Why do you love the kings?

well i live in wisconsin so i really dont have that much of a connection to sacramento, but i just love the way they play. i guess i could say it has to do a lot with mike bibby, I've been with him ever since college so where ever he goes i go, lol! i'm glad he's a king tho becuase i really like arco arena, the fans, and of course the players a lot!
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My answer is simple.
I love to watch bball,thanks to the KINGS,and i like to be entertained,and when it comes to bball the KINGS are the ones that grabbed a chunk of my heart and ran with it.There are some players that are gone now,but i still like to follow and root for them,always will.The KINGS org. as a whole,i believe is very special from the top brass to the towel boy.I'm from Texas,born and raised (oh stop)and could easily be a fan of lets say...San Antoine...Dallas...Houston,I've lived in all those cities,but no thanks...
I'm a SACRAMENTO KINGS fan to the end..
Honestly, I fell in love with this team because they were not winning. When I was a kid from South Carolina, nine or ten I guess, my older brother and his friends were watching basketball. They were arguing over who the best teams were. All they could agree on was that the Sacramento Kings were the worst. I decided then and there that they were the team I was going to cheer for, not that we ever got to see any games, but I would check their scores in the paper and on ESPN, a constant at my house. As a teenager, I became even more dedicated fan, although most people would say "The Sacramento Who?" whenever I told them my favorite team. In college, the response was the same, but it only made my devotion stronger. Through Inside Ticket on nba.com, I get to listen to all the games that are not nationally televised. I cheered when we had J-Will, Doug, Webb, and Vlade. I grew to love Peja and BJax. I was sad, then very happy when traded Williams for Bibby. I was sad to lose Pollard. I cried when Chris went down against Dallas, and still get sick with that Horry Three pointer! Most of my Christmas and birthday gifts are Kings related! I live in Louisiana now and teach elementary school. In the few years that I have been teaching fourth graders, I have converted many fans! They draw me Kings pictures almost every day! I have former students, now in middle school and high school that still stop by and say, "How's THE TEAM?". You do not have to live near a team to live and die with them. So that is my story on why I love the Kings!
Short answer: I started following Sacramento when Vlade signed with the team and then fell in love with the team itself, regardless of whether Vlade is playing or not.

Longer answer: For as long as I can remember, I lived with basketball. My earlist memories are of my 3rd or 4th birthday party and all I remember is legs of grown ups who were at the party and presents. Large rubber Donald Duck and tonnes of basketball parafenalia - small indoor hoops, basketballs of all shapes and sizes - you get the picture. Then later on Basketball on TV every wednesday night and going to games on Saturday night. Started playing at the age of 8 (within grassroots program of local Div 1 team) and "retired" at age 25. That was all way back when when I was growing up in ex-Yugoslavia and spilled over into first few years of living as a refugee in England (1992-2000).

I was raised on ex-YU brand of basketball: fundamentals, lots of ball movement, great shooters and multi-skilled big man. In England, I could only watch NBA games and English Budweiser league. Did not like NBA basketball that much and Budweiser league is a joke. Back in the 80's I craved NBA basketball and I could only watch it on very poor VHS copies with italian commentary but even that could not diminish the excitement of watching the game played at the very highest level. For me, something went downhill towards the end of MJ era, with all the MJ-would be's corrupting the beautifull game with what are really amazing individual perfomances but it is not the team game that I always imagined while watching grainy videos back in the 80's.

Then Vlade (Vlade payed for my favourite team in Serbia - Partizan Belgrade) signed for the Kings and I discovered that the best basketball-as-a-team-game is played in a small corner of Northern California called Sacramento. Vlade, Chris, Mike, Doug and Pedja are not the best basketball team ever, but they may be just about one of the best _teams_ I ever watched in my life, and very close to playing the most beatifull game of basketball for as long as I can remember.

P.S. Just a note, before you ask: I was never a Laker or a Hornet fan. I did follow them becuase of Vlade, but I never felt any strong affiliation with either of those teams.
Being an OHIO guy, I started liking THE KINGS when Jimmy Jackson and the Lawrence Funderburke played for them. The style of play kept me watching them. I'm a SPORTS fan first and foremost.......of course with my own preferred teams (STEELERS,REDS,KINGS,BLUEJACKETS, the BUCKEYES.....that goes without saying)
Then.......all of the sudden.....someone I have been watching play ball since Jr. high.....someone I know.......gets drafted by THE KINGS.........prefered them before....
now, I GOTTA love'em !!!!!!!
I have been basketball fan for as long as I can rememeber.......however, never really had a favorite NBA team until about few years ago (I think it was the season before Kings "hit it big").... I remember watching them and was just fascinated by their style of play. They seemed so free... they looked like they had sooooo much fun and loved playing with eachother. In my opinion it was this exactly that set them apart from any other team in the NBA. And the guys on the team looked anything BUT stuck up egomaniacs that so many of the players are....

And even though so many of the great guys from that team are gone now, I can't help but see (still) something very special about this team!
I used to live in San Jose and went to about 10 Warriors games a year back in the Run TMC days. Moved up to Sac in '93 and planned on making my home here so I bought a hat and went to my first Kings game and decided they were going to be my team. Went to about 10-15 games a year until I got season tickets right before the '01-'02 season.
I grew up outside Buffalo NY as a diehard Celtics fan. I loved the front line of Bird, McHale, and Parish. My all-time favorite player is Larry Bird. However, as I went into high school I kind of stopped following the Celtics so closely. It got pretty tough when all of their players kept dying (Len Bias and Reggie Lewis).

