your nba power rankings every Monday

here is a professional viewpoint:

this is mine:

1. denver
2. miami
3. phoenix
4. seattle
5. dallas
6. chicago
7. houston
8. san antonio
9. detroit
10. minnesota
11. memphis
12. boston
13. sacramento
14. philadelphia
15. washington
16. golden state
17. los angeles clippers
18. indiana
19. new york
20. new jersey
21. toronto
22. cleveland
23. charlotte
24. utah
25. portland
26. milwaukee
27. los angeles lakers
28. new orleans
29. orlando
30. atlanta

what's yours?
My Power Rankings:

this is mine:

1. denver - 21-5 under Karl
2. miami - just got off a 12 game win streak
3. phoenix - any time the Suns havn't been up here?
4. chicago - 4 game win streak, back on track after long-ish skid
5. dallas - playing well even minus Stackhouse/Dampier,both returning soon
6. boston - 10-4 since Walker trade (nevermind 3 game losing streak), #3 seed no longer the weakest link
7. houston - T-Mac not a full strength but Rockets still launching their way thru the end of the season
8. seattle - injuries have been adding to tiredness, not looking too good
9. detroit - with Rip back, should be on the upswing
10. minnesota - 4 game win streak, probably wont get back in PO picture
11. sacramento - 9-6 since trade, getting back into the grove, need Miller
12. san antonio - no duncan, less winning, lots of power dropping;
shouldnt be here long
13. memphis - playing so-so, attempting to move up seeding chart
14. washington - with Hughes back they are making a push towards homecourt advantage
15. philadelphia - Webber trade aftermath starting to heal, currently #8 in E
16. cleveland - not been doing to well, lost coach, but still in POs
17. new jersey - in the playoff race, probably won't finish in them
18. golden state - playing really well, especially with Davis/Fisher/J-Rich backcourt triumvate (anyone think they might pull an Illinois and play 3 guards?)
19. los angeles clippers - may beat cross town rival in record, are beating them here
20. indiana - no J O'Neal, not looking like a good piece of Art(est)
21. toronto - won a few in a row, may finish season well
22. new york - can't pick up the pace after Marbury's "best PG" comment
23. charlotte - beat Miami? move up a couple spots
24. orlando - behind char? quite sad...pray for some victories real soon
25. portland - any explaination needed?
26. milwaukee - any different than #25?
27. los angeles lakers - lost 8 straight,team falling apart, like PO hopes
28. new orleans - Hornets getting stung...ouch that hurts
29. utah - AK47 injury not helping, but hopeful of next year
30. atlanta - ...