Listened to Oddball and Amin Elhassan made what I thought was a great point: for all the discourse about USA sending it's B-team or whatever, we lost pretty convincingly to a German squad whose "A-team" featured Dennis Schröder, Daniel Theis and the Wagner brothers, all of whom are considered roleplayers in the NBA. So yeah, it does ring kinda hollow and sound sour grapes-y to talk about how we would have whipped their asses if we'd sent our best guys; we should have whipped their asses with the guys we did send.
And then, on top of that, you know who also didn't send their best, and isn't making excuses? Serbia. Amin spent a couple of seconds glossing over the history of the former Yugoslavia, and then made the joke that the only reason why the United States isn't getting our asses handed to us every year is because of a civil war that happened thirty years ago.