems more and more the idea that I keep coming back to. You don't get a new coach if you don't want to win. They seemly want this team is metal state turned upside down so the Kings can get a pick within the top 10.
I think they've come clean already and there's nothing more left to say. They didn't want a defensive-minded coach. When you make a mistake, and everyone knows you made a mistake, you just look dumber if you try to rationalize it afterwards. It is reasonable from their perspective to keep their mouths shut until the next big decision comes along. Belaboring your own stupidity is never a good move.
I think they've come clean already and there's nothing more left to say. They didn't want a defensive-minded coach. When you make a mistake, and everyone knows you made a mistake, you just look dumber if you try to rationalize it afterwards. It is reasonable from their perspective to keep their mouths shut until the next big decision comes along. Belaboring your own stupidity is never a good move.
Admitting you made a mistake isn't rationalizing the mistake. You may look dumb if you try to rationalize a mistake everyone knows you made, but you will look dumber and more foolish by refusing to admit you made a mistake. You can't fix a problem or a mistake unless you admit that the problem/mistake exists.
Mike, tell us how that bus ride went?
There's not much to tell. Pete was the one who started the Karl conversation. Pete went straight to the back of the bus, leaned against the back of it and yelled out to us, "Why do you guys want Karl so bad?" Well something like that. The bus got silent. All eyes and ears were on him. It was game on and we discussed Karl and many other players.

I can honestly say it was a much better conversation than what took place on KHTK.

For the record this bus trip was planned before the season started so this was no PR cover up or whatever.

We have done things with Pete in the past too such as attending a Reno Bighorns game with him and Chris Mullin as well as being invited to the DC signing during Summer League.

We'll be doing more with Pete and Kings in the near future.
This actually seems more and more the idea that I keep coming back to. You don't get a new coach if you don't want to win. They seemly want this team is metal state turned upside down so the Kings can get a pick within the top 10.
When I cannot see a rational explanation nor can trust what is said, I go conspiratorial usually.

I mean what other explanation is better?

Could a billionaire and Pete not see this coming at all?

I doubt it, so to me there is something beneath the surface, we may never know though quite honestly.


Hall of Famer
Admitting you made a mistake isn't rationalizing the mistake. You may look dumb if you try to rationalize a mistake everyone knows you made, but you will look dumber and more foolish by refusing to admit you made a mistake. You can't fix a problem or a mistake unless you admit that the problem/mistake exists.
This is absolutely true.

The question no doubt in many people's minds is what difference does it make if the FO admits to a gross screw up. If I were considering being a season ticket or renewing my STH status, I would NOT do it with an organization that seemed to have trouble in one or many areas such as telling the truth, using good basketball judgment, etc. For ME and perhaps a few others, coming forth with the truth as to why Malone was fired could make the difference in buying tickets and not buying tickets.

So only a select few get to know why Karl isn't considered as a coach. Point well taken, Mike.
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There's not much to tell. Pete was the one who started the Karl conversation. Pete went straight to the back of the bus, leaned against the back of it and yelled out to us, "Why do you guys want Karl so bad?" Well something like that. The bus got silent. All eyes and ears were on him. It was game on and we discussed Karl and many other players.

I can honestly say it was a much better conversation than what took place on KHTK.

For the record this bus trip was planned before the season started so this was no PR cover up or whatever.

We have done things with Pete in the past too such as attending a Reno Bighorns game with him and Chris Mullin as well as being invited to the DC signing during Summer League.

We'll be doing more with Pete and Kings in the near future.
'Not much to tell' and 'game on' don't seem to go together.

I'm sure it's not the impression you wanted to give and it's probably has a lot to do with my jaded view of the organization, but the image I got was a arrogant, know-it-all prick taunting you mere peasants with his superior knowledge cause you know, 'he knows what he's doing.'

Hopefully, you'll be doing more with the Kings while Pete hits the road.
'Not much to tell' and 'game on' don't seem to go together.

I'm sure it's not the impression you wanted to give and it's probably has a lot to do with my jaded view of the organization, but the image I got was a arrogant, know-it-all prick taunting you mere peasants with his superior knowledge cause you know, 'he knows what he's doing.'

Hopefully, you'll be doing more with the Kings while Pete hits the road.
Pete did not bring up being a lawyer or said he was smarter than us on the bus.

When I said game on it simply meant we got into some good conversations because it was kind of slow at first. There were no Earth shattering news as if an NBA GM would tell a bus load of fans (under the influence or not and I mean the fans).


Hall of Famer
That PDA has to ask why fans would want George Karl in comparison to what we're getting under Corbin, and in relation to firing Malone without an adequate replacement lined up on top of Karl publicly campaigning for the job, is yet another example of the incompetence and aloofness we're witnessing.

I mean, FFS Pete, I don't know, maybe wanting the top available coach who employs the style you've campaigned for, wants the job and specializes in damage control, turning a struggling team into a playoff team quickly, would be the preference over Ty Corbin and his current .263 winning % with us while we're once again soundly qualified as the laughingstock of the NBA. But what do I know, Pete, you've told us you know what you're doing after all. Of course, if every GM who said he knew what he was doing actually knew what he was doing, there wouldn't be so many failures across sports.

