Just at a certain point all the likely and/or relevant stuff has been suggested, Petrie has been mumbling about doing nothing and patience and stuff, and there have been no reliable rumors of anything much. So...just sit back and wait and see what does or does not happen. The roster is broke and unbalanced, but the guy who would have to fix that is the same guy who put the broke and unbalanced crew together, so you just don't know what he is seeing, or not seeing.
If it helps any, I watched Cleveland go with Jamison instead of Amare wiht interest.
On the other hand Miny getting Darko as thier shotblocker likely means that Jefferson and Love stay together.
Memphis's recent spiral piqued my interst in us giving them bench help for Thabeet.
Remain interested in aything Martin related that lands us a pick, a star, or good young talent.
Remina interested in any way we can liquidate Noc's contract. As does Noc probably given that he no longer can play with this insane logjam.
But none of it is in my control. So I'm just waiting to comment until after the deed is done...or not done.