Malone fired


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
There's a lot of different conversation threads to respond to here, so I'll just go with what stands out the strongest to me.

First of all, there's something seriously wrong with a group of people with zero ties to Sacramento buying into the team and then condescending to us fans who have watched this team for decades about what we do or do not want to see. At least be honest enough to say that this is about what you want to see. Don't put this on the fans. That's disingenuous and everyone knows it. Of course I'm grateful that Vivek stepped up and provided the majority share necessary to secure the future of the Kings in Sacramento. He wants to play with his new toy, that's what owners do. It doesn't feel right to boo the guy after he was the front man for a very long and emotional effort to keep our team, but that's the thing -- the fans did everything they could do as fans to show their passion for basketball and petitioned for years to anyone who would listen. Vivek provided the dollars to get it done, but it's not like he accomplished this single-handed. These are not LA fans who come and go when they get bored with other diversions. My grandmother knows more about the day to day goings on of this team than any full-time sportscaster on ESPN. We deeply care and we do not suffer fools gladly. Ask the Maloofs what happens when you insult your own fans' intelligence.

Secondly, regarding George Karl, he may be the right coach for the job but that doesn't allow you to "crap" can a good young coach who did everything right because you like the smell of "hall-of-fame credentials" a little better. That may be how things are done in the business world, but integrity matters to sports fans. Especially Sacramento Kings fans. We still cheer former Kings like they're part of the family whenever they return. Not to mention, how you conduct your business effects who will do business with you. You don't think other coaches and executives talk about these things behind the scenes? Of course they do. What respectable coach is going to want to work for an organization that stabs coaches in the back? How are you going to ask a player to make a multi-year commitment to the team, possibly sign away their only shot at ever winning a title, if they think in the back of their mind that you'll cut them loose whenever it suits you? If the plan was to bring in George Karl, the way they went about it was completely wrong. Give Malone the rest of the season at least and let him know in the off-season that you're going in a different direction. It's still bad news, but at least that's respectful. What bothered me the most about the way Tyreke left Sacramento is that he was here through the threat of moving and he was front and center in supporting Sacramento at every opportunity. Yet when the dust settled, it was an entirely new group of outsiders in charge and they told him to pack his bags. It just felt wrong. It's hard to invest yourself emotionally in an organization that doesn't seem to share your ethics.

I go through something like this every year as a fan of the Oakland A's and I can tell you, no matter how much you convince yourself that it makes sense financially to sell your home-grown talent for cheaper facsimiles, that doesn't make it any easier when players you have invested yourself in emotionally are headed somewhere else and the overall impression of your franchise is that you care more about numbers and stat sheets than people. It's clear this is the prototype for sports today -- everything is numbers, everything old and traditional is suspect. Every hot-shot young kid thinks they know a better way to do the job. I think there's a cautionary tale to be told here about investing too much in what is essentially a billionaire's play thing. I love watching Kings basketball -- it's cozy and familiar. It's a welcome old friend who returns every year offering variations on your favorite old stories and the promise of new and unexpected gifts to come. But what I really love about it is the opportunity to share in the experience with other people. Seems to me that community used to be something precious that we create together and now it's a product -- what can we sell you, how can we use you to create our own instant fortune? And the impression I get from the way Vivek and Pete and Chris Mullin have conducted their front office is that they care about the fans just enough to sell them a season ticket plan, a jersey, a few hot dogs, and a cable subscription. Everything else is just lipstick on the pig. So, umm, be careful what you wish for I guess?

No that's too depressing. It is still our team. Here we stayed dammit! They're going to do what they think is best but without us there is no team. So I say boo away. Cheer Peja. Boo Vivek, Pete, and Chris Mullin. Nobody here is a lemming. Coach Malone may not be coming back, but at least we can let it be known that we don't want parlor tricks and gimmicks, we want quality basketball. No more NBA 3.0. No more GSW sloppy seconds. This is a team and a fanbase with a proud history and a strong identity and we don't care what anyone outside of Sacramento has to say about it, we take care of our own. Sports is nothing if not family. The sooner they learn that, the better we're going to get along.
The first thing he says is you do things when the time is right. So firing your head coach 20 games into the season is the right time to do it?

