Yay artest one on one!

We salute you Artest! its almost works half the time! Woo! So obviously theres gonna be some changes next year, what do you guys think? Im thinking Artest might, unless he starts passing the ball and fast, wow, Martin picked the wrong time to have a slump, Bibby's been on and off, Brad is....uhhhh....well is he even in the games? Artest should go in my opinion.
3 Thoughts:

1. He thinks that Kobe, T-Mac, Lebron, Wade, Vince, Allen, Redd and Areans = Artest

2. He is the only one that plays D on the team.

3. And He is a head case so everybody is scared of him.

-that is all.
Correct me if I'm wrong but we were down 3 with 40 seconds left and Mike Bibby jacked up an off-balance 3 with a hand in his face way early in the shot clock with nobody underneath the basket for an off. rebound. Not that it matters. Losses are more important.
As much as I want to see him traded, I can't deny that Artest has the talent and the heart, he just doesn't have a brain.

And SacKings384 - sorry pal, but I see a marked difference between Mike and Ron in clutch situations. In general, not in that exact situation (that was probably ugly, I usually can't watch games). That's all.
In my opinion there are 2 reasonable possibilitis

Either you try to get a Team around Artest what would include a lot of player movement and espacially an other coach.

Or you trade Artest four young players maybee a good pick, to get a system of non defense, much ball moving offense system.

In both cases it wouldn´t be wrong to get KT OUT OF TOWN!!!!
A truly great player raises the level of play of the teammates around him. Artest does not do this and never has. When he's on the court, it's more like the 4 other guys on the court doing their thing - and Artest. They don't mesh at all and don't seem to like each other on or off the court