When you know shorts are too baggy...

Vs Utah tonight, Carmelo Anthony jumped to catch a lob pass and his shorts dropped down around his ankles. He fumbled to pull them back up as they got caught on his shoe. The crowd whistled and catcalled.

Stern, while you're trying to get refs to call last-second goaltends, see if you have enough extra time to make shorts just a weeeee tighter.

Carmelo actually wears at least one size too big in his shorts...ive noticed it before...they tend to sag a lot...and he's pretty solid...he has a butt and some hips there should be no reason that they fall off....other than them being too big for him
Mad D said:
ehh... the ads for this topic are about dating singles, guess all that butt and hip talk triggered if off ;)
Errr, Mad D? "My" ads were for Kings tickets...where the heck have you been surfin' anyway? :D

Gargamel said:
Vs Utah tonight, Carmelo Anthony jumped to catch a lob pass and his shorts dropped down around his ankles. He fumbled to pull them back up as they got caught on his shoe. The crowd whistled and catcalled.

Stern, while you're trying to get refs to call last-second goaltends, see if you have enough extra time to make shorts just a weeeee tighter.
Point one: No pics? You disappoint me, sir! :eek:
[edit] just caught it on SportsCenter...yawn...what a maroon.

Point two: Was that an obscure backhanded compliment intended for the Kings or did the Lakers suffer a similar fate recently? :D
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kingskings! said:
Point two: Was that an obscure backhanded compliment intended for the Kings or did the Lakers suffer a similar fate recently? :D
No, this week the refs have used the entire 4th quarter to screw LA instead of the last few seconds.
hoopsfan said:
Emily Litella...one of my favs.
Thanks, HF...I meant to put the smiley on that and forgot. I didn't really mean it as a cheap shot. Y'all have such thick skins to hang out on a Kings site that sometimes it's easy to forget that you love your team as much (and maybe more) than we love ours and hurt in the same ways we do when things get dark and doomy. :D Not that I actually want the Lakers to do well after all the misery they've handed the Kings but still....good on you for keepin' the faith!
^^ It's all good kingskings! :D I didn't take it as a cheap shot...probably because I heard your comment in "Emily's" voice, so it was funny to me.
Elise10 said:
Sportscenter explained that his shorts were on backwards, not that they fell down. He realized this and corrected it.
Even worse. NBA shorts are so baggy that it takes you awhile to notice they're on backwards.
yeah i saw it on ESPN yesterday...and was like 'thats gotta be embarrasing'

i mean ive seen players change their jerseys or their shorts when they are on the bench or whatever but to do it where everyone can see...::shakes head:: Carmelo Carmelo...lol...it was pretty funny

i know i always laugh and laugh when i have stuff on backwards or inside out...i can easily laugh about that for days
Even worse, there is now a commercial for a contest and this kid is literally clicking off Carmelo's clothes right down to...his shorts.