What Pete means in the timing is right is that if he didn't fire Malone now, he would never have a chance as Cousins' return would certainly equal an improvement immediately. So lets do this while the team just loss a bunch of games. It won't look as obvious to the casual fan.
I hate the whole approach on that. If you can get Karl, which it seems you can, then it's bad basketball to even give Corbin the chance. So either you're passing up on a HOF coach to give a guy who hasn't been good a chance, or you're being dishonest to everyone while you bide your time on the coach you want. There's no positive there.
You are correct, in the sense that IF you have Karl of course you go right to him. But even with both parties interested this will be a negotiation. Karl is looking at what might be his last gig with as good a resume as any other candidate can likely bring. The ownership has been spending so he is likely to want BIG paper with a long run time. If you are the FO you have to be really committed to a direction to essentially give a coach 5 year contract with huge salary. So you deal and in the mean time Corbs keeps the seat warm. Heck if I am the FO I might take a week to just ring up every guy on my long list then talk to top guys week two ESPECIALLY if there are top candidates who want 5 year deals.
There's a lot of different conversation threads to respond to here, so I'll just go with what stands out the strongest to me.

First of all, there's something seriously wrong with a group of people with zero ties to Sacramento buying into the team and then condescending to us fans who have watched this team for decades about what we do or do not want to see. At least be honest enough to say that this is about what you want to see. Don't put this on the fans. That's disingenuous and everyone knows it. Of course I'm grateful that Vivek stepped up and provided the majority share necessary to secure the future of the Kings in Sacramento. He wants to play with his new toy, that's what owners do. It doesn't feel right to boo the guy after he was the front man for a very long and emotional effort to keep our team, but that's the thing -- the fans did everything they could do as fans to show their passion for basketball and petitioned for years to anyone who would listen. Vivek provided the dollars to get it done, but it's not like he accomplished this single-handed. These are not LA fans who come and go when they get bored with other diversions. My grandmother knows more about the day to day goings on of this team than any full-time sportscaster on ESPN. We deeply care and we do not suffer fools gladly. Ask the Maloofs what happens when you insult your own fans' intelligence.

Secondly, regarding George Karl, he may be the right coach for the job but that doesn't allow you to "poopoo" can a good young coach who did everything right because you like the smell of "hall-of-fame credentials" a little better. That may be how things are done in the business world, but integrity matters to sports fans. Especially Sacramento Kings fans. We still cheer former Kings like they're part of the family whenever they return. Not to mention, how you conduct your business effects who will do business with you. You don't think other coaches and executives talk about these things behind the scenes? Of course they do. What respectable coach is going to want to work for an organization that stabs coaches in the back? How are you going to ask a player to make a multi-year commitment to the team, possibly sign away their only shot at ever winning a title, if they think in the back of their mind that you'll cut them loose whenever it suits you? If the plan was to bring in George Karl, the way they went about it was completely wrong. Give Malone the rest of the season at least and let him know in the off-season that you're going in a different direction. It's still bad news, but at least that's respectful. What bothered me the most about the way Tyreke left Sacramento is that he was here through the threat of moving and he was front and center in supporting Sacramento at every opportunity. Yet when the dust settled, it was an entirely new group of outsiders in charge and they told him to pack his bags. It just felt wrong. It's hard to invest yourself emotionally in an organization that doesn't seem to share your ethics.

I go through something like this every year as a fan of the Oakland A's and I can tell you, no matter how much you convince yourself that it makes sense financially to sell your home-grown talent for cheaper facsimiles, that doesn't make it any easier when players you have invested yourself in emotionally are headed somewhere else and the overall impression of your franchise is that you care more about numbers and stat sheets than people. It's clear this is the prototype for sports today -- everything is numbers, everything old and traditional is suspect. Every hot-shot young kid thinks they know a better way to do the job. I think there's a cautionary tale to be told here about investing too much in what is essentially a billionaire's play thing. I love watching Kings basketball -- it's cozy and familiar. It's a welcome old friend who returns every year offering variations on your favorite old stories and the promise of new and unexpected gifts to come. But what I really love about it is the opportunity to share in the experience with other people. Seems to me that community used to be something precious that we create together and now it's a product -- what can we sell you, how can we use you to create our own instant fortune? And the impression I get from the way Vivek and Pete and Chris Mullin have conducted their front office is that they care about the fans just enough to sell them a season ticket plan, a jersey, a few hot dogs, and a cable subscription. Everything else is just lipstick on the pig. So, umm, be careful what you wish for I guess?

