What is Napear's Problem with Kevin Martin?

The other day, for the second time Grant Napear calls out Kevin Martin by saying he is mentally weak. And i found myself half way agreeing with him at that point. Then i watched last night's game and shook myself back to sense.

I know Martin is not perfect, but to go on the air and blast this guy over and over again to me seems like there is something personal. Napear is going to make himself look like more of an *** than he already is, if Kevin's game comes around and the Kings do not trade him.

My preference that they keep Martin this year, however if they trade him and get something back that helps, i am for that as well. But for Grant Napear to continue to call out a guy who has done nothing but be a complete professional through all of this is appalling.

Did KM shoot GN's dog?
Sleep with his wife?
Kidnap his kids?

What is the problem here?:confused:
Mark Kreidler disagrred with Grant on that, in a very diplomatic way. Mark is a very diplomatic guy. Its fun to listen to him sometimes, when you know he'd like to say, "you're an idiot!" :p


Dude, I love Kreidler. That guy is freaking awesome. I wish he still wrote for the Bee, his columns kept me purchasing that lame-duck paper.

Grant is a red-headed step child who walks on those who let him. But honestly, just like KT did in the past, if I were Martin I'd call his show and call him on it, make him call Martin 'gutless' to his face. I bet then we'd see who is 'gutless'.
Grants' problem is he's from New York. I've known a few people from New York, and they've told me some stories. It's just a different culture.

For instance if you're taking too long in line to order a pizza, and there are people waiting behind you, or many peope, the clerk might tell you to hurry up an order or he's going to come across the counter. That's a real story.

In New York any sign of weakness is viewed as an annoyance, and most of them can't stand it.

If you look at him he gets riled up very easy, a lot of things annoy him very quickly. Low tolerance for anything viewed as BS, lack of common sense, silly, amateurish, or weak. That's just my take on Grant.
I'm not sure I disagree with Grant's underlying premise. I don't agree with the semantics.

To be fair he didn't call him "gutless" he said he was mentally weak. I suppose he bases that on the body of work since he has been back. I don't think he is talking only about stats. He mentioned body language, post game comments etc.. He specifically mentioned Martin's comments after the Phoenix game which I did not hear.

It is curious to me that he would call someone out so publicly.

I only wish he was as aggressive in his questioning of some of the prior front office moves....
Grant is often very deliberate and heavy handed when he tries to get a message across. Doubly so and often logic suffers when it affects fans perceptions of the Kings. Off the top of my head, some of his comments during Q&R come to mind. While he’s always been critical of drunk drivers on other teams, he rolled out a “hey, we’ve all done it speech” after Noc was busted, that was somewhat appalling.

I think it’s good old fashioned revenge. Here is the timeline we know. Grant calls Kevin Martin soft. Kevin turns out to have a broken wrist. Grant looks really bad. Kevin doesn't take it lying down. He talks to Sam, who writes a strong article in the Bee - which also recounts the Bobby Jackson saga and calls into question Grant's dual role with the team. That alone could be enough.

What if Grant became further distanced from a few players? Now, Grant looks to return the favor?

They way he keeps bringing it up and pounding it home, he’s clearly got an agenda. Over the years, Grant’s gone a long way to protect / apologize for most Kings players when they are here. Grant will pull out dirt and bury players after they are gone – when fans are critical of the team – but its rare for him to crush a current player.

And it’s the only player that got Grant killed in the papers. Seems pretty simple to me.


Hall of Famer
First off, as was just stated, Grant grew up in a different culture than out here in the land of Fruits and Nuts. Which is what it used to be called until someone started putting a different meaning to it. But enough about that. I grew up in a similar sports town mentality as Grant. As a result I don't get too worked up about it. Back in St. Louis or Chicago or New York etc. its the norm. I'm not saying thats an excuse, I'm just explaining it. There's no doubt that Grant is a polarizing person. It seems you either love him or you hate him. I happen to like him because he spends the whole show talking about sports, and not what he saw at the movies over the week-end.