When I was in college my roomie got my into watching the Kings. My roommate was a huge Michigan fan and had followed Webber throughout his career. We started watching the playoff series against Utah and loved the style of play. I especially liked the Kings unselfish style of play. They passed the ball; played the game the way it was meant to be instead of the selfish one on one ball that can tend to dominate the league. Once I got into the team, I lived and died with them just like I do with all of my teams. I was shocked and upset when JWill got traded, but that turned out to be my first lesson in learning the genius of Geoff Petrie.

Not to go off too much on a tangent here, but once I got a job and moved away from home I actually ended up moving close to my old college roommate. We have been roommates for the last few years and have gotten League Pass each year; watching every game.

The team is very different now but I trust Petrie in doing whatever's best for the team. I was very upset about the Webber trade, but it may turn out to be a very good thing for the Kings in the long run. I grew to highly respect Webber, especially the way he battled back after the knee injury. I think he deserves alot better than the ungrateful Philly fans and a selfish ballhog in Iverson. I remain a huge Kings fan and my favorite player is Bibby since he is Mr. Clutch and tries his best every night. At the end of the day, I feel good about the team overall since the team is in very good hands with the Maloofs and Petrie who may be the league's best GM.


Super Moderator Emeritus
This type of thread is typical around here. We have a great group of members! Just wait for the off-season. You'll be amazed at some of the stuff that shows up.

I agree entirely: Keep posting away, Kingsfans.com members!!!
Well I followed the kings since about 1999. I live in Australia so there is no real connection except since my heritage is from Serbia. The main reason I started following the Kings were Because Of Vlade and Peja. But then after half a season I just loved the way the kings played and every other player grew on me. So Now I follow the kings because they are the kings!
I lived in England all my life, and not many people over here care for basketball. I liked basketball since it got on the tv in 95 for the first time. But then it went off the air for a few years.

Anyway, it came back on in the year 2000 and everyone said Sacramento were thee most exciting team, and because they had a few Europeans, I supported them. Also Sacramento are unfashionable and the underdog (both good qualities).

My favourite game is when they played Los Angeles maybe in 2002, when Robert Horry got the 3 pointer in the last second. That was so exciting to watch. Also when Peja had that run of consecutive free-throws....

Following basketball over the internet is really easy, and even though I've only seen one Sacramento game all season (recently V Detroit) on tv, it's still pretty easy to keep abreast of what is going on.
Grew up in the Bay Area. Went to UCDavis from 1992-1997, where i fell in love with the Kings. It was so easy to get tickets back then, so i went to about 10 games a year. They drafted Hurley and I became i diehard fan ever since.


Super Moderator Emeritus
motorcycle said:
My favourite game is when they played Los Angeles maybe in 2002, when Robert Horry got the 3 pointer in the last second. That was so exciting to watch...
Just a hint? If you're going to talk about your love of the Kings and your favorite game, you might want to pick one we actually won.


Gargamel - Behave. You know you love the Kings deep down inside. What else could explain you being here since 2002?

Now, back to the testimonials.



Hall of Famer
motorcycle said:
My favourite game is when they played Los Angeles maybe in 2002, when Robert Horry got the 3 pointer in the last second. That was so exciting to watch. Also when Peja had that run of consecutive free-throws....

Well, personally I could think of many words that I can associate that moment with.

"Exciting" is not one of them.


Hall of Famer
SIR HENRY 8 said:
It was exciting up to the "3 by Horry" then the excitement was gone and the %$#$%^^ showed up.:(
Funny that eventhough the spelling is not correct ;) , I know exactly what You are talking about.
Seeing the way they played hooked me, I mean, who couldn't love the love? :)

And the fans. The old sixth man made me a fan, if that makes sense. :)
motorcycle said:
My favourite game is when they played Los Angeles maybe in 2002, when Robert Horry got the 3 pointer in the last second. That was so exciting to watch.

Yeah..that's one of my favorite games too. ;)
hoopsfan said:
motorcycle said:
My favourite game is when they played Los Angeles maybe in 2002, when Robert Horry got the 3 pointer in the last second. That was so exciting to watch.

Yeah..that's one of my favorite games too. ;)
Well...We had the excitement of the next game...;)
My story very simple.
i growup in a country where evry Yogoslavia player was hated and enemy no 2 after russians .loose a game to that 1980-2000 GREAT TEAM was so paintful that people was crying 2-3 days . country where bassketball second religion.that country is LITHUANIA.
and then come 2002 and i saw kings mavs game,and from that day my love to guys from serbia is endless.ye VLADE DIVAC is the guy how made my love to KINGS big and then the rest of a TEAM. A TEAM the one and the guys how was proud call themself TEAM. And with my love to them i felt like i am a part of that TEAM. that year playoffs allmost made me cu-cu . i think icanot LOVE any other team exept SACRAMENTO KING.i live in new york but i am watching almost evry game on a court side live .reading evry artical in sacbee.and i think i am not the only one KINGS fan in NEW YORK.

I grew up in the Bay Area..and was never a big Warriors fan. hehe. Plus, I absolutely loved the passing and most of all, the chemistry shown between the players. They always looked like they were close. Hugs all around on the court. Vlade comes up and comforts one of the players. When they hugged each other, they would always cup the other's head. Laughter all around the bench when they're in the lead.

They always seemed to keep it real with the fans. And I just love the vibe given off in Arco Arena, especially when they're on fire with their shots.

And while on the bench, they were always the most interesting to watch. hehehe. Bibby and his nails. Doug and his nails. I remember Vlade always made faces. And Brad's sorta doing that too. hehe.