No that's too depressing. It is still our team. Here we stayed dammit! They're going to do what they think is best but without us there is no team. So I say boo away. Cheer Peja. Boo Vivek, Pete, and Chris Mullin. Nobody here is a lemming. Coach Malone may not be coming back, but at least we can let it be known that we don't want parlor tricks and gimmicks, we want quality basketball. No more NBA 3.0. No more GSW sloppy seconds. This is a team and a fanbase with a proud history and a strong identity and we don't care what anyone outside of Sacramento has to say about it, we take care of our own. Sports is nothing if not family. The sooner they learn that, the better we're going to get along.
They honestly should have just let him go in the offseason, since it was already being discussed. Would have spared everyone this gigantic fiasco.
Quick summary of notes taken during PDA's interview with Grant

PDA talking about how this was falling apart and he and Vivek provided stability.

Michael did great job, now ready for next phase. Again mentioned style of play.

Say we have one goal, success in our new arena.

Referencing tough decisions, and mentioned Jimmer.

Michael tried to switch things up to look like our summer league team.

Brought locker room together, created order and structure. But in fairness, not seeing style of play envisioned for future.

Not going to comment on Karl. We hired Ty Corbin.. errr... Michael hired Ty Corbin.. he's done a good job in Utah and we'll pull full weight of org behind him and give him a chance to succeed. Always going to be speculation.

Make one thign clear "Ty has a real chance here"

Worried about Cousins reaction? of course. not as concerned because he knows DeMarcus. Has seen his growth and maturity. In this business together and thinks there's trust.

He's a believer that everyone can run, and that its a mindset.

How does he deal with the national criticism? "i've got a great wife".. waits for laughter... and there is none. Thinks we are on a great track, and we will get there, because it starts with ownership.

hahahahhaa, Pete waited for laughter. lol
They probably think (and may be right) that Kings fans out at the arena are too nice to boo them (ownership). They just can do whatever they please with no retribution. Well, there is one. We stop buying tickets to see their merry-go-round play toy perform for their run and gun thrills.
They probably think (and may be right) that Kings fans out at the arena are too nice to boo them (ownership). They just can do whatever they please with no retribution. Well, there is one. We stop buying tickets to see their merry-go-round play toy perform for their run and gun thrills.
Besides timing it to be right before Boogie's comeback, I think they also timed it right before Peja's jersey retirement. That way the energy will generally have to be positive from the fans and set the Malone thing aside for the night. We see what you're doing Vivek.
I have never heard of anyone or anything being resurrected from the past. The past should stay in the past. The Webber days are gone that ain't coming back. The fact that PDA is so focused on that drives me insane. Different personnel, different time period, different everything!

Wait a minute here, I think it doesn't even take much squinting to notice the glaring similarities between CWebb and Cousins. I've always thought it kind of strange how similar players tend to end up on the same teams via the draft. Malone talked about using Cuz for his passing but never really implemented it. If that's Pete's idea then mark these words, it will work. Now, all the rest that goes along with it is the question. That Webber Kings team wasn't a run and gun team as much as it was a crisp half court movement team. Not by a long shot. Now if that's the plan, I'm all for it.
You are correct, in the sense that IF you have Karl of course you go right to him. But even with both parties interested this will be a negotiation. Karl is looking at what might be his last gig with as good a resume as any other candidate can likely bring. The ownership has been spending so he is likely to want BIG paper with a long run time. If you are the FO you have to be really committed to a direction to essentially give a coach 5 year contract with huge salary. So you deal and in the mean time Corbs keeps the seat warm. Heck if I am the FO I might take a week to just ring up every guy on my long list then talk to top guys week two ESPECIALLY if there are top candidates who want 5 year deals.
True, but the rhetoric about Corbin being your guy is just incredibly patronizing. The community is still waiting to trust the Kings after what the Maloofs did, and this way of doing things does not build trust. You can simply say "Corbin is our interm coach." instead of this nonsense.