I also believe that Grant might have some issues with Martin going back to when Grant called out Bobby Jackson for not playing. Apparently Martin stuck up for Jackson and called Grant out on the subject. Grant is one that doesn't forget such things, so when the opportunity presented itself to jump on Martin, he did. Also, Grant is privey to inside information at times. If he found out that Martin's days with the team were numbered, then it would be open season for him. Thats just a theory on my part, so don't put too much stock in it.
still.... if he wants martin to produce... or even traded you dont say he is mentally weak on the air...take it for what its worth if he calls the live kings games he sees things yes.. and even if this mentally weak is true or opinion of his... you just dont say that your just downgrading his trade value and we cant get anything we like for him....

i dont know about you guys but i dont like how he is the guy i have to listen when i watch kings games... id like those other two.. who was it the guy with fat lever? :D
Grants' problem is he's from New York. I've known a few people from New York, and they've told me some stories. It's just a different culture.

For instance if you're taking too long in line to order a pizza, and there are people waiting behind you, or many peope, the clerk might tell you to hurry up an order or he's going to come across the counter. That's a real story.

In New York any sign of weakness is viewed as an annoyance, and most of them can't stand it.

If you look at him he gets riled up very easy, a lot of things annoy him very quickly. Low tolerance for anything viewed as BS, lack of common sense, silly, amateurish, or weak. That's just my take on Grant.
It's still not an excuse for being a deuchebag.
still.... if he wants martin to produce... or even traded you dont say he is mentally weak on the air...take it for what its worth if he calls the live kings games he sees things yes.. and even if this mentally weak is true or opinion of his... you just dont say that your just downgrading his trade value and we cant get anything we like for him....

i dont know about you guys but i dont like how he is the guy i have to listen when i watch kings games... id like those other two.. who was it the guy with fat lever? :D
That was Gary Gerould. He's been with the Kings since they came to Sacramento 25 years ago. I think he's one of the great radio sports announcers, anywhere. He also announces NASCAR races. He really paints great pictures with his words and he's no homer. He pretty much calls what he sees.

I know its partly Grant's NY personality, but it's also that he creates more attention and viewers/listeners by stirring the pot. Remember, this is the guiy that questioned Bobby Jackson's toughness when he didn't play sooner after his groin injury. :rolleyes:
That was Gary Gerould. He's been with the Kings since they came to Sacramento 25 years ago. I think he's one of the great radio sports announcers, anywhere. He also announces NASCAR races. He really paints great pictures with his words and he's no homer. He pretty much calls what he sees.

I know its partly Grant's NY personality, but it's also that he creates more attention and viewers/listeners by stirring the pot. Remember, this is the guiy that questioned Bobby Jackson's toughness when he didn't play sooner after his groin injury. :rolleyes:
whenever i listened to the kings games like gary and fat's portion i always enjoyed how it. love gary gerould's voice

cause its kind of tiring to hear Grant, Jerry's ok... whats it goign to take to hear sean connery broadcast a kings game ;)

i watched the game yesterday, it was the knicks broadcasters who were talking and from their point of view tyreke evan's is so fun to watch when it comes to slashing in the lane...
C-Webb snubbed Grant one time, or at least Grant perceived it as a snub, so Grant went on an anti-C-Webb tirade and never let it go. He still slams Webber. Except to his face, of course.

Napier is a self-centered chicken sPit. Always has been.


Naps is an abrasive *******, that much is certain. He is not afraid to call people out on the radio. I hear he is really nice in person, however. Must be nice to hide behind a mike and talk ****. He's a puss, plain and simple. Sitting there looking like a beady eyed little rodent.....
Naps is an abrasive *******, that much is certain. He is not afraid to call people out on the radio. I hear he is really nice in person, however. Must be nice to hide behind a mike and talk ****. He's a puss, plain and simple. Sitting there looking like a beady eyed little rodent.....
couldnt say it better myself
Grants' problem is he's from New York. I've known a few people from New York, and they've told me some stories. It's just a different culture.

For instance if you're taking too long in line to order a pizza, and there are people waiting behind you, or many peope, the clerk might tell you to hurry up an order or he's going to come across the counter. That's a real story.

In New York any sign of weakness is viewed as an annoyance, and most of them can't stand it.

