Who are the best players in the NBA?

I want to know who you think are the best in the NBA based on each catagory.
Note: This has nothing to do with being a MVP of your team.

Offense: Handles, Offensive production, Assortment of weapons/options, court visibility, and passing. Who has that killer instinct.

Defense: This is not necessarily 1v1 defense but who really imposes the best defense on the other team. Quick hands, fast jumping to block some shots, reading plays prior to them happening, as well as defensively rebounding.

My picks:

Offense - I have to go with Lebron due to him being 4th in scoring, and dishing out over 7 assists per game. Great court vision and not selfish. Can deffinitly turn on the killer instinct and create some points for himself and others.

Defense - Kobe for the best 1v1 defender but overall I would chose Bruce Bowen. Whether he plays clean or not, he gets under your skin. He makes you make errors on offense and he'll punish you. Can get you mad and off of your game, which may be the best defense possible. Not far behind is Duncan

What do you all think... Im just tired of hearing about MVP talk... I want to know who is the best.

On O I would have to say Shaq. I mean, he can hurt you in so many ways. Outside, inside (your rib cage, knees, shoulders, feet, occasionally forehead)

On D for team D I would say Ben Wallace, on the perimeter, Bowen (active) Artest (inactive).
jacobdrj said:

On O I would have to say Shaq. I mean, he can hurt you in so many ways. Outside, inside (your rib cage, knees, shoulders, feet, occasionally forehead)

On D for team D I would say Ben Wallace, on the perimeter, Bowen (active) Artest (inactive).
jacobdrj... you have it ALL wrong... you know the most dangerous man in the NBA or should I say "thing" in the NBA is a 'Muttumbo Elbow'. :)

Thats only if were talking about hurting people... but sure... Shaq should be able to hurt you.
^ haha...funny guys...

shaq sure can hurt you inside, in many places...all you gotta do is find his achilles heel...oh wait, i mean o'neals toe...and he'll deflate like a blow-up doll...lol

O: either LBJ for previously mentioned reasons(plus the fact that he can carry a team on his back, with the second most amount of 10+ points in the fourth quarter in the league, following only, of course, Ben Jordan..oops, i mean Gordon) and AI...for his amazing crossover, nice jumpshot, and the lesser used distribution skillz(yes, with a z) he has

D: inside - b. wallace, outside - artest, overall - ak47
Just wondering if any of you guys heard of this one player...... can't remember his name, doesn't get much respect, has been overlooked for All Star teams....

what's his damn name again.... hmmmmmmmmm.....

.. #10 I think....

Bibby... yea, that's his name; Mike Bibby!

Just look at what he's done this season, especially in clutch spots compared to just about anyone else in the league. For starters, Bibby is definately more clutch than Ben Gordon whose gotten far too much credit as opposed to Bibby's annual snubbing. As great of a player that LeBron already is, how many game winners has he hit? I don't think he even comes close to Bibby in that category. Lebron is definately very good and a strong chance of becoming great, but all this talk of him surpassing MJ is just alittle bit premature. The biggest question about Lebron is does he have that killer instinct and can he get it done in the playoffs. That's one of the best things about MJ's legacy. I almost want to slap myself for bringing MJ into this argument, but Bibby also has it, has proven he's a clutch player in the playoffs and can do whatever it takes to win (he's more of a Derek Jeter/Tom Brady type).

Please don't mistake me, I'm not saying Bibby's better overall than Lebron, I'm just saying that currently he's a more clutch player.

Also, I think it's about time to proclaim #10 as the best point guard in the league, especially for the way he's perservered in the face of all the adversity the team has dealt with this season.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Bibby, he is so clutch, and such a great pure shooter off the screen, but can Bibby ever realy REALY REALLLLLY hurt you?

Well, I don't mean you per se, but you know what I'm getting at. He CERTAINLY should have gotten in in place of Steve, the selfish one, Francis, no doubt. But this year, its kinda hard to put him over T-Mac as a guard [THIS SEASON ANYWAYS]. If kobe continues his Antwan Walker impression much longer, Bibby may yet get a lagit shot.
Offense-Dirk Nowitzki
Defense-Ron Artest


1. Tim Duncan
2. Shaquille O'Neal
3. Kevin Garnett
4. Dirk Nowitzki
5. LeBron James
6. Tracy McGrady
7. Kobe Bryant
8. Jermaine O'Neal
bibby's a great all around player, definetely an all-star, but not the type who'd you consider the best in the league at any one thing, or even on a top-5 list. he's just a great team player, which guarantees he will (rightfully) be overlooked for something like best offensive player, since he doesn't posses the same types of skills as someone like lebron
miles berg said:
Offense-Dirk Nowitzki
Defense-Ron Artest


1. Tim Duncan
2. Shaquille O'Neal
3. Kevin Garnett
4. Dirk Nowitzki
5. LeBron James
6. Tracy McGrady
7. Kobe Bryant
8. Jermaine O'Neal
PERFECT !!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Many people disregard Duncan, because he isn't "flashy." Shaq calls him "The Big Fundamental." That says it all.
GREAT list !!!!!!!!!!
jacobdrj said:
Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Bibby, he is so clutch, and such a great pure shooter off the screen, but can Bibby ever realy REALY REALLLLLY hurt you?

Well, I don't mean you per se, but you know what I'm getting at. He CERTAINLY should have gotten in in place of Steve, the selfish one, Francis, no doubt. But this year, its kinda hard to put him over T-Mac as a guard [THIS SEASON ANYWAYS]. If kobe continues his Antwan Walker impression much longer, Bibby may yet get a lagit shot.
Sure he can, just ask the Clippers and Grizzlies.