It doesn't help that you're piling "exciting basketball" on top of that, which is also a way to patronize fans as if they were rubes who will go along with high scoring games without question.
Secondly, regarding George Karl, he may be the right coach for the job but that doesn't allow you to "poopoo" can a good young coach who did everything right because you like the smell of "hall-of-fame credentials" a little better. That may be how things are done in the business world, but integrity matters to sports fans.
Please, hold your emotional bias there.

If Malone did everything right, we wouldn't be 11-13 now. We all know the coach made some terrible mistakes which he seems to repeat again and again and especially during those games we should have won. If we are 14-10 now, coach Malone will still be coaching this team. Vivek was very clear the team will be graded based on win-loss this season. We cannot wait until we are 11-30 when all hope is lost. Something has to be done and firing an inexperienced coach (who puts the ball on a rookie at a crucial time to win a game) is a good start.
If Cousins is disgruntled and demands out, do you think the Kings dysfunctional FO would consider this trade? They get two players (Rondo, Smith) that they desperately wanted....
If they do that I would be done with the franchise. Cousins is a remarkable talent and a force down load in a league that is lacking forces down low. He is capable of taking over games like few can in this league. They would never do it. But if they did, I'd be so done.

*To be clear and to emphasize, I don't even think that is a remote possibility.
They honestly should have just let him go in the offseason, since it was already being discussed. Would have spared everyone this gigantic fiasco.
That's the thing. During the offseason, our FO might have not wanted to continue with Malone as head coach and preferred someone like Karl. However, just because we (possibly) wanted Karl over Malone in the offseason, it doesn't mean that Karl was interested in us at that time. After all, we were coming off a 28 game season. Not many big name coaches are lining up to coach a team that has performed so badly in recent years.

So what changed? The Kings came out and showed they can be a successful team in the league (against excellent competition). That might have been enough to convince Karl that this would be a team he would coach. So once Karl became interested, our FO jumped all over the opportunity of letting Malone go in favor of Karl.

Of course this is all speculation, but it does give a logical explanation to the "why now" question.
What Pete means in the timing is right is that if he didn't fire Malone now, he would never have a chance as Cousins' return would certainly equal an improvement immediately. So lets do this while the team just loss a bunch of games. It won't look as obvious to the casual fan.

It probably more like - "Let's do this while the team is losing a bunch of winnable games and against bottom dweller teams".
Wait a minute here, I think it doesn't even take much squinting to notice the glaring similarities between CWebb and Cousins. I've always thought it kind of strange how similar players tend to end up on the same teams via the draft. Malone talked about using Cuz for his passing but never really implemented it. If that's Pete's idea then mark these words, it will work. Now, all the rest that goes along with it is the question. That Webber Kings team wasn't a run and gun team as much as it was a crisp half court movement team. Not by a long shot. Now if that's the plan, I'm all for it.
Do you realize how much talent we had on that squad? Webber went down and we were STILL a 50+ win team. We have Cuz, who yes, can pass and resembles Webber in some ways, but no one else besides Rudy comes even close! Who is Cuz going to pass to? Reggie Evans? JT? We need absolute major reform before we can even include those Kings team with this one and be serious at the same time.

Bibby >>>> Collison
Christie >>> BEN
Peja = Rudy
Webber > to infiniti and beyond JT/Evans
Cousins >>> Divac

Not even close. And to answer your question, that's not the plan. The plan is to run n gun. We are not those Kings, we are the Warriors 2.0 or Denver 2.0. Time to see what the heck happens and comes of this.
Besides timing it to be right before Boogie's comeback, I think they also timed it right before Peja's jersey retirement. That way the energy will generally have to be positive from the fans and set the Malone thing aside for the night. We see what you're doing Vivek.
Agreed. And only thing that could reverse bad taste in Kings fans mouth is if they announce tomorrow that they have agreement with George Karl to coach team after first of the year and the holidays. Otherwise they need to be booed just to make them know we are not little nerd robots like PDA. Plus, hopefully it's picked up and noted on the national broadcast game
OK, I'm really starting to think fans are getting ahead of themselves with the perceived intentions in building this team. They aren't looking for every midget in the league who can score. I don't think so at least. Pete D is saying some of the right things and seriously, Cuz can be a pretty good Webber clone if they get guys that can and will cut for him. Years ago the first footage I saw of Cousins in high school had me saying, "Wow, that could be the next Chris Webber right there." All the tools are there. We just have to hope they really know what that Kings team was because it wasn't a Don Nelson team. A Karl team isn't too far off, but maybe they ought to look at Rick Adelman if that's how they want to play.
Do you realize how much talent we had on that squad? Webber went down and we were STILL a 50+ win team. We have Cuz, who yes, can pass and resembles Webber in some ways, but no one else besides Rudy comes even close! Who is Cuz going to pass to? Reggie Evans? JT? We need absolute major reform before we can even include those Kings team with this one and be serious at the same time.