And it's cool some fans rub shoulders with an NBA GM, bet they enjoy the experience, yet it's just a distraction and deflection. Just my opinion.
That PDA has to ask why fans would want George Karl in comparison to what we're getting under Corbin, and in relation to firing Malone without an adequate replacement lined up on top of Karl publicly campaigning for the job, is yet another example of the incompetence and aloofness we're witnessing.

I mean, FFS Pete, I don't know, maybe wanting the top available coach who employs the style you've campaigned for, wants the job and specializes in damage control, turning a struggling team into a playoff team quickly, would be the preference over Ty Corbin and his current .263 winning % with us while we're once again soundly qualified as the laughingstock of the NBA. But what do I know, Pete, you've told us you know what you're doing after all. Of course, if every GM who said he knew what he was doing actually knew what he was doing, there wouldn't be so many failures across sports.

And it's cool some fans rub shoulders with an NBA GM, bet they enjoy the experience, yet it's just a distraction and deflection. Just my opinion.
Ok I waited for a month, or close to it patiently, wanted to see what the heck was going on.

Felt infuriated with the results.

They may want to tank, they may want to complete the roster first, I'm not sure.

But as for this season it is done for, but who knows maybe Karl comes in here after this season, after a tank.

Do I expect a miracle no, just trying to make sense of the madness.

I really have no idea what they are up to, or will do.
There's not much to tell. Pete was the one who started the Karl conversation. Pete went straight to the back of the bus, leaned against the back of it and yelled out to us, "Why do you guys want Karl so bad?" Well something like that. The bus got silent. All eyes and ears were on him. It was game on and we discussed Karl and many other players.

I can honestly say it was a much better conversation than what took place on KHTK.

For the record this bus trip was planned before the season started so this was no PR cover up or whatever.

We have done things with Pete in the past too such as attending a Reno Bighorns game with him and Chris Mullin as well as being invited to the DC signing during Summer League.

We'll be doing more with Pete and Kings in the near future.
So what did he say about karl?( are we gonna get him) and what players did you guys discuss?

Capt. Factorial

ceterum censeo delendum esse Argentum
Staff member
That PDA has to ask why fans would want George Karl in comparison to what we're getting under Corbin, and in relation to firing Malone without an adequate replacement lined up on top of Karl publicly campaigning for the job, is yet another example of the incompetence and aloofness we're witnessing.
I get the impression (I wasn't there) that the question was a conversation starter.


So Ordinary That It's Truly Quite Extraordinary
Staff member
I've been hearing awful stuff about Vivek outside the forum worlds and while I have no faith in one of the sources, the person is regularly credentialed to shoot games on the court so he may have access to people that do actually know things. Everything from the routine FO missteps we talk about here to the way the players off court lives are being (mis)managed. I really don't want to believe it and I hope that as much truth there is to it can be explained by naivety curable by a disaster like what we're currently experiencing.
Its looking more and more like PDA/Vivek have no clue about what they're doing and its not like we have a track record we can point to in order to comfort ourselves into the "they will get this right" or "this is all a calulated tank" mindset. You really can't tell if they are trying to tank or just plain dumb (in basketball terms).

My opinion is he asked the question because he has no plans to hire Karl and wants to gauge the backlash once his puppet is hired (something he miscalculated terribly when he fired Malone) so that the firestorm that occured when Malone was let go won't be as large when "his guy" is hired.
Pete did not bring up being a lawyer or said he was smarter than us on the bus.

When I said game on it simply meant we got into some good conversations because it was kind of slow at first. There were no Earth shattering news as if an NBA GM would tell a bus load of fans (under the influence or not and I mean the fans).
I said nothing about him being a lawyer or that he said he was smarter than you all. I said image and indicated it might be influenced by my (jaded) view of the organization. I stand by the taunting call. Why bring up a sore subject (unless it's another indication how tone-deaf they are to the fans) if you can't discuss (give any meat) it?
So what did he say about karl?( are we gonna get him) and what players did you guys discuss?
From what very little I remember he said he doesn't want to hire the permanent coach until this summer.

The Karl conversation then led to some fun discussions on different players like IT, Cousins, Nik, backstories on the proposed Nets trade, etc.
I get the impression (I wasn't there) that the question was a conversation starter.
Other stuff was discussed but it got interesting once he brought up Karl thanks to someone asking about it.

I think the way it went down was someone showed Pete what was being said on social media and that's when things got fun and interesting.
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I said nothing about him being a lawyer or that he said he was smarter than you all. I said image and indicated it might be influenced by my (jaded) view of the organization. I stand by the taunting call. Why bring up a sore subject (unless it's another indication how tone-deaf they are to the fans) if you can't discuss (give any meat) it?
I brought that up (KHTK stuff) in case anyone was wondering. Nothing more, nothing less.


Hall of Famer
I was interested in why Karl was not hired as a replacement for Malone. I think that is the question on a lot of people's minds. If PDA thinks that placing Corbin in the head coach position is somehow adequate, I am blown way. He says he doesn't want to hire until after the season. What's Corbin?

I personally am not so stupid as to think he should fire Corbin this year and hire Karl.

I am done with this FO. Glad everyone had fun. Glad Vivek had the honor of attending a Swiss meeting on economics. Glad Vivek was with the President in India. Sounds like he is getting his needs met.

I am not.