The best prime is a lie. It's only a possibility, not a fact. But, who is the best now, is a fact. And randle is better than embiid wiggins and parker now. He has been the most dominant player in ncaa. Every team had to double-teamed him, even triple-teamed. If he is the fit, i don't know. Althougt, i'm sure that he isn't the worsl, specially if he has a better range than people thinks he has (he had it a year ago). He could be a 14points 8rebounds man as a roockie.
When people is talking about upside, potential, ceiling, usually forget that the most important are the feeling for the game, not the atleticism, or the tehcnic/skills. And randle have a great feeling for the game. I'm sure that is there is an underrated top prospect in this draft, is randle.