Bibby >>>> Collison
Christie >>> BEN
Peja = Rudy
Webber > to infiniti and beyond JT/Evans
Cousins >>> Divac

Not even close. And to answer your question, that's not the plan. The plan is to run n gun. We are not those Kings, we are the Warriors 2.0 or Denver 2.0. Time to see what the heck happens and comes of this.
No doubt, but I'm talking about the fact that Cousins could definitely fill the Webber role and it would only make this team better regardless of style.

Denver 2.0? There are few similarities between what Karl did in Denver vs. the Warriors so that's hardly a comparison. In Denver Karl ran with an iso style around Melo and had two beastly defenders at PF/C in Kenyon Martin and Marcus Camby, along with Nene, Francisco Elson, and quite a few other full sized players during their better years.

O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!
My tables—meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain—
At least I am sure it may be so in Sacramento.
There's a lot of different conversation threads to respond to here, so I'll just go with what stands out the strongest to me.

First of all, there's something seriously wrong with a group of people with zero ties to Sacramento buying into the team and then condescending to us fans who have watched this team for decades about what we do or do not want to see. At least be honest enough to say that this is about what you want to see. Don't put this on the fans. That's disingenuous and everyone knows it. Of course I'm grateful that Vivek stepped up and provided the majority share necessary to secure the future of the Kings in Sacramento. He wants to play with his new toy, that's what owners do. It doesn't feel right to boo the guy after he was the front man for a very long and emotional effort to keep our team, but that's the thing -- the fans did everything they could do as fans to show their passion for basketball and petitioned for years to anyone who would listen. Vivek provided the dollars to get it done, but it's not like he accomplished this single-handed. These are not LA fans who come and go when they get bored with other diversions. My grandmother knows more about the day to day goings on of this team than any full-time sportscaster on ESPN. We deeply care and we do not suffer fools gladly. Ask the Maloofs what happens when you insult your own fans' intelligence.

Secondly, regarding George Karl, he may be the right coach for the job but that doesn't allow you to "poopoo" can a good young coach who did everything right because you like the smell of "hall-of-fame credentials" a little better. That may be how things are done in the business world, but integrity matters to sports fans. Especially Sacramento Kings fans. We still cheer former Kings like they're part of the family whenever they return. Not to mention, how you conduct your business effects who will do business with you. You don't think other coaches and executives talk about these things behind the scenes? Of course they do. What respectable coach is going to want to work for an organization that stabs coaches in the back? How are you going to ask a player to make a multi-year commitment to the team, possibly sign away their only shot at ever winning a title, if they think in the back of their mind that you'll cut them loose whenever it suits you? If the plan was to bring in George Karl, the way they went about it was completely wrong. Give Malone the rest of the season at least and let him know in the off-season that you're going in a different direction. It's still bad news, but at least that's respectful. What bothered me the most about the way Tyreke left Sacramento is that he was here through the threat of moving and he was front and center in supporting Sacramento at every opportunity. Yet when the dust settled, it was an entirely new group of outsiders in charge and they told him to pack his bags. It just felt wrong. It's hard to invest yourself emotionally in an organization that doesn't seem to share your ethics.