If you look at him he gets riled up very easy, a lot of things annoy him very quickly. Low tolerance for anything viewed as BS, lack of common sense, silly, amateurish, or weak. That's just my take on Grant.
The problem is that this isn't New York and Grant hasn't lived in New York for a long *** time.

The real truth: Grant would be eaten alive in NY. He is mentally weak, emotionally weak and avoids confrontation. The difference between a counter worker telling you to hurry it up and Grant dissing KMart is that the counter worker is doing it to your face and all the while ready to be yelled back at. Grant does it behind a glass booth without anyone there to come back at him.

On top of that, he plays the total company PR Boy most of the time.
its kind of tiring to hear Grant, Jerry's ok... whats it goign to take to hear sean connery broadcast a kings game ;)

i watched the game yesterday, it was the knicks broadcasters who were talking and from their point of view tyreke evan's is so fun to watch when it comes to slashing in the lane...
Yeah, that was Mike Breen and the ever understated Walt Frazier (how many times did he follow up some spectactular Reke play by blanking for a second and then simply saying "...6 foot 6."?) Breen's a great announcer, and you've no doubt heard his national work for ESPN.

Having him announce the game last night on League Pass made it feel like a national broadcast thanks to his generally objective play-by-play (except when he and the crowd were genuinely gushing over Reke), a nice little vacation from Grant.
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Hall of Famer
Yeah, that was Mike Breen and the ever understated Walt Frazier (how many times did he follow up some spectactular Reke play by blanking for a second and then simply saying "...6 foot 6."?) Breen's a great announcer, and you've no doubt heard his national work for ESPN.

Having him announce the game last night on League Pass made it feel like a national broadcast thanks to his generally objective play-by-play (except when he and the crowd were genuinely gushing over Reke), a nice little vacation from Grant.
In case you didn't know, Mike Breen is one of Grants close friends. Also Marv Albert, and Mike and the Mad dog.


Hall of Famer
The problem is that this isn't New York and Grant hasn't lived in New York for a long *** time.

The real truth: Grant would be eaten alive in NY. He is mentally weak, emotionally weak and avoids confrontation. The difference between a counter worker telling you to hurry it up and Grant dissing KMart is that the counter worker is doing it to your face and all the while ready to be yelled back at. Grant does it behind a glass booth without anyone there to come back at him.

On top of that, he plays the total company PR Boy most of the time.
I'm not about to defend Grant. He is what he is, and there are some that aren't going to like him. But all his friends are from the east coast. He grew up with Mike and the Mad dog. He's also 6'4" and was on his La Cross team in college on a scholarship. I don't know if you know anything about LaCross, but its one tough sport. I doubt that Grants afraid to say anything to anyone's face. But thats beside the point. You don't like him, and thats fine. I'm sure you have company. But don't try and paint him as some weasely coward that hides behind his mike. You do realize that he has to get on the same plane with the players. So at some point he's going to be face to face with whomever he's blasted on the radio.

That doesn't mean I agree with him. I happen to like Martin and I think Grant was out of line. But that doesn't make him some wussy back stabber. Somehow saying what he said on a 50 thousand watt radio station doesn't sound like back stabbing to me. Back stabbing is saying things behind peoples back so that they don't know who its coming from. Its poisioning the water when no one is looking.
whenever i listened to the kings games like gary and fat's portion i always enjoyed how it. love gary gerould's voice

cause its kind of tiring to hear Grant, Jerry's ok... whats it goign to take to hear sean connery broadcast a kings game ;)

i watched the game yesterday, it was the knicks broadcasters who were talking and from their point of view tyreke evan's is so fun to watch when it comes to slashing in the lane...

too bad you're not in the area...you could watch with sound muted and listen to the gman on the radio.
Grants' problem is he's from New York. I've known a few people from New York, and they've told me some stories. It's just a different culture.

For instance if you're taking too long in line to order a pizza, and there are people waiting behind you, or many peope, the clerk might tell you to hurry up an order or he's going to come across the counter. That's a real story.
I don't buy it. Being a kind of a douche isn't a "New York" thing.