Malone fired

Why wouldn't they replace him in the summer then?

You don't keep Malone on, then fire him when our best player is out, after our best start in years.

Amateur hour.

I'd be worried about both Rudy and Cuz. Rudy just signed an extension and I imagine a big part of that was confidence in Malone.
Sam Amick @sam_amick
· 29 Min.Vor 29 Minuten
Assistant Ty Corbin takes over. Kings GM Pete D'Alessandro, consultant Chris Mullin bristled over style at times. Malone hired before both

So Mullin thought that too. Damn, then release Malone in the offseason and get the team a new coach before training camp -.- ever heard of chemistry and familiarity with a system?
What were the quotes?

"I thanked players in there for their effort."
"Proud of how my guys competed, proud of the effort we put forth."

Seems stupid, but who says that after losing to the Pistons?

Someone who isn't talking just about the Detroit game.

Quotes like that are followed by "I'm about to get fired. I hope I find another job."
Sam Amick ‏@sam_amick 49s49 seconds ago
Corbin is willing to play more of the offensive style that management wanted - aka faster - and will be given a chance to make it happen.

NBA 3.0. Positionless basketball. Blah, blah, blah.
Because clearly what this team has shown is that it can create offense for itself while keeping Cousins out of the action. I don't get it. Normally, when you have a big man who dominates anyone and everyone in the half-court setting, you become a half-court team.


Moloch in whom I dream Angels!
Staff member
This feels like a huge step backward to me. The team was playing well together when everyone was healthy. I was worried when Vivek and PDA started hyping up run and gun high flying offense as the way to go. I was worried when they decided to prioritize shooting instead of defense in the draft. Coach Malone seemed to be the only one in the organization preaching defense as the foundation of the team and now he's gone. Not optimistic about what happens next. I hope they had the decency to discuss this decision with Cousins and Gay first or it could get even uglier.


I don't know if this is kind of off topic but does firing Malone also indicate somewhat of a JT (in a package) trade in the near future or that is already lined up? I can only assume this means they want to play small ball which is completely the opposite of what we should be doing considering JT/Cuz held down the paint big time. I think JT's day's as a starter/King are almost up as well, Malone's coaching allowed JT to somewhat thrive as well as a defensive stopper.
Sam Amick ‏@sam_amick 49s49 seconds ago
Corbin is willing to play more of the offensive style that management wanted - aka faster - and will be given a chance to make it happen.

NBA 3.0. Positionless basketball. Blah, blah, blah.
This is extremely worrying. As in franchise altering.

If the p***y, small ball, up and down philosophy is what has taken over our FO and ownership, we could be in a world of hurt for years. We could be stepping into the prospect of ruining the career of a clear HOF talent. We appear to have a FO who doesn't understand our HOF talent's strengths and the style best suited for him. This could go down worse than Orlando with D12.
That makes me more upset/angry. JT has given his all this year and had really bought into his role.
I don't know if this is kind of off topic but does firing Malone also indicate somewhat of a JT (in a package) trade in the near future or that is already lined up? I can only assume this means they want to play small ball which is completely the opposite of what we should be doing considering JT/Cuz held down the paint big time. I think JT's day's as a starter/King are almost up as well, Malone's coaching allowed JT to somewhat thrive as well as a defensive stopper.
That makes me more upset/angry. JT has given his all this year and had really bought into his role.
This is extremely worrying. As in franchise altering.

If the p***y, small ball, up and down philosophy is what has taken over our FO and ownership, we could be in a world of hurt for years. We could be stepping into the prospect of ruining the career of a clear HOF talent. We appear to have a FO who doesn't understand our HOF talent's strengths and the style best suited for him. This could go down worse than Orlando with D12.
Which is where I point the finger at Vivek. PDA has that system in his background but nobody has talked that nonsense bigger than Vivek right from the start.
I really feel bad for Malone. He did as well as he could with the cards he was dealt and he just seemed like a nice guy. It will be sad to not see him on the sidelines anymore.
The Kings' twitter account tweeted out a picture of Malone, his two daughters, and his father the other day. It's sad to know he'll have to uproot his family and life here just because the FO made a rash decision.


Which is where I point the finger at Vivek. PDA has that system in his background but nobody has talked that nonsense bigger than Vivek right from the start.
I think PDA is at fault as well cause was he not the guy there in Denver when they ran that up and down system I assume that's why Vivek hired him in the first place.
The Kings' twitter account tweeted out a picture of Malone, his two daughters, and his father the other day. It's sad to know he'll have to uproot his family and life here just because the FO made a rash decision.
Well let's be fair here, the guy is making millions of dollars still next year, he'll be ok. It's the life of being in the NBA.