I go through something like this every year as a fan of the Oakland A's and I can tell you, no matter how much you convince yourself that it makes sense financially to sell your home-grown talent for cheaper facsimiles, that doesn't make it any easier when players you have invested yourself in emotionally are headed somewhere else and the overall impression of your franchise is that you care more about numbers and stat sheets than people. It's clear this is the prototype for sports today -- everything is numbers, everything old and traditional is suspect. Every hot-shot young kid thinks they know a better way to do the job. I think there's a cautionary tale to be told here about investing too much in what is essentially a billionaire's play thing. I love watching Kings basketball -- it's cozy and familiar. It's a welcome old friend who returns every year offering variations on your favorite old stories and the promise of new and unexpected gifts to come. But what I really love about it is the opportunity to share in the experience with other people. Seems to me that community used to be something precious that we create together and now it's a product -- what can we sell you, how can we use you to create our own instant fortune? And the impression I get from the way Vivek and Pete and Chris Mullin have conducted their front office is that they care about the fans just enough to sell them a season ticket plan, a jersey, a few hot dogs, and a cable subscription. Everything else is just lipstick on the pig. So, umm, be careful what you wish for I guess?

No that's too depressing. It is still our team. Here we stayed dammit! They're going to do what they think is best but without us there is no team. So I say boo away. Cheer Peja. Boo Vivek, Pete, and Chris Mullin. Nobody here is a lemming. Coach Malone may not be coming back, but at least we can let it be known that we don't want parlor tricks and gimmicks, we want quality basketball. No more NBA 3.0. No more GSW sloppy seconds. This is a team and a fanbase with a proud history and a strong identity and we don't care what anyone outside of Sacramento has to say about it, we take care of our own. Sports is nothing if not family. The sooner they learn that, the better we're going to get along.
This might just be the best damn post of the season and I wholeheartedly agree. Great read! Thanks for sharing :)
No doubt, but I'm talking about the fact that Cousins could definitely fill the Webber role and it would only make this team better regardless of style.

Denver 2.0? There are few similarities between what Karl did in Denver vs. the Warriors so that's hardly a comparison. In Denver Karl ran with an iso style around Melo and had two beastly defenders at PF/C in Kenyon Martin and Marcus Camby, along with Nene, Francisco Elson, and quite a few other full sized players during their better years.
Cuz can't do it alone, even if he is like Webber. If we get Karl, it will be interesting to see what he does with Cuz. I remember a lot of Melo post-ups in Denver, so he is used to doing that at least. Kenyon Martin was never that great of a defender, but Camby was. I forgot about him completely to be honest.
Please, hold your emotional bias there.

If Malone did everything right, we wouldn't be 11-13 now. We all know the coach made some terrible mistakes which he seems to repeat again and again and especially during those games we should have won. If we are 14-10 now, coach Malone will still be coaching this team. Vivek was very clear the team will be graded based on win-loss this season. We cannot wait until we are 11-30 when all hope is lost. Something has to be done and firing an inexperienced coach (who puts the ball on a rookie at a crucial time to win a game) is a good start.
So, not firing Malone now was going to result in losing 27 more games in a row?

I'm not sure things were/are that bad.
If Cousins is disgruntled and demands out, do you think the Kings dysfunctional FO would consider this trade? They get two players (Rondo, Smith) that they desperately wanted....
To trade Cousins for anybody not named Lebron James, for any reason, least of all his unhappiness, would be the dumbest thing that this front office could ever do. Not gonna happen. Fugetaboutit. Even the weasle wouldn't be that dumb.....
Of course this is all speculation, but it does give a logical explanation to the "why now" question.
There is nothing to speculate here.

We should just accept that our favorite coach (Malone) is "not yet" a very good coach and that is why he got fired. Yes, he is the nicest players' coach we have had since Adelman and probably the most charming coach to the fans, but still not experienced enough to win those games we are supposed to win. Go back to the numerous game threads to see what I mean. He continuously used terrible substitution patterns, poor game plans, and very poor in-game adjustments. And there are no signs he was learning from his mistakes. Tell me if you remember an NBA coach putting the ball in an under-performing rookie's hand to take the shot to win in a crucial time?

That should tell you coach Malone is either smoking dope or just flatly not a decent coach.
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Cuz can't do it alone, even if he is like Webber. If we get Karl, it will be interesting to see what he does with Cuz. I remember a lot of Melo post-ups in Denver, so he is used to doing that at least. Kenyon Martin was never that great of a defender, but Camby was. I forgot about him completely to be honest.
No question this team is still going to have to have some overhaul to it. Hopefully PDA doesn't think his half of the work is done already. I don't think he does. More than talent it's just overall not skilled enough in the areas you need to be skilled in.