what do yall think?



i hate to use the word clutch because i hate the guy, but i would have to agree. the drone seems to be in the right place at the right time and gets the shots to go.


Super Moderator Emeritus
Robert Horry is arguably the player I most love to hate. He'll never make it to the Hall of Fame but he has stepped up time after time after time after time and broken more fans' hearts than any other player I can think of.
He's been doing it for a while and he's made big plays for 3 different franchises making deep playoff runs. So, at least in the last 25 years or so, it looks like he is the most clutch non-star or roleplayer.

Back in 2003 he looked like he nothing left in the tank too, so this is good for him, he's still productive and looks pretty energetic out there.
'Hate' is a strong word.

It was either Obi-wan or Yoda who warned Luke not to give in to hate as that way led to the Darkside.

Then again, remembering how he drained the buzzer beater in 2002 perhaps we can be forgiven for wandering down darker paths every now and then.....


Super Moderator Emeritus
I think you're taking the "hate" thing a little too seriously, LK. Around here, we hate everything from TNT when they're late switching to the second game to Bill Walton's comments to Steve Nash's hair, etc.

It's our job. It's what we do.

i'm just glad he's not on the lakers anymore. it broke my heart when he hit that 3, but he has done it to many teams, he's not just singling the kings out :D

kill the suns horry, cuase i can't stand the suns!
what pisses me off the most about horry is that he can suck for an entire game, but hit the one shot that kills ya. its one thing to be clutch, its another thing entirely to be clutch when you're out of rhythm. horry's made a name for himself in the nba as a big play maker. its what he is. he'll draw the charge in the waning moments of a close game, make a defensive stop when his team needs it, or hit the game winner. he loves crunch time. i respect him for his ability to come up big time and time again, but i still "hate" him for 2002. just doesnt seem fair...


So what do you call a player who sucks for 45 mins and then hits a winning shot???
That can't be the definition of clutch.
thesanityannex said:
So what do you call a player who sucks for 45 mins and then hits a winning shot???
That can't be the definition of clutch.
What do you call a player who plays well most nights and hits big shots, but if he's having an off night or even a terrible night, he can still step up and wants the ball when the game is on the line and he hits a huge shot anyway? That my friend is the very definition of clutch. The other night Robert Horry didn't suck all game, he played good the whole game and even better when the pressure was on. The Spurs have 3 of those guys now, too bad we are down to only one.


Super Moderator Emeritus
thesanityannex said:
So what do you call a player who sucks for 45 mins and then hits a winning shot???
There are only two words in that sentence that matter. WINNING SHOT.

What do I call someone like that? MY HERO!!!


Homer Fan Since 1985
VF21 said:
There are only two words in that sentence that matter. WINNING SHOT.

What do I call someone like that? MY HERO!!!

Only if they where a Sacramento Kings (or Monarchs) jersey. :D
Yeah, Big Shot Rob/Bob certainly deserves his props for his work in the NBA. Other than his little incident with Danny Ainge (throwing a towel in his face) a few years back, I can't off the top of my head think of a single incident in which he has acted in a manner which is in anyway unprofessional for a player of his status (read: complain about playing time or his role in the offense, etc.). And it's not as if he only does work on the offensive end. He takes charges, guards PFs that are much bigger and arguably more talented than he is, blocks shots (there was a game earlier this year where he saved a victory by blocking a shot at the last second), and hustles. He hasn't rested on his laurels, and he can still play the game. In some senses, it's fun to watch a guy like that play. In others, it's a damn nightmare to have the ball "luckily" find it's way into his hands in crucial situations when he is playing against your team. I still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when he dashed my hopes of the Kings taking a 3 games to 1 lead in the 2002 WCF. Don't know if I'll ever forget.
It will always hurt.......

The pain of that shot in 2002 will never fade and yes, I too have tossed the "H" word around about players, coaches, referees, owners, etc. especially anyone who played for the Lakers. But I'm also old enough to remember the standing boovation certain Dodger players received at the 'Stick and the cheers they later received as Giants. Do Reggie Smith and Dusty Baker bring back some good and bad memories from the longtime Giants fans out there? Of course. As much as I hissed at KG in R2's Game 4 and 6 last year, would I cheer for him as a King? Oh yeah.
Emotional attachment for our players and former players is a good thing. I try to save the real dislike for opposing players who I believe disrespect the game, the fans, or the KINGS! You know, people like PJ, Shaq, Spreewell, and of course, Barnabas Cuban.

That said, Horry is a good player who has been very lucky in his career, not just with shots, but with the teams he's landed with.
That's why I hate him! :D