Would it be that bad if the Kings left Sacramento but stayed in Cali?

It just wouldn't be right. The KINGS belong in Sacramento. Sacramento has supported them for sometime now - through ups and downs. I get it - they arn't exactly having the season of thier lives and haven't been for a bit.

Is ita big deal..... um..... YES!

They can't move. Things wouldn't be the same if they left Sacramento.

I see cow bell days again in the future soon.... looking forward to it.
That iz a horrible idea for one there iz nowhere else in california that the kingz could go. becauze northern cali mite as well be a seperate state 4rm southern cali. they would get no support in so-cal because the lakerz fanz hate the kingz and kingz fanz hate the lakerz. and sacramento iz the bezt place 4 them we have supported them through good and bad.
It's just as easy to type an "s" as it is to type a "z". Try